The Best Things Only Pro Players Do In Marvel Rivals

The Best Things Only Pro Players Do In Marvel Rivals
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After months of fun, Marvel Rivals is still holding strong as one of the best Hero Shooters around. Despite how many hours you may have put in, there are some deceptively secretive tricks and things that so many players have no idea about.


Marvel Rivals: Every Vanguard Hero, Ranked

The toughest heroes, ranked.

Some of these include being able to view all destructible objects or even gaining handy visual cues when healing or dealing damage or even when a foe is in melee range. There are plenty of optional mechanics and settings that you just need to know about in order to level up your gameplay and stand a chance at reaching Celestial Rank.

We have specifically listed things that are useful for a ton of Heroes instead of individual tech for just one to make this list more useful to all players. If you want specific tricks on your mains, take a look at the Hero Guides in the Marvel Rivals Complete Guide!


Customized Crosshair

Making Aiming Easier On Your Eyes

Two Images Of Psylock With Different Reticles Aiming At The Human Torch In The Practice Range In Marvel Rivals.

When you are in the middle of a crowded team fight, you may struggle to understand or even see what is going on in the chaos. Even locating your crosshair becomes a chore and makes it very difficult to aim and play at your best. Luckily, there is an easy way to fix this.

In the Settings Keyboard window, under the Combat Menu, you will find dozens of options and settings to tweak your crosshair’s shape, size, and color. By adjusting it to something more clear, such as a bright color and a more accurate representation of your shots’ hit range, you can start aiming like a pro no matter how overwhelming your screen.


Activating Chrono Vision

Revealing All Objects For You To Destroy

The Thing Using Chrono Vision To See All The Destructible Objects In The Practice Range In Marvel Rivals.

One of the most technically impressive parts of each map is how you can interact with them and destroy certain parts of them throughout your raging quest for victory against the enemy team. Sometimes, however, it can be impossible to tell what objects are even destructible, but there is a feature to see all of them around you.

With a press of the B key (or D-pad right on a controller), you will gain a muted view of the environment using Chrono Vision, which will highlight in yellow any objects, walls, or terrain that can be destroyed. This can be used to gain a strong advantage and better positioning by breaking parts of a wall to use as sight lines where average players may not expect.


Ultimate Canceling

No Ultimate For You!

Peni Parker Trapping An Enemy Scarlet Witch In A Net In The Practice Range In Marvel Rivals.

Ultimates are one of the key parts of any team fight; a single well-timed Ultimate could decide whether ot not your team will win a trip to victory. With this in mind, you need to know that many abilities in the game can interrupt or even cancel a ton of Ultimates before they activate or while they are charging.


Marvel Rivals: 6 Best Ultimate Combinations

It will be the most satisfying feeling when you pull off these ultimate combinations while playing Marvel Rivals.

The easiest of these is with Peni Parker’s Web-Snare, which can trap and cancel Ultimates with ease, and many other trapping abilities can do this as well, but since Peni can use this from a distance, it is super safe. Of course, you could also just focus on and kill the foe by being aware of who may or may not have their Ultimat,e but nothing is more soul-crushing than having an enemy on the cusp of a team wipe only for a single web to ruin their day.


Aiming To The Right

Hidden Hit-Boxes

Spider-Man Web-Slinging At A Galacta Bot In The Practice Range In Marvel Rivals.

Unlike many other popular hero shooter games, Marvel Rivals has a behind-the-shoulder third-person view, and this causes some strange interactions with how your shots work. What you see through your reticle will never be an exact straight line, but instead a slight diagonal, and this causes your shots to hit in places that you wouldn’t expect.

By aiming slightly to the right of enemies, you can still hit them even when you are missing them. This is intentional as it is to help the game be more lenient with the perspective in mind. After learning this, if you always aim to the right, you can land a ton more of your shots without having to have perfect aim.


Ability And Animation Canceling

Decimate Foes In A Flash

Magik About To Animation Cancel Her Left-Click Attack Into A Melee To Eliminate A Galacta Bot In The Practice Range In Marvel Rivals.

Almost every ability and attack has some sort of animation end lag that will stop you from doing absurd combos to decimate enemy health bars. What if you could just cancel these animations early with something as simple as a melee attack or another ability? Well, you can!

By adjusting your mindset to play Marvel Rivals like a fighting game, you can easily make combos out of your various abilities and attacks and chain them together with no delay. This allows you to shred any squishier Heroes consistently if you can master what options can chain into each other. For a quick example, Magik can use her Umbral Incursion slash ability and then her left-click attack and then animation cancel this with a melee quickly to annihilate targets.


3D Audio Enhancement Setting

Hear All And See All

Luna Snow Finishing Her Ultimate With The 3D Audio Enhancement Setting On In The Practice Range In Marvel Rivals.

With many iconic abilities and Ultimates having deafeningly loud yet wonderful voice lines and sound effects, it can be difficult to know where anything is coming from. Many times before you know it, you may look around after hearing a loud “LE-GEN-DARY” only to be instantly melted by Star Lord.


Marvel Rivals: 7 Most Satisfying Ultimates

While there are many strong ultimates in Marvel Rivals, some of them feel far too satisfying to use.

The “3D Enhancement” setting found in the Audio tab can be a game-changer. It allows you to hear different sounds in proximity to their location and, if you have headphones on, even hear where they are coming from around your Hero. This can be life-saving as it gives you almost exact information about where the enemy is when they are near and can even help with hearing footsteps more prominently.


Healing And Attack Range Feedback Settings

Subtle Enhancements

Luna Snow Healing An Ally Galacta Bot And Iron Fist Ready To Punch A Galacta Bot With An Attack Range Icon On It n The Practice Range In Marvel Rivals.

Rivals has a very clean minimalistic UI design that helps all of your focus be on the battle rather than millions of different menus, but sometimes you may wish there was more feedback for certain effects to help you understand everything. That is no problem because NetEase Games has included many hidden settings in each hero’s settings to configure various reticle effects to help you.

There are two main ones that you need to use. The first is for anyone who has team healing abilities and is named “Healing Reticle Feedback”; this makes it so that when you are successfully healing a teammate, a subtle green effect will appear around your crosshair, and a red version will appear when dealing damage. The second is for any melee Heroes, called “Attack Range Hint”, and this causes a subtle glowing effect to appear on any enemies that are close enough for your melee-based attacks to hit them, which is remarkably useful.


Wall Climbing Setting

Crawling Around With Ease

Jeff The Land Shark Swiming Up A Wall Using The Advance Towards Crosshair Setting In The Practice Range In Marvel Rivals.

Many of the cast feature abilities to attach or move around on walls to traverse around the beautiful maps efficiently and reach the many vantage points across them. The wall climbing controls can be a bit janky at times, but there is an option to make it much more straightforward under the “Direction For Wall Climbing” setting found in the Combat tab for each Hero.

With the setting switched to “Advance Towards Crosshair”, you can more easily control the wall climbing direction without having to fight it. Which is unlike the normal setting, which is always a battle to control. All you have to do with this one is hold forward, and you will now head towards your crosshair; it’s as simple as that. Now you can feel like the real Spider-Man or Jeff the (wall swimming) Land Shark.


Momentum-Based Movement Abilities

Understanding Physics Can Net You A Victory

Spider-Man Swinging Around The Practice Range In Marvel Rivals.

Marvel Rivals’ gameplay heavily revolves around its physics and momentum engine, which you can easily take advantage of whenever you are moving around. Certain movement-based abilities end up being much more effective if you take advantage of canceling them early by jumping out of them or using a melee.


Marvel Rivals: 9 Mechanics They Don’t Tell You About

Using these not so obvious mechanics can give you an advantage in Marvel Rivals.

For example, when using Spider-Man’s Web-Swing, if you jump cancel it while near ground level and keep bunny-hop jumping, you will maintain a ton of momentum. This tech applies to many other Heroes that have any kind of movement ability, so just test them out in the Practice Range and you will find some sort of trick to make speeding back from spawn a breeze.

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