Key Takeaways
- Hello There reduces Unit health and power for three Resources, catching opponents by surprise if played strategically.
- Invasion of Christophsis costs 15 Resources, clearing all opponent’s units, with cost reduction through Exploit Keyword.
- Unmasking The Conspiracy lets you view and discard opponent’s cards for just one Resource, gaining strategic advantage.
Star Wars: Unlimited adds so much value and strategy to the card game in the Twilight of the Republic set. This time, leaving the era of the Rebellion and the Resistance, this set takes players back to the era of the Clone Wars where one of the greatest battles for the Galaxy was fought.

Star Wars: Unlimited – The 10 Best Event Cards In Shadows Of The Galaxy
Learn all about the best event cards from Shadows Of The Galaxy in Star Wars.
With plenty of backhanded tactics, Units, and Leaders ready to help you secure victory against your opponent, the Star Wars: Unlimited card game has never looked or felt better. So as you pull through your packs, here are ten cards to keep an eye on if you want to win more games.
Hello There
Ah, General Kenobi
Sporting the Heroism and Vigilance aspects, Hello There takes one of the most iconic Star Wars memes and adapts it into card form. For a cost of three Resources, you can give a Unit minus four health and power.
This can be enough to snuff out your opponent’s weaker Units while significantly weakening their stronger Units, making them vulnerable. This card is true to the line it originated from, since it will definitely catch your opponent by surprise if you play it at the right moment.
The Invasion Of Christophsis
High Cost And Deep Discounts
The Invasion of Christophsis is a killer card which works well in games against one other opponent or playing with a maximum head count. For 15 Resources, you can choose one of your opponents and perform a complete board wipe.

Star Wars: Unlimited – The 10 Best Ground Cards In Shadows Of The Galaxy
Learn which ones are the best Ground cards from Shadows Of The Galaxy in Star Wars: Unlimited!
This gets rid of all their Space and Ground Units. While it has a steep cost, you can reduce that Resource price by eight due to the card’s Exploit Keyword. This Keyword lets you defeat some of your own units to lower the cost by two each. With this set’s ability to spit out Tokens, you can reduce this cost to seven easily.
Darth Maul, Revenge At Last
A Double Bladed Lightsaber
In the films, Darth Maul instantly became cool because of his double-bladed lightsaber. Star Wars: Unlimited adapts this specific skill perfectly by allowing Darth Maul to strike at two opponents at the same time.
This means that with one strike, you have the chance to take down two enemy Units due to Darth Maul’s decent power stat. The only downside is that Darth Maul will also take damage from both of those Units. Used strategically though, it can be your most powerful Ground Unit.
Now There Are Two Of Them
Take The Lead Early
Some cards are just perfect for opening up a whole new world of possibility. Now There Are Two of Them is yet another Star Wars meme that will have your opponent laughing till they see what the card does.

Star Wars: Unlimited – The 8 Best Base Cards
Bases are the foundation of your Star WarS: Unlimited deck.
For the cost of three resources, you can use this card to reduce the cost of another non-vehicle Unit by five. This can let you get some of the more expensive Units out earlier in the game. However, unlike other cards where you don’t get to choose which Unit gets a discount, this one lets you choose one in your hand that has a matching trait to the Unit on the board.
Ahsoka Tano, Always Ready For Trouble
Quick Evasion And Return
Ahsoka Tano is a three-cost card that brings out one of the most iconic characters from the Clone Wars series. This card is great for the early game since it gains Ambush when your opponent has more Units than you.
This means Ahsoka Tano can be ready to start attacking right away and get rid of a few Units along the way. However, what makes this card interesting is that it also has an Action that costs two Resources which allows her to bounce back to your hand as well as any upgrades on the card. Now, you can play Ahsoka again but with the card’s health replenished.
General Grievous, Trophy Collector
Watch Your Collection Grow
General Grievous Trophy Collector takes a little bit of setting up in order to fully utilize it, but it is an absolute monster once you unlock its full power. While the card costs three resources to deploy, it allows you to play Lightsaber upgrades without paying any aspect penalty.

Star Wars: Unlimited – The 10 Best Leaders In Shadows Of The Galaxy
These leaders can enhance your other cards in the best ways, helping you do everything from overwhelm the early game to making great combos.
This is good because it makes it easier to stack General Grievous with Lightsaber upgrades quickly, and get it to four so it can instantly defeat four enemy Units with one attack. Your opponent will just have to watch as all their Units simply vanish.
Clear The Field
A Chain Removal
Clear The Field works best when your opponent or opponents are all using the same cards, and you want them gone. Essentially, this card lets you choose one non-leader card with a cost of three or less and bounce it back to the hand.
Doing this also bounces back any other Unit with the same name. While this may seem like a card for niche situations, with so many Tokens that are treated as Units on both the Clone and Droid factions, using this card will help you clear the field of them. The best part is that, because those are technically Tokens, they get bounced, but don’t go back to the hand.
Unmasking The Conspiracy
Knowledge And Control
There is nothing more tactical than being able to look at your opponent’s hand and getting rid of one of their cards. This is what Unmasking the Conspiracy can do for you. This Cunning aspect card only costs one Resource to use and a discard from your own hand.

Star Wars: Unlimited – The 10 Best Unit Cards In Shadows Of The Galaxy
Units are essential to your Star Wars: Unlimited deck, and Shadows Of The Galaxy brought with it some great ones.
In exchange, you get hand knowledge of what your opponent has in store for you and choose to get rid of one of their best cards before they even get to play it. It pays to know what comes next.
Cad Bane, Hostage Taker
Take Hostages And Get Paid
If you’re already using cards that can weaken your opponent’s best Units, Cad Bane is a bounty hunter that can swoop in and take those targets away easier. This is because Cad Bane instantly captures up to three non-leader Units with a total of eight or less remaining HP.
Not only is this good for removing pieces from the board, but your opponent will have to let you draw two cards each time they want to get one of those Units back. This adds plenty of flexibility whether you need three cards instantly out of the way or hold your opponent’s best cards ransom.
Anakin Skywalker, What It Takes To Win
A Powerful Aggression Leader
One of the best Leaders in Twilight of the Republic is Anakin Skywalker – What It Takes To Win. This card is as aggressive as it gets, since it damages your own Base to power up your Unit’s attacks.
Once Anakin gets deployed as a Leader Unit, all the damage done to your Base becomes part of this card’s Power. This means one Power for every five damage your Base has taken. This quickly adds up and with Overwhelm, it can devastate your opponent’s Base with some very aggressive tactics.
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