Black Ops 6 Terminus Mega Stuffy easter egg

Black Ops 6 Terminus Mega Stuffy easter egg

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How do you get the Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus Mega Stuffy? It’s a well-known fact that there are plenty of easter eggs and secrets to unlock in Call of Duty Zombies, and Treyarch’s Black Ops entries feature some of the best. The Terminus Mega-Stuffy is also perhaps the single best easter egg we’ve seen in a while, providing you with a deadly stuffed toy that can down zombies and revive you and your teammates.

Terminus is one of the biggest Zombies maps we’ve ever seen, complete with separate locations reachable only by boat, so there’s plenty of room to hide easter eggs. So, here’s everything you need to know about collecting the Black Ops 6 stuffed toys to make the Zombies Mega-Stuffy.

The Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus Mega-Stuffy floats above the player.

How to unlock the BO6 Zombies Mega Stuffy easter egg

To craft the magical Mega-Stuffy, you must find and interact with six stuffed toys around the map. Next, head to the Living Quarters where the toys are now sat on the bunks. Interact with one of the toys and watch as the powerful Mega-Stuffy is forged in front of your eyes.

The Mega-Stuffy is an amalgamation of all six toys, and it follows you around the map shooting enemies. The Mega-Stuffy’s real power is its ability to revive you and your teammates. Whether you’re solo or in a squad, the stuffy can revive you multiple times before despawning, making it an incredibly valuable asset.

BO6 Mega Stuffy toy locations

Here are all six BO6 stuffy locations in the Terminus map:

  • A locker next to the Stamin-Up machine
  • On the bridge between Engineering and the Sea Tower
  • In the Mining Tunnels
  • Near the Bio Lab medical unit
  • On the Shipwreck
  • Crab Island

A pink unicorn peeks out of a locker in one half of the image, a map is on the other, showing the location of one of the Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus Mega-Stuffy toy locations.

A locker next to the Stamin-Up machine

The first Terminus stuffy can be found in a locker next to the Stamin-Up Perk-A-Cola machine. This room can only be entered once you have powered on the first AMP machine at spawn. Leave the room, head down the stairs, and enter the doors to the left of the Black Ops 6 Gobblegum machine. Descend another set of stairs in this room, and the Stamin-Up machine is in front of you. A pink unicorn stuffy can be seen in the ajar locker to your left.

A chimpanzee toy on the other side of a fence takes up one half of the image, a map is on the other, showing the location of one of the Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus Mega-Stuffy toy locations.

On the bridge between Engineering and the Sea Tower

Upon powering on the second AMP machine, you can continue to the Sea Tower. There are two bridges to the Sea Tower, and you’ll find a little chimpanzee toy on the bridge between the Engineering building and the Sea Tower. The toy is located on the left-hand side of the door to Engineering, on the other side of the fence.

An elephant toy on the ground takes up one half of the image, a map is on the other, showing the location of one of the Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus Mega-Stuffy toy locations.

In the Mining Tunnels

Head down the Sea Tower steps and unlock the entrance to the mining tunnels for 500 Essence. Go inside and follow the right-hand tunnel to find a blue elephant stuffy on the ground. If you take the left-hand tunnel, you’ll find a pair of headphones needed to activate the Terminus easter egg song as well.

A teddy bear sits on an IV machine in one half of the image, a map is on the other, showing the location of one of the Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus Mega-Stuffy toy locations.

Near the Bio Lab medical unit

Once inside the Bio Lab, you can find a teddy bear stuffed toy near the medical unit. This is the set-up near the crafting bench that includes an IV machine and other medical equipment. The bear is sitting on the floor at the base of the IV machine.

A duck stuffed toy in a red dustbin takes up one half of the image, a map is on the other, showing the location of one of the Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus Mega-Stuffy toy locations.

On the Shipwreck

With the most simple stuffy locations checked off, it’s time to grab a tactical raft and leave the island. First, using the tactical raft spawner at the base of the Sea Tower, head towards the Shipwreck to the east. Once docked, run up the right-hand side where you’ll find a duck stuffed toy in a red dumpster. This one is quite difficult to see, but it’s tucked into the front right corner of the bin.

A giraffe stuffed toy under a light takes up one half of the image, a map is on the other, showing the location of one of the Black Ops 6 Zombies Terminus Mega-Stuffy toy locations.

Crab Island

Get back into your raft and head off the shipwreck to Crab island. Moor on the side of the island closest to the ship where the crafting bench is located. Head up the path towards the wall weapon, and the giraffe plushy can be found behind the light on your right.

Now you’ve got the BO6 Zombies Terminus Mega-Stuffy, it might be time to check some other Zombies easter eggs off the list – especially since you’ll have the Mega-Stuffy to support you in your endeavors. When you’re in Liberty Falls, there’s the Aetherella easter egg to try instead, and a new map is on the way with Black Ops 6 season one, so there’ll surely be even more secrets to unravel.

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