Every Mythic in Fortnite, Ranked

Every Mythic in Fortnite, Ranked

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Fortnite Remix provides players with a nostalgic arsenal, even if there are a few new faces hitting the scene in this Chapter 2 mashup. Mythic weapons are some of the most highly desired pieces of gear for anyone’s arsenal in Fortnite, and with Fortnite Remix hitting the screen, it’s time to find the best of them and change the tide of war.

Fortnite Remix: All Boss Locations

Fortnite Remix may be a short season on the Chapter 2 island, but it’s not without its powerful weaponry and boss fights.

With more Mythics yet to come for Fortnite Remix, it’s time to look at the ones available so that players can decide whether they want to pursue these one-of-a-kind weapons to craft the ultimate loadout that will gain them the victory royale.

3 Dynamo TNTina’s Ka-Boom Bow

An Explosive Bow That Fires Too Slow to Be Viable

using the ka-boom bow



Fire Rate


Magazine Size


Reload Time


The Ka-Boom Bow isn’t that impressive due to how it functions, and while it might look pretty and has a snazzy fire mode to explode targets and provide 100 damage per shot, it’s simply not that viable in the current loot pool due to alternative weapons that make use of the hitscan function returning.

With all weapons having a hitscan, the Ka-Boom Bow is in a weird projectile place where players need to be far more accurate with it. Considering it aims at the range as a sniper would, it’s better to take a sniper for that instant-elimination with a headshot, opposed to a healable 115 damage from a bow shot that may nor may not provide splash damage.

2 Meowdas’s Peow Peow Rifle

A Hard-Hitting Assault Rifle, Perfect for Mid and Long-Range Engagements

using the peow peow rifle



Fire Rate


Magazine Size


Reload Time


Meowdas has quite an impressive assault rifle on his golden paws that players can snatch from him, and it’s one worth keeping around for its potential in the heat of battle. Meowdas’s Peow Peow Rifle has a slower rate of fire than most other assault rifles, but it has a violent kick that will eliminate anyone who comes into contact with its barrel.

Fortnite Remix: Hidden Mechanics

Fortnite is a game that’s constantly evolving, and as such, players might have missed these hidden mechanics that could see them claim Victory Royale.

This is a weapon that hits hard in the body or the head, dealing grand damage that will easily take foes out in just a few shots of its 25-bullet magazine. Thanks to the return of hitscan weapons for this Remix season, the Peow Peow Rifle excels at accuracy and longer distances.

1 Snoop Dogg’s Drum Gun

A Rapid Fire Assault Rifle With Little Recoil and Lots of Ammo

using snoop dogg's drum gun



Fire Rate


Magazine Size


Reload Time


Of course, it’s Snoop Dogg who has the best Mythic weapon in Fortnite Remix, and that’s no shock considering it’s an homage to the original Midas’s Drum Gun, which featured an absurdly high fire rate with practically no recoil to negate the power of this weapon. With Snoop Dogg’s Drum Gun, players can become a weapon of death itself.

Snoop Dogg’s Drum Gun has a great magazine, and using Medium Bullets, it can shred through anyone who comes into contact with it. While it might not excel at long range, it still boats an incredible fight for closer ranges that has it rival, if not beat, SMGs and Shotguns.


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