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Best Consumable Items In Persona 3 Reload

Best Consumable Items In Persona 3 Reload


  • In Persona 3 Reload, players can visit Aohige Pharmacy to acquire healing items like Medicine and Band Ace.
  • Tartarus, the game’s dungeon, is a place where players can find items like Life Stone and Baisudi Gem for healing and curing status ailments.
  • Trafuri Gems are useful for instantly escaping battles, but they cannot be used against bosses.



Every good RPG needs items to keep the party alive during battle, and Persona 3 Reload is no different. The shops function differently throughout the series, but players can visit a standard pharmacy to get what they need. It’s called Aohige Pharmacy, but that’s not the only place players can get healing items from.

6 Beginner Tips For Persona 3 Reload

Looking to start Persona 3 Reloaded for the first time? Here are a few key things to keep in mind.

Persona 3 Reload’s dungeon is called Tartarus, which is an alternate version of the school, aaa. Inside Tartarus, players can get items from chests, after battle for rewards, and so on. Of the many early items players can acquire, these are the ones to have on hand at all times. They are standards for RPGs in one way or another.

8 Medicine

Heals 50 HP

Medicine item in Persona 3 Reload-1
  • Location: Aohige Pharmacy

Every good RPG needs a way to heal characters and potions are the standard for many of them. In Persona 3 Reload, the basic healing item is just called Medicine, and it can be picked up at the local pharmacy.

While it doesn’t heal a lot, there are better versions that do, such as the Medicinal Powder which will heal characters for a hundred HP as opposed to the Medicine’s healing power of 50. Even better items will unlock as the game progresses, like the Value Medicine that heals the whole party for 50 HP.

7 Life Stone

Heal 30% HP

Life Stone item in Persona 3 Reload-1

The Life Stone is another basic healing item, but its purposes and where it is found are different. Instead of healing a straight amount of HP like the Medicine, a Life Stone will heal a percentage of the character’s health. Based on damage, this could heal for more than 50 or less.

They are quite plentiful in Tartarus, the game’s ever-growing dungeon, so to save money, players may want to rely on acquiring Life Stones instead. It’s good to have as many ways to heal as possible in an RPG though beyond healing-based characters.

6 Band Ace

Revive Ally With 50% HP

Band Ace item in Persona 3 Reload-1
  • Location: Aohige Pharmacy

The Band Ace is yet another healing item, but this one is for the dead. If a character falls in battle, they will need to be revived with a Band Ace, which will bring them back to half of their health. It does nothing for their SP, but it’s better to be alive than worry about SP anyway.

Persona 3 Reload: 6 Beginner Mistakes To Avoid When Exploring Tartarus

Players who are new to Persona 3 Reload often face these common stumbling blocks when venturing into Tartarus. Here’s what not to do.

The Band Ace can be purchased at the pharmacy, but there is a dungeon-based alternative as well. Players can find Revival Beads in Tartarus, which have the same effects as the Band Ace.

5 Soul Drop

Heals 10 SP

Soul Drop item in Persona 3 Reload-1

The Soul Drop is an item that can heal SP, which is a much-needed commodity in Persona 3 Reload. It allows players to cast magic during battle, like the fire-based spell Agi. The best thing about the turn-based battle system is that enemies weak to elemental attacks, again like Agi, will grant players extra turns if hit.

So, players are encouraged to use SP, but it depletes fast, thus creating the need for items like Soul Drops. The problem is that they only heal 10 SP, and they are random drops in Tartarus. There is no good way to buy SP healing items for a long time in Persona 3 Reload.

4 Dis-Poison

Cures Poison

Dis-Poison item in Persona 3 Reload-1
  • Location: Aohige Pharmacy

The Dis-Poison item can be bought at the local pharmacy and, true to its name, it can heal poisoned characters. Poison works in Persona 3 Reload the same way it does in many RPGs. Infected characters will take damage on their turn until the effect dissipates with time.

Two other status-healing items should also be in the player’s inventory: Dis-Rage and Dis-Charm. Rage will have characters attack enemies automatically, which isn’t terrible, but charmed characters will attack party members, which is terrible.

3 Baisudi Gem

Cures Freeze/Shock/Poison/Down/Dizzy

Baisudi Gem item in Persona 3 Reload-1

The Baisudi Gem is a very useful healing item that can get rid of multiple status-inflicting ailments, including Poison. It’s nice to have items like this around to help reduce clutter in the inventory.

Persona 3 Reload: Best Early Game Cards To Get During Shuffle Time

To make the most out of Persona 3 Reload’s Shuffle Time, players should snag the following cards at their earliest convenience.

The Baisudi Gem cannot be bought as it only drops in Tartarus. It’s quite a rare item too, so players should horde them until dire circumstances arise, like in one of Persona 3 Reload‘s many difficult boss fights.

2 Homunculus

Protects Against Instakill

Homunculus item in Persona 3 Reload-1

In Persona 3 Reload, the Homunculus is an item that will take a fatal blow for a character. For example, there is a spell called Hama in the game. If successful, Hama will instantly kill a character on the spot, but the Homunculus item will block these attacks.

It’s a good decoy item and one that is another rare find in Tartarus. Instakill attacks in RPGs can induce a lot of tears due to their unfairness, so items like the Homunculus are quite coveted.

1 Trafuri Gem

Escape Instantly From Battle

Trafuri Gem item in Persona 3 Reload-1

Sometimes in an RPG, players have to know when to cut their losses and run from battle. Escaping is not always guaranteed though, and a wasted turn escaping can result in a Game Over screen. That’s why items like Trafuri Gems are nice to have around.

This item will allow players to instantly escape from most battles, although there are exceptions. Bosses cannot be escaped from, but that goes for most games, even beyond RPGs like Persona 3 Reload.

persona 3 reload
Persona 3 Reload

February 2, 2024


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