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LCK 2024 Jungle Power Rankings

With many junglers changing teams during the offseason, here are our Jungle player rankings ahead of the 2024 LCK Spring Split.

lck jungle player rankingslck jungle player rankings

Photo Credit: Yicun Liu/Riot Games

LCK Jungle Power Rankings – 2024 Spring Split

5. Pyosik

I had mixed feelings for Pyosik throughout the 2023 season. He wasn’t actually that great on Team Liquid but he was probably the best player on the team once Worlds came around. Now that he has gone back to the LCK, I feel like he can deliver more than what he showed last year.

His playstyle and champion pool are a bit more meta-reliant compared to other junglers in this list. Additionally, I always felt like it’s much harder for teams to play around carry-oriented junglers so for now, he will probably be in the mid pack.

4. Cuzz

I’m quite excited to see Cuzz on the Kwangdong Freecs lineup. After struggling in the past years, he probably had his best year on KT. If he can maintain that level of play, he can probably push KDF into the playoff run.

My only concern is how the amount of random moments he might have during the splits. He still had them on KT and I don’t think they will go away any time soon. Regardless, his ceiling is high so he deserves to be in the top four.

3. Peanut

Peanut once again struggled when the international stages came around. It happened at MSI and it happened at Worlds too. While I don’t question his level of play domestically, I give a lot of importance when it comes to stepping up in key moments. And for now, Peanut has performed below the expectations.

He’s definitely a solid player that will always guarantee you a “base value”, but his peak potential is a bit lower than the other top junglers in this list, which is why I’m rating him 3rd.

2. Oner

If it weren’t for Oner’s stellar performance at Worlds, I would have probably rated him much lower on this list. But he impressed me so much that it’s tough to not put him in the top two of the LCK.

His evolution from the LCK Summer to the World Championship made me realize that sometimes players just need a bit of time to find their groove. The engages and overall map presence were outstanding, and I have little doubt he will maintain them going into 2024, making him an all-rounded player.

1. Canyon

Canyon and DK might have had a rough season but to me, it’s still clear that he’s the jungle king of the LCK. From an individual perspective, he’s still probably the most complete player, given his ability to play all types of champions and playstyles.

Now that he joined Gen.G, we might be able to witness Canyon’s full potential. I just hope that he doesn’t get “restrained” given the presence of other big carries like Chovy and Peyz, and that Gen.G can take advantage of his characteristics and have flexible and creative strategies and team compositions.

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