There’s a new way for players of GTA Online to make some money with the new, strangely titled job, Oscar Guzman Flies Again. This series of missions requires the purchase of a new property, which leads to a series of events that snowball into the takedown of a paramilitary gun-running organization and the theft of a giant, flying war machine.
Before Oscar can fly off to the big score at the end, there are multiple setup missions that you need to complete. This guide will show how to start the heist, complete the setup, and take down Eberhard Munitions.

GTA Online: How to Start Agents of Sabotage
Here is how to start the Agents of Sabotage missions in GTA Online to unlock new rewards in the game.
How To Begin Oscar Guzman Flies Again
To begin this heist, buy the McKenzie Field Hangar property. This can be done by traveling to Grapeseed where the hangar is located, and interacting with a For Sale sign on the property. Alternatively, players can go to the internet browser on their phones, navigate to the Maze Bank Foreclosures website in the Money & Property tab, and purchase it online. Regardless of how it’s bought, it’ll cost $1,475,000.
The McKenzie Field Hangar comes with additional bonuses. Those who buy it will receive a free Duster plane, 15 additional slots to store aircraft at Smuggler Hangars, and a new menu option to request personal aircraft, much like how players can request their personal vehicles. Owners of this property will also have access to an office within the hangar, which will give them another place to sleep and gather snacks.
Setting Up The McKenzie Field Hangar
After you buy the McKenzie Field Hangar, all of its story missions can be accessed from the laptop within the hangar office. If the hangar’s owner hasn’t yet registered as a CEO or Motorcycle Club President, they will need to do that first/ Interact with the laptop and there will be one mission that you’ll need to complete before beginning the McKenzie Field Hangar heist.
All the missions in Oscar Guzman Flies Again can be completed solo. They’ll just be more difficult and require a lot of traveling back and forth to complete optional objectives.
Up And Running
Travel to the yellow marker on the map using the dirt bike provided. This will lead to a mountain trail that takes players up to a transmission tower on top of Mount Gordo. This area will be surrounded by cougars. Shoot them, and then blast the concrete supports of the blue and white transmission tower to send it tumbling down the mountain.
With the transmission tower destroyed, a Streamer216 plane will be forced to fly at low altitude. It’ll be marked as a red plane on the mini-map. Chase this plane down and begin blasting it with bullets, which will cause it to drop cargo that needs to be picked up. As this pursuit goes on, enemies will appear to try and stop the plane from being pelted with gunfire, so take them out along the way. Continue chasing and shooting the Stream216 until 4 pieces of cargo have been collected.
Following the cargo collection, a new yellow marker will appear on the mini-map. Drive to this location to deliver the goods to Oscar’s buyer. A cutscene will play, and the objective will instruct the player to leave the area. However, after doing so, another cutscene will play where the buyers will be taken out by a Titan 250 D Gunship owned by rival arms dealers, Eberhard Munitions. The mission will then end.
How To Set Up The Titan Job
The final mission of Oscar Guzman Flies Again is called The Titan Job. This involves the theft of the Titan 250 D gunship from the aforementioned cutscene, but before that can happen, players must complete each of the set-up missions.
Each setup mission will provide a vehicle outside the hangar to help complete the mission.
Setup: Mogul
The first step involves acquiring Mogul planes from Eberhard Munitions. Before leaving the hangar, go inside to find a Homing Launcher sitting on some wooden pallets. Travel to the yellow marker, which leads to a small encampment of soldiers. There will be a Silver Mogul and a Black Mogul here that you can steal. They’ll be marked as blue plane icons on the mini-map.
You can complete this mission by stealing just one of the Moguls, but it’s better to get both if possible.
Take out the soldiers, but be aware that an attack helicopter will fly in once the enemies have been aggravated. Use that Homing Launcher from before to blow them up. Clear out enough enemies to reach the Moguls, then get in and fly away. After stealing the planes and leaving the encampment, enemy planes sent by Eberhard Munitions will arrive to attack. By keeping to a low altitude, these attacking planes will have a harder time hitting the players. Take the stolen Moguls back to the McKenzie Field Hangar, where Oscar will blow up the pursuing enemy aircraft.
Next, Oscar will tell players to bomb 5 Eberhard bases using the Moguls. They’ll be marked on the mini-map with red dots and will have red smoke billowing from them. Fly over the bases and drop some bombs on them. Use the bombing camera if you need a better view. Afterward, deliver the Moguls to McKenzie Field, then use the Texts app on the phone to message Oscar and end this mission.
Setup: Intel
A Drone Station Key Card will be given at the start of this mission. Travel to the drone station that’s marked on the mini-map and head inside. There will be consoles that you can interact with to gain control of drones. These drones come with machine guns and the ability to shock enemies, but they’re very delicate and can be destroyed by gunfire or running into walls.
Fly the drones to the Eberhard base, where there will be four servers that the drone will need to hack. To do this, the drone has to be close to the server and the server needs to be in direct sight of the drone. There will be armed guards and drones patrolling the area. If caught, the drone’s machine gun can be used to mow them down.
If the player’s drone is destroyed, they can try again by interacting with the drone station console.
Once all four servers are hacked, exit the drone console and leave the drone station. The objective will now direct the player to a shipwreck marked on the mini-map. Here, there will be more Eberhard guards stationed that need to be eliminated. Since this mission will require some deep sea diving, a scuba suit will be required. There’s one on a table just before the stairs leading down to the water, so make sure to equip it.
Head down the stairs, taking out any enemies still standing. Take the boat docked here and travel to the yellow question mark on the mini-map. There will be a yellow circle on the map, and within that radius will be four pieces of cargo that have sunk to the bottom of the ocean. Dive under the water and watch out for any sharks. There are once again four pieces of cargo to collect. The locations are randomized, although they will usually be close to the sunken ship or pieces of wreckage.
After gathering the cargo, Eberhard boats will appear in this area. You can avoid them by staying out of their vision cone, or you can take them out. Make it back to dry land, and return the cargo to the McKenzie Field Hangar.

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The Yuanbao Collectibles is a limited-time event in GTA Online, and here are all the 36 locations where you can find it.
Setup: Iron Mule
Head to the weapons testing site marked on the mini-map. The objective here is to plant signal jammers near four satellite dishes, marked as green dots on the mini-map. To complicate things, there are a ton of Eberhard soldiers. There’s also an Insurgent Pick-Up Custom weaponized vehicle with an enemy manning the machine gun on top. Take out the soldier on the Insurgent to make life easier, and pick off any soldiers close to the satellites. Plant all four jammers, and attack helicopters will be summoned to the scene.
The objective will now call for the destruction of Eberhard assets. A small bar will appear in the lower right-hand corner that will fill up as helicopters, vehicles, gas tanks, crates, and fuel barrels in this area are destroyed. Killing Eberhard soldiers will also make progress. Filling the bar will summon DH-7 Iron Mule helicopters. Use the signal jammers to bring these choppers down, then steal one, bring it back to the McKenzie Field Hangar, and text Oscar to finish this mission.
A bonus objective for this setup mission is to steal all four Iron Mules and the Insurgent Pick-Up for extra cash. You can use the hook on the Iron Mule to get the Insurgent and fly it back to Oscar.
Setup: Ammunition
This mission begins with the player getting into a plane with Oscar, who will fly them to a shipyard in the city. Parachute out of the plane, and the Iron Mule helicopters stolen in the last mission will be parked here. Pilot an Iron Mule over to the cargo ship marked on the mini-map. The Iron Mule lacks offensive weaponry, although explosive containers can be picked up using the Iron Mule’s hook and dropped on enemies. This can be handy to take out anti-air guns on the ship.
Steal the cargo container on the ship with the ammunition for the Titan 250 D using the Iron Mule’s hook. This will be marked on the mini-map as a green box. To make it easier to spot, you can board the ship and mark the cargo with green smoke. The ship will also have additional cargo containing heavy armor, extra weapons, and upgrades for the Moguls that can be stolen as extra objectives.
Predictably, Eberhard soldiers and helicopters will attack players as they try to get away with the container. Fly to the yellow marker on the mini-map, but keep to a low altitude to avoid being struck by remote-control missiles. Drop the cargo at the designated landing zone, and text Oscar to let him know that the deed is done.
The Titan Job
With all the setup missions complete, it’s finally time for The Titan Job. Oscar will fly one of the Moguls, which will have a signal jammer installed, and the player can man the plane’s machine gun. You’ll be flown to where the Titan 250 D warship will be flying by, along with attack helicopters. Wait for the objective to change to “Damage The Titan 250 D” and then begin blasting it with the machine gun. Continue shooting to whittle down the Titan’s health bar while also taking out enemy aircraft attacking Oscar’s Mogul.
Once the Titan’s health bar is at the marked line, it’ll have to make an emergency landing. Wait for Oscar to get close to the crash site, then exit the plane, and parachute down to the Titan. Eberhard soldiers will be swarming around the plane, so wipe out as many as possible and get to the warship. Repair the Titan’s engine by completing a minigame. When that’s done, Oscar will deliver the ammo that was stolen from before. Load it into the Titan until a bar in the lower right corner is filled up. Then, get into the Titan and prepare to take off.
As the player flies the Titan, the objective will instruct them to destroy Eberhard’s operation centers, which are attached to semi-trucks driving around and are marked as red satellite dishes on the mini-map. The Titan has 40mm cannons, but only on its left side. Make sure these operation centers are to the left of the Titan to keep them in sight of these guns. Use the cannons to blow up the mobile operation centers.
Next, the objective will tell the player to destroy a submarine. Fly over to that spot on the map and blast the sub until its health bar is depleted. There will be one more objective to demolish, which is a load of Eberhard equipment loaded onto a train. Travel over to the train marked on the mini-map, blow it up using the Titan, and bring the Titan back to the McKenzie Field Hangar to finish Oscar Guzman Flies Again.
As a reward for finishing these missions, the owner of the hangar will receive $540,000 along with additional money for each of the optional vehicles stolen during the setup missions.

GTA Online
- Released
October 1, 2013
- Developer(s)
Rockstar North
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