Carries in Genshin Impact can be very polarizing. While some, like Hu Tao
, are fun to play and strong enough to make you pull for them, others fail to receive the same love. This is because it’s hard to create multiple characters that fill the same role of dealing damage differently enough from each other while also maintaining character balance.

Genshin Impact: Best Weapons For Nahida
Whether looking to make Nahida a DPS or Support, these are the best weapons you can equip her with.
Fortunately, Chasca is both unique and absurdly strong. Her self-sustained gameplay and ability to fly around the map make her an extremely comfortable pick, whereas her strong scalings make her perfect for the Spiral Abyss. However, there are some things to know before you try pulling for Chasca to save your Primogems from being wasted.
What’s Chasca Best At?
Superb DPS With Superb Style
Chasca is a main DPS hypercarry. She’s different from Mualani
and other DPS characters because she doesn’t rely on her team members to apply elements to enemies, instead being fully able to sustain herself.
She also synergizes well with team members with no off-field application, like Bennett
, since all she needs to get an element is for a team member with said element to exist.
Chasca Is Not An Anemo DPS
She Can Deal Multi-Element DMG
If you’re pulling for Chasca because you’re looking for a good Anemo DPS to pair with your Faruzan
, you’re in for a surprise. Despite her vision being Anemo, Chasca’s main source of damage consists of the different elements that make up her team.
Having each team member be of a different element is the best way to maximize Chasca’s damage due to her Ascension Passive. However, even if you only have two elements other than Chasca’s Anemo, the damage is still decent.
This is due to her Elemental Skill’s scalings. Essentially, Shadowhunt Shells deal thrice as much damage on average if they’re converted to a different element than Anemo. This makes it so that playing Chasca to deal Anemo damage results in cutting her damage by more than half, making even the four-star Shikanoin Heizou
a better Anemo DPS than her.
Chasca Needs To Be Played With PHEC Teammates
Geo, Dendro, And Anemo Teammates Result In DPS Loss
The core of Chasca’s kit is her Elemental Skill, Spirits Reign, Shadow Hunt. This skill grants her differently colored Shadowhunt Shells that deal enhanced damage if you have characters of different elements in your team.

Genshin Impact: Best Weapons For Hu Tao
The funeral director can be deadly with any of these weapons.
However, this only includes elements that Anemo can directly Swirl, namely Pyro, Hydro, Electro, and Cryo (PHEC). The damage you lose from having even a single non-PHEC teammate is significant enough that even Xilonen’s buff may not be worth the damage loss.
Chasca’s Exploration Works Even Outside Natlan
Exploration Powercreep Is Here
Natlan characters have revolutionized exploration in Genshin Impact with various mechanics that ease your traveling. From Xilonen’s fast rollerblades to Kinich
‘s grappling hook, the overall experience of wandering through Natlan has received extremely positive player feedback. However, since these mechanics rely on Phlogiston, using them to explore Teyvat outside of Natlan isn’t nearly as pleasant.
The duration of time Chasca can fly in other regions will be lower when compared with Natlan due to there being no Phlogiston. However, it’s still higher when compared with other Natlan characters.
Fortunately, Chasca seems to do just fine even outside her home. Her flying speed is naturally fast enough that you don’t need to dash, and the duration and her Nightsoul Points consumption are both extremely efficient as well.
Chasca’s Best Teams Need Bennett And Furina
Other Teams Are Still Decent, Just Significantly Lower In Damage
Unfortunately, Chasca’s best team includes both Furina
and Bennett, two of the most highly in-demand characters in Genshin Impact. She can still function with others, but her personal damage and her being independent of ally skills make buffers extremely good with her, and both of these provide the best buffs in the game!
However, while the damage difference is significant between these teams and others, that doesn’t mean Chasca can’t perform well otherwise. Some of her other best teammates include Layla
, Thoma
, Xiangling
, Ororon, and many other four-star characters.
CRIT Rate Isn’t As Good On Chasca
She Gets 60 Percent By Default
Chasca has a CRIT Rate Ascension Stat. Her best artifact set is also the Obsidian Codex
, which gives the highest CRIT Rate in the game. This makes Chasca start with 60 percent plus CRIT even without accounting for any artifact substats or weapon passives.

Genshin Impact: Every Bow User in The Game
Genshin Impact is all about creating party synergy with abilities. These bow users offer great utility and some are even free!
This results in it being very easy to reach more than 100 percent CRIT Rate on her, often making it a worse stat to roll for than CRIT DMG or even just ATK. Additionally, this means that weapons with CRIT Rate such as the Polar Star
and the Hunter’s Path
are worse than their four-star alternatives under certain conditions.
Amos Bow And Slingshot Don’t Work With Chasca
Bullets Are Faster Than Arrows
Chasca’s Shadowhunt Shell damage is considered Charged ATK DMG. As such, many players might be eager to pick up their dusty Amos Bow from the shelf and finally have a use for it. Unfortunately, the Amos passive doesn’t work on Chasca. This is because while the damage itself is Charged ATK DMG, her Shadowhunt Shells aren’t programmed to fire, they simply spawn on the enemies.
‘s signature, The First Great Magic
, works against Chasca in a different way. While she can get the Charged Attack DMG, since Chasca is encouraged to be played with teammates possessing different elements, the second passive becomes useless.
Similarly, Slingshot’s passive cannot be triggered due to Chasca’s enhanced Charged Attacks functioning more like Nahida
‘s Tri-Karma Purification than Ganyu
‘s level two Charged Shots.
Chasca Can Make Use Of ATK Percentage Goblets
They’re Better Than Anemo or Other Elements
While ATK Goblets might be useful at first, they always lose out to Elemental DMG Bonus once you manage to get them. Since that’s the case, you may have plenty of good ATK percentage main stat goblets lying around that you haven’t gotten a chance to use.
Luckily, Chasca prefers ATK percentage over Anemo DMG or any other main stat. This is due to her damage depending entirely on the elements on her team, and still being random. Her main damage is thus split between different elements, and building towards a single one makes you lose out on others, whereas the ATK percentage stat benefits them all.
Chasca Is The Fastest Character In Genshin Impact
Faster Than Xilonen, The Wanderer, And Yelan
A large reason why people like characters like the Wanderer
or Xilonen is how fast they can run around the map, reducing the time it takes for you to get from one place to another. Chasca continues the trend of Natlan improving Genshin Impact’s exploration, being an even faster character than Xilonen or Yelan

Genshin Impact: Best Battle Pass Weapons For You
If you have Genshin Impact’s Battle Pass, be sure to collect the best weapons you can for your characters.
Furthermore, Chasca’s skill also lasts a long time. This makes her have this increased movement speed for prolonged periods of time on top of already having the highest speed in the game.
Chasca Is The Best Overworld Unit
She Brings Immense Comfort To Your Account
While characters that have the potential to carry your Spiral Abyss or Imaginum Theater runs are certainly useful, Overworld exploration isn’t something to be ignored either. Sadly, Genshin Impact doesn’t have many units that feel comfortable to play as you run around doing commissions and collecting materials.
Chasca has more control over her aerial movement than the Wanderer, letting her move diagonally!
Fortunately, Chasca seems to be the best exploration unit in the game. Her Nightsoul State lasts extremely long and lets her zoom across the map by flying on her rifle. Additionally, since she doesn’t need to swap to other characters to trigger reactions, this simplifies killing enemies in the Overworld, adding on to her comfort as a character.
Elemental Mastery Isn’t As Good As You May First Think
ATK Is Almost Always Better
Seeing how Chasca shoots multiple elements at once, your first thought might go to a full Elemental Mastery build. However, generally, ATK scales a lot better. This is mainly due to how her ICD is the same as other skills, making only three of the six shots fired apply elements.
ICD or Internal Cooldown refers to how often a character can apply elements to an enemy. For Chasca, only the first and fourth bullets can trigger reactions on any singular enemy.
Not only does this mean three reactions max, but the elements themselves are also random, meaning there’s a chance you don’t even hit one proper reaction. On the other hand, going for high levels of ATK ensures every single shot deals significant damage while still increasing the damage of the occasional reaction.
Chasca With Viridescent Venerer Is Weird
It Can Still Work, But Why?
If you’re looking for a good Anemo unit to proc the Viridescent Venerer ( VV) effect for your team, you’re looking in the wrong place. Chasca can still be a fine VV trigger in Mono-Element teams, but the moment you start putting characters of different elements with her, the consistency of her Swirls goes down a lot.
This is because her Elemental Skill, the main source of her Anemo, gains Elemental Infusion depending on your teammates. Furthermore, since the skill follows standard ICD, this means that Chasca will only be able to swirl one element on a single enemy. Additionally, Chasca shoots out her elemental attacks before the Anemo ones. Since the elemental infusion is largely random, this means that you cannot choose which element you want to Swirl. Overall, while Chasca can still work as a VV holder, it’ll be far from decent.
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