Invincible: The Comic’s Strongest Viltrumites

Invincible: The Comic's Strongest Viltrumites
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The Viltrumites are easily the strongest beings in the Invincible universe, and as these beings fight to conquer the galaxy for their own selfish powers, they exhibit some incredible strengths that make them feared by most, while the few heroes of them remain beloved and are seen as helpful saviors.


Invincible: The Fate of All Characters from the Comics

The most important characters from the Invincible comics have their fates revealed in this article, but beware of spoilers for the Amazon Prime show!

Considering the Viltrumites are the strongest species in the galaxy for the Invincible comics, it’s worth looking at the few from the comics that fans know of, and judging them based on their strengths and resilience to see who the greatest among them is, and who deserves to be the Viltrum Emperor.

Major spoilers ahead for Invincible!


Oliver Grayson

The Half Thraxan / Half Viltrumite Kid Superhero

oliver grayson protects terra
  • Strongest feat: Fighting in the Viltrumite War

Oliver is easily one of the weakest Viltrumites, but that’s not exactly his fault. He has courage, he won’t back down from a fight he can’t win, but the problem lies in his DNA. While Oliver’s Viltrumite DNA is going to overpower the DNA of his Thraxan DNA, he is still half Viltrumite, at least for now. As such, his youthfulness in terms of body and mind makes him a liability in a fight, and someone who is a lot weaker than pure-blooded Viltrumites.

Oliver has almost gotten himself killed countless times at his young age, and the fact that he doesn’t have the strength or the density of a pure-blooded Viltrumite means that a single punch from one could easily break him beyond repair.


General Kregg

A Powerful and Thousand-Year-Old Viltrumite General

kregg fights thragg
  • Strongest feat: Laying waste to Talescria

General Kregg is a survivor of the Scourge Virus, which may just be why he isn’t always seen in combat alongside the other Viltrumites. While it’s obvious that Kregg is strong since he has a general position among their ranks, it’s clear that he could be beaten by superior Viltrumites, especially those who do not respect him, but luckily that’s far and few.

Kregg gives orders to other Viltrumites, and while he’s only been seen in combat a few times, it’s safe to say that he’s not the kind of Viltrumite to mess with, as he can easily beat those beneath him without breaking a sweat. However, there’s a reason he’s a general and not an Emperor.



The Strongest Viltrumite Woman

anissa greets mark
  • Strongest feat: Laying waste to Talescria

Anissa gets a lot of character development throughout Invincible, but her introduction is rather threatening. Not only does she threaten Mark, but she also beats him to confirm how strong she truly is before she leaves Earth to return to the Viltrum Empire. Anissa is immensely powerful, but still one of their youngest members.


Invincible: 8 Differences Between the Comic and the Show

Despite being a mostly faithful adaptation of Invincible, the Prime Video animated series does have a few differences worth mentioning.

Whether it’s going toe-to-toe with another Viltrumite or killing a monster with just one punch, Anissa is extremely fast and deadly due to her Viltrumite training, and her loyalty to the old ways of Viltrum means she will fight for whatever she wants, no matter how cruel and barbaric.



One of the Oldest Viltrumites, and Their Greatest Betrayer

thaedus-invincible-comic Cropped (1)
  • Strongest feat: Killing the Viltrumite Emperor

Thaedus was once loyal to Viltrum, but a period of unrest followed on the planet of powerful beings that led to Thaedus assassinating the leader of the Viltrumites, Argall. With Argall’s death, Thaedus would become the one and only Viltrumite to abandon his loyalties to the planet and its people and would grow older, stronger, and wiser as the leader of the Coalition of Planets in an effort to stop the Viltrumites once and for all.

Thaedus doesn’t always show his strengths through physical brutality, but the fact that he can keep up with Omni-Man and even help be responsible for blowing up an entire planet by flying into it, shows that his strength shouldn’t be underestimated unless the person he’s fighting is Thragg, then that’s another story.



A Betrayer of Viltrum Who Desires a New Legacy

omni-man confronts Invincible
  • Strongest feat: Killing Earth’s greatest heroes with ease

Omni-Man may have been Earth’s greatest hero for years, but the remainder of his mission to Viltrum saw him kill his allies and flee Earth for the stars, where he would eventually be tried and executed for betraying the Viltrum Empire. However, Nolan managed to escape and dedicated his life to eradicating the few Viltrumites that remained in the galaxy.

Omni-Man is incredibly powerful, and he’s easily one of the strongest Viltrumites out there. However, Omni-Man has what other Viltrumites do not, which is compassion for others, which makes his age and willingness to spare lives he should take, a downfall that may just cost him everything one day.



The Oldest and Most Animalistic Viltrumite

conquest looks scary
  • Strongest feat: Named after how he conquers so many planets

Conquest has lived for thousands of years, with the sole objective of conquering planets to bring them under the heel of the Viltrum Empire. Conquest is always sent out alone, and he will always return bloodied – but it’s never his blood.


Invincible: 8 Characters the Show Made Better

Despite the brilliant similarities between characters from the Invincible comic to the show, the latter does make some improvements.

Conquest may be old, but he’s not weak, and his years as a Viltrumite have only made him stronger, as his isolation from his own kind made him more sadistic and loving of a good fight. Conquest is fueled by battle, which makes him far stronger than others because it seems like he lives for the sole purpose of fighting.


Grand Regent Thragg

A Viltrumite Who’s Entire Existence is to Fight for an Emperor

grand regent thragg arrives
  • Strongest feat: Defeated Omni-Man and Invincible in a two-versus-one

Grand Regent Thragg was trained his entire life to be the right hand of the true Emperor of Viltrum. With the seat empty from Thaedus’ assassination of Argall, Thragg has resumed the position of Grand Regent for decades, if not centuries at this point, and he must always be of peak strength and physical prowess to battle any would-be challengers to the throne.

Grand Regent Thragg has enough power in his punches to break the arms of those of his own species. Those who would seem to be invincible are nothing but a speck to Thragg, as his incredible aggression and battle prowess make him a beast worthy of the Viltrum Empire under his heel.



It’s Not Just His Body That’s Invincible, But His Resilience

emperor mark addresses the viltrumites
  • Strongest feat: Always overcomes all odds to do the right thing

Invincible never gives up, no matter what. What makes Invincible the strongest Viltrumite isn’t just the fact that he inherits the powers that come with Viltrum DNA, but the fact that he has the empathy and adrenaline of a human that means he can get angry and continue to fight at his peak strength, growing stronger with each passing day.

Invincible is immensely powerful as he is immensely forgiving. While Mark may have struggled in his early years to beat equal opponents, years, decades, and even centuries as this grand hero has made him the strongest there is, and the only fit to rule the Viltrum Empire into a Golden Age of heroism and love.

Invincible Season 3 Poster


Release Date

March 26, 2021


Amazon Prime Video


Robert Kirkman, Simon Racioppa

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