The Sims Life and Death expansion pack brings a new collectible for players to complete. Although every player starts with a basic tarot card deck, there is a special deck to discover: The Lady Ravendancer Tarot Deck.

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With the Lady Ravendancer Tarot Deck, players can not only perform readings for other Sims, as they can with their basic deck but also access extra features like summoning the spirit of Lady Ravendancer. Completing the deck requires collecting all 26 cards, which takes the player around every neighborhood in Ravenwood.
1 How to Get the High Spellcaster Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: High Spellcaster
- Rarity: Common
- Requirement: The first card the Sim receives
The High Spellcaster tarot card is given automatically when the Sim begins their Lady Ravendancer Tarot Card Deck challenge in The Sims 4.
To start collecting, gamers have to visit any one of the Tarot Tomes in the Ravenwood neighborhoods. Once there, they must approach the plinth, interact with the tome, and learn about the Order of Lenore, who the Sim will meet later.
2 How to Get the Cups Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: Cups
- Rarity: Common
- Requirement: Explore a Crypt in Ravenwood
The Cups is one of four tarot cards players will find as they explore any of the Crypts in Ravenwood. These cards appear randomly, and the Sim may have to explore the Crypt more than once to find each of them.
3 How to Get the Coins Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: Coins
- Rarity: Common
- Requirement: Explore a Crypt in Ravenwood
The Coins is another tarot card that’s relatively easy to find. Players need to explore a crypt within Ravenwood to uncover this card.

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Decisions made inside the crypt don’t affect the outcome of finding a card. If the Sim leaves without the card, players can make them explore again until they find it.
4 How to Get the Wands Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: Wands
- Rarity: Common
- Requirement: Explore a Crypt in Ravenwood
Similarly to the cards mentioned above, the Wands tarot card requires players to explore a crypt in Ravenwood.
5 How to Get the Swords Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: Swords
- Rarity: Common
- Requirement: Explore any Crypt in Ravenwood
In the collection, the Swords tarot card is the final crypt card to discover – although players may find these cards in any random order. Gamers can find this card by exploring the crypts around Ravenwood until it is discovered. It is discoverable in any of the crypts in the Ravenwood neighborhoods.
6 How to Get the Star Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: The Star
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Requirement: Use Intuition at The Guardian Tree
The Star tarot card can be found by using Intuition at The Guardian Tree, which is located in Mourningvale, near The Cozy Casket House and the stone circle.
To get The Star card, players must interact with the tree select the Use Intuition option. This may have to be attempted a few times before the card appears.
7 How to Get the Justice Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: Justice
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Requirement: Use Intuition at The Guardian Tree
The Justice tarot card can be discovered when players use Intuition at The Guardian Tree. To find it, they must visit Mourningvale and approach the tree via The Cozy Caskey House nearby. Then, they must click the Use Intuition option to attempt to uncover the card.
8 How to Get the Empress Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: The Empress
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Requirement: Use Intuition at The Baleful Bog
The Baleful Bog is a shimmering blue lake in Mourningvale where spirits can be reborn or the living can test out what it is like to be a ghost. It is also the place where players can visit to use their Intuition and try to find The Empress tarot card.

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9 How to Get the Evil Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: Evil
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Requirement: Use Intuition at The Well of Longing and Regret
The Evil tarot card is uncovered when players use Intuition at The Well of Longing and Regret in Crow’s Crossing. The Sim will be spooked because the angry spirit of Edith is nearby, but they will still be able to find the card.
The tarot card may not show the first few times of trying, so players should stick at it until it appears.
10 How to Get the Tower Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: The Tower
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Requirement: Use Intuition at The Well of Longing and Regret
While at The Well of Longing and Regret, players should try using Intuition a few times to uncover as many cards as possible, and this will include The Tower card. Edith may come over and chat, but players can ignore her and the growing fear inside the Sim.
11 How to Get the Wheel Of Fortune Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: The Wheel Of Fortune
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Requirement: Use Intuition at Edith’s grave
Little Edith is an angry ghost of a child who haunts near The Well of Longing and Regret. Her gravesite is nearby, just south of the well. To get The Wheel Of Fortune tarot card, players must visit Edith’s grave and click to Use Intuition. This also works at any of the Specter graves in the center of Crow’s Crossing.
12 How to Get the Suspension Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: Suspension
- Rarity: Uncommon
- Requirement: Use Intuition at Edith’s grave
Suspension can be found by either using Intuition at Edith’s grave, like in The Wheel Of Fortune above, or by using the levitation power learned in Ghost Mastery. Using Intuition is the easiest way to find this card, but using levitation is a lot more fun.
13 How to Get the Hermit Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: The Hermit
- Rarity: Common
- Requirement: Purchase from the Mysterious Merchant for 200 Simoleons
A simple enough card to find, but it may take a few attempts before Waylon Warez, the Mysterious Merchant in The Sims 4‘s Ravenwood, has it in stock.

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Waylon can be found standing around in the Eternal Hollow Ceremony, at the Ravenwood Family Festival in Crow’s Crossing, or at the Thinned Festiveil in Mourningvale.
14 How to Get the Chariot Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: The Chariot
- Rarity: Common
- Requirement: Purchase from Waylon Warez for $200
The Chariot tarot card is also purchasable from Waylon Warez in Mourningvale or Crow’s Crossing. If he does not yet have it in stock then players may want to purchase something else and try again later. After a couple of attempts, he will have it for sale.
15 How to Get the World Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: The World
- Rarity: Common
- Requirement: Interact with a crow
This is easily achieved if players find Waylon in Crow’s Crossing, as there is a crow on a perch just nearby. If not, the Grim Standard Ascendant Crow is readily available to purchase from Build Mode for 825 Simoleons. To get the card, players have to interact with the crow on the perch, but they’ll want to avoid provoking, as it can lead to an untimely death for the Sim.
16 How to Get the Temperance Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: Temperance
- Rarity: Common
- Requirement: Seek catharsis from a Specter
To get the Temperance tarot card, gamers will have to visit the Specters in the children’s park at Crow’s Crossing. However, it will only work if the Sim is in a negative mood, such as Sad or Uncomfortable. Gamers can approach one of the small, blue ghostly blobs and click Seek Catharsis to earn the Temperance tarot card and add it to the deck.

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17 How to Get the Moon Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: The Moon
- Rarity: Common
- Requirement: Get dirty hands at the Moon Revelry Festival
To get the Moon tarot card in The Sims 4, players will want to send their Sim to the Moon Revelry Festival to dig in a patch of dirt. The festival occurs every night in Whispering Glen from 7:20 PM to 11:20 PM at the Ancestor Face Cliff. To get there, gamers can travel to the nearby residential lot, Hay Hill Landing, and find the festival close by.
18 How to Get the Advocate Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: The Advocate
- Rarity: Rare
- Requirement: Complete Macabre Mysteries favor for The Grim Enthusiast
One of the Order of Lenore is Nyon Specter, The Grim Enthusiast. Nyon lives in the Specter Family Manor at Crow’s Crossing with his mother Olive, and his stepfather. He can also be found lurking at the Ravenwood Family Festival. To get The Advocate tarot card, gamers have to speak to Nyon and select Offer To Help With Favor. They can choose to have two active favors at one time, and each favor rewards the Sim with a tarot card once all three requirements are complete.

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To complete the required goals, players have to visit the Specter Family grave sites found in Crow’s Crossing and read each of the epitaphs. Next, they must speak to Waylon Warez and purchase four Souls before finally reporting back to Nyon.
19 How to Get the Fool Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: The Fool
- Rarity: Rare
- Requirement: Complete Grim Beginnings favor for The Grim Enthusiast
Just like before, players will have to speak to Nyon Specter at the Specter Family Manor or the Ravenwood Family Festival and select Offer To Help With Favor. Next, they will have to find the Grim Reaper.
Grim is usually found wandering Mourningvale or at his workplace, which players can access by joining the Reaper career. The Fool tarot card is obtained by first speaking to Grim and then giving him the gnome from Nyon. Once done, players will have to report back to Nyon.
20 How to Get the Lovers Tarot Card in The Sims 4
- Tarot Card: The Lovers
- Rarity: Rare
- Requirement: Complete the Unfinished Boo-siness favor for the Widowed Father
The Widowed Father is Ekade Aether, one of the four Order of Lenore. He lives with his child in Whispering Glen or can be found dancing the night away at the Moon Revelry Festival. To start this task, players have to speak to Ekade and select Offer To Help With Favor.
Then, to get The Lovers tarot card, they must talk to a ghost and then attend Afterlife Anonymous to ask three ghosts about Unfinished Business. Afterlife Anonymous meetings take place on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6 PM to 11 PM and also on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 AM to 4 PM. After completing those tasks, they can return and speak to Ekade Aether.
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