Echoes of Wisdom May Have Overturned the Series’ Combat Status Quo

Echoes of Wisdom May Have Overturned the Series' Combat Status Quo

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The Legend of Zelda: Heroes of Wisdom may have uncovered a twist that could dramatically change combat in the series. Considering how differently the game plays from most Legend of Zelda titles, there was bound to be a bevy of brand-new strategies. Even with all of the differences, there is one way for The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom to have an effect on combat across the series. The specific combat style of Echoes of Wisdom probably won’t be a mainstay. However, it may have opened a door that Link’s swordsmanship would be able to follow nonetheless.

The differences in Echoes of Wisdom‘s combat system make it unique among The Legend of Zelda series. Zelda does have the ability to temporarily use a sword, but for the most part, she fights indirectly by summoning echoes of monsters and objects. This grants players a wide variety of options to employ in battle. Even echoes that aren’t combat-focused, such as boxes and wind turbines, can still be used to disrupt enemies. This makes Zelda a versatile combatant even without access to Link’s usual arsenal of items. Echoes of Wisdom‘s focus on puzzles extends to its combat, giving it a twist all its own.

Nintendo’s Other Franchises Are Hopefully Watching Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom Closely

The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom takes the series in a direction that could be a benefit to several Nintendo IPs in the long run.

Bed Echoes Could Be a Stepping Stone For Changing The Legend of Zelda’s Combat Dynamics

Echoes of Wisdom’s Bed Echoes Are an Amazing Healing Option

The unexpectedly useful bed echoes in Echoes of Wisdom are among Zelda’s best assets for one big reason. Players will first use them to complete a platforming puzzle and will continue to do so throughout the game. However, Zelda can also rest in a summoned bed with the A button, restoring health at a rate depending on the bed echo in question. There is no limit to how many times the player can do this, so Zelda can heal up to full anytime that she’s out of danger. This frees up healing items to be used in the heat of difficult fights.

Echoes of Wisdom‘s beds could inspire a change to healing in The Legend of Zelda as a whole. If Link had access to a healing source as powerful as Echoes of Wisdom‘s beds, then players would have far fewer worries about being able to find a chance to heal. It could come from a new ability, the game’s signature item, or some other source. Either way, an easier source of healing could also mean a change to combat difficulty. Basic battles could become tougher on average to compensate for Link’s greater endurance, adding more of a threat factor to Ganon’s forces.

Later Zelda Titles can Rebalance Healing and Combat DIfficulty

This kind of change in dynamics could end up being a vital way for Echoes of Wisdom to change combat in The Legend of Zelda. Making fights harder while letting Link heal more freely would give the developers plenty of opportunities to try new things. Rather than simply making monsters stronger, they could have more attacks or abilities to keep players on their toes. More intricate setups for combat could make each dungeon feel even more unique than in past installments. Taking on this approach could uncap the potential of The Legend of Zelda‘s monsters and make Link’s next adventure a more thrilling ride.

The beds are unexpectedly some of Echoes of Wisdom‘s best echoes, and they could trigger a greater effect across the series. The future of The Legend of Zelda is sure to involve many new ideas, just like games past. A rebalancing of ease of healing and combat difficulty could add a new twist to the formula for adventures to follow. At the very least, it would be worth trying for one game. The bed echoes from Echoes of Wisdom could be the key to a new kind of combat in the series.

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