The final episode in Destiny 2
, Heresy, has a unique title to earn for players who enjoy exploring the long-forgotten Dreadnaught. Heretic is the latest seasonal title to grace the Triumphs page, and it’s one of the game’s tougher seasonal titles to earn.

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You’ll need to collect hundreds of boons, complete Expert versions of each activity, and collect every secret to brand yourself as a Heretic. It’s a lengthy process that harkens back to Forsaken’s titles, but it’s not nearly as time-gated as those. If you’re OK with waiting until Act 3, you can get Heretic complete in a few lengthy play sessions.
Some of the titles tied to Heretic are currently time-gated or hidden in the API. As such, some information is missing in this guide. We’ll update it as these secret Triumphs become obtainable.
Chosen Path
Complete the quest “The Taken Path.”
The Taken Path is Heresy’s first Act quest chain. You’ll gain access to this quest upon completing the opening mission for this season. Complete all the listed quest steps to finish this Triumph.
Dreadful Discoveries
Complete the side quests via Sloane’s Dossier linked to Episode: Heresy’s first Act, Echoed Warnings.
Despite the wording of this Triumph, all of Sloane’s side quests are not tied to the first Act; they’re distributed across all three Acts. There are three quests per Act. The first Act has the Hive Hacking quest chain, which requires you to complete Hive-themed PvE content. You’ll get this quest chain towards the end of A1’s story arc.
The other two sets of side quests should become available during A2 and A3, respectively. Be sure to claim this Triumph once you’re done with all the side quests to get a free ship.
Mastery: Path Of Resolve
Hone your mastery of Taken power. Reach the maximum rank at the Shaping Slab while walking the Path of Resolve.
Heresy’s progression system is a little different from previous seasons. The Shaping Slab, this season’s vendor, has a unique reward track for each Taken Path you select. There are three paths, one for each Act. Path of Resolve is the first path you’ll unlock during the story. Additional Paths are unlocked through later Acts.
You just need to hit Rank 16 with the Shaping Slab while attuned to Path of Resolve to receive credit. For later Triumphs, you can attune your Taken Power through the Shaping Slab itself. This will also change Barrow-Dyad’s Exotic perk behavior.
Ambitious Ranking
Reach the maximum rank with the Path of Ambition vendor.
This is the same as the Mastery: Path of Resolve Triumph, except you’ll be upgrading the Shaping Slab while under the Path of Ambition.
Will-Forged Power
Unlock 40 permanent enhancements for Episode: Heresy activities.
Permanent enhancements can all be found at the Whisper Slab in Eris’ Apartment. There are two types of permanent buffs:
- Runic Enhancements: Character buffs that apply to seasonal activities—the Nether and Court of Blades.
- Mysterium: Increases the boon stacks received in Nether and Court of Blades runs.
There are 40 unlocks in total, although you won’t be able to acquire all 40 until Act 3 releases later this season. Runic Enhancements are unlocked at the Shaping Slab vendor, requiring Sigil Shards to to unlock. Mysterium are earned by collecting buffs in missions and ranking up the Shaping Slab in Eris’ Apartment.

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By Sigil And Scripture
Acquire permanent scriptures and receive ritual rewards to gain the ability to create crumbling scriptures within the Tome of Want.
Permanent scriptures are crafting options in the Tome of Want, allowing you to target farm certain weapons and armor from this season. Scriptures are a rare drop from slain enemies and chests aboard the Dreadnaught. You’ll also need to get 15 ritual rewards to finish this Triumph.
Nether Rites
Acquire any type of boon during Nether runs. Major and Corrupted Boons grant bonus progress.
Nether Rites will track every Boon you’ve collected in Nether runs. To complete this Triumph, you must collect 300 boons throughout all Nether runs. Normal, Expert, and Private instances all grant progress. Be sure to defeat HVTs and uncover secrets to maximize your boon count in each run.
Expert Nether
Complete the Nether activity on Expert difficulty.
The Expert variant of the Nether disables matchmaking, adds Champions, and enables Overcharge mechanics. It does not change any mechanics or puzzles. You’ll need to complete a full run of the activity on Expert, but you only need to do it once. Consider getting a fireteam together before attempting this to make it slightly easier.
Nether Encounters
Complete encounters in the Nether activity. Completing encounters on Expert difficulty awards additional progress.
There’s not much to explain here. Complete encounters in the Nether, and you’ll get this Triumph finishes in a few runs. Focus on other title Triumphs.
Spend runes to buy armaments in Court of Blades. Higher tier runes grant additional progress.
Court Armaments is the in-game term for the boons present in Court of Blades. You’ll need to buy 150 of them in total. Each armament costs a rune, a resource you’ll accumulate by defeating enemies and completing encounters. You can purchase these armaments from the Hive statues that line the hallway preceding the court portal.

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Prolific Challenger
Defeat challengers in the Court of Blades activity.
Challengers refer to bosses you fight in the Court of Blades. A total of 200 bosses must be slain for this Triumph, a fairly high number but one that you can achieve in 20 Court of Blades clears if you average ten bosses a run. Bring a high DPS weapon like The Queenbreaker
to make this as easy as possible.
Expert Court Of Blades
Defeat at least 5 challengers in the Court of Blades in a single run on Expert difficulty.
You’ll need to defeat five bosses in a single Court of Blades run on Expert difficulty. Expert has additional modifiers compared to Normal, but the overall combat difficulty remains mostly the same. So long as you have a good Heavy weapon, this shouldn’t take many attempts to achieve.
Dreadnaught Collector
Find 50 collectibles in Episode: Heresy activities.
There are a total of 50 collectibles aboard the derelict Dreadnaught, some of which are time-gated to later Acts. Currently, this Triumph cannot be finished until Act 3 launches later this season. Collectibles include Taken Osseous Fragments for Barrow-Dyad and the Hive Worms hidden around the ship.
Dreadful Secrets
Find secrets hidden throughout the Nether aboard the Dreadnaught.
Secrets hidden aboard the Dreadnaught is referring to hidden rooms and encounters in the Nether, not just collectible items. You’ll need to uncover a total of 50 secrets. As of writing, you’ll need to wait until Act 3 launches before you can complete this one.
Gateways In Shadow
Find chests hidden deep within the Dreadnaught, located behind portals in the Nether.
You can find two hidden chests aboard the Dreadnaught, both of which are only accessible in the Nether activity. The first one is located in the Mausoleum; the second one is in the Hall of Souls. You’ll need to progress through the Act storyline until you can interact with the strange Hive terminals that are in either tileset. Look out for “Something Strange Is Near…” under your radar to figure out if you’re near one. Interact with it, enter the nearby portal, then open the chest.

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