How To Get Snake-Reed In Hades 2

How To Get Snake-Reed In Hades 2
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Hades 2’s Warsong Update introduced some new resources in the Summit. They’re a bit easy to miss, considering the tail occasionally falling from the sky to impale you or the swarming Polyps and other monsters trying to obliterate Melinoë. There’s a new resource for the Spade, Pick, and for gathering by hand.


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A seed in which you can find Plankton was introduced, befitting the snaky and slimy themes of the Summit. Planting it will grow the Snake-Reed. Here, we’ll go over where to find Plankton, how to plant it, and what to do with the odd Snake-Reed.

Hades 2 is still in Early Access at the point of writing, so some information in this guide may change over time.

How To Get Snake-Reed

Finding Plankton

Melinoe finding Plankton from a Digging Spot in the Summit. Frinos is here.

Throughout the Summit, like any other region, there are Digging Spots. Here, Melinoë will find Plankton.

The Warsong Update changed how the Gathering Tools and Familiars work: now, instead of prioritizing a Gathering Tool, it’s the Familiar who will increase your chances of finding specific resources.

So, if you want to increase your chances of finding Plankton, take Hecuba along for the ride. The incantation Attending a Faithful Beast can be used to grant your familiars an extra ten percent bonus to finding their resource type.

Hecuba can be found in the Fields of Mourning, and recruited with a Witch’s Delight. Gifting her more treats can increase her chance of finding Digging Spots!

You still need to have the Silver Spade unlocked, however — hopefully that’s long done, if you’re at the Summit. Just in case, though: you first need the Pick, unlockable with one Moly and the incantation Night’s Craftwork, and then ten silver to unlock the Spade.

The incantation Reagent Sensing will alert Melinoë to any gatherable resources, so make sure to have that handy.

Growing Snake-Reed

The Greeneries menu viewed when planting seeds in the Soil Plots. Plankton is highlighted. It's a dark green-blue circle with little spikes, and looks like a wheel. It's described as taking 77 Time Units to grow and being found in the Summit.

The Flourishing Soil incantation brings two Soil Plots to the Crossroads, requiring Melinoë to have collected six Moly and taking one at the Cauldron to cast.

It’s good to have Rich Soil and Verdant Soil, as well, as Plankton takes a whopping 77 Time Units to grow. Leave some spots open for other gardening! These Time Units are measured in Location, or room, or are determined by other events such as going to the Hot Springs or Fishing Docks with companions.

Rich Soil will take three Lotus to cast, and Verdant Soil one Garlic and one Wheat.

The Warsong Update has also updated some incantations, such as Observance of Gaia’s Secrets. Formerly granting an additional chance to find an extra of any resources gathered by hand, such as Myrtle, it now gives an additional 2 percent chance to find one more Seed for whatever you gather from Soil Plots when harvesting. This is especially handy for resources like Plankton that are more difficult to get.

How To Use Snake-Reed

The incantation Path to Desired Blessings, viewed in the Cauldron. It requires 1 Feather and 2 Snake-Reed. The text reads "While viewing Boons in the Book of Shadows, press [triangle] to track any offering requirements."

With at least one more major update planned before the final release of Hades 2, there’s likely more uses for Snake-Reed on the way. For now, it’s used for the new Path to Desired Blessings incantation, which allows you to view prerequisites for different Boons from the Book of Shadows.




Path to Desired Blessings Incantation

While viewing Boons in the Book of Shadows, can track any offering requirements.

1 Feather, 2 Snake-Reed

Snake-Reed is described as being used for incantations involving guile and constriction.


Hades 2: How To Beat Typhon

We detail how to beat Typhon in Hades 2.

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