How To Get Kubfu In The Powerful Potential Event For Pokemon Go

How To Get Kubfu In The Powerful Potential Event For Pokemon Go
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Pokemon Go just began their latest in-game season, Might and Mastery, bringing new Pokemon, features, and changes to the game. This includes brand-new events, beginning this week with the Powerful Potential Event, offering several bonuses, and even a Pokemon Go debut.


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The Powerful Potential Event will be active for almost an entire week, available from Wednesday, March 5, 2025, at 10am local time to Monday, March 10, 2025, at 8pm local time. This will be a relatively large event, offering different bonuses and making changes to several features across the game; read on for all there is to know about it.

Pokemon Go Debut: Kubfu

Image of Kubfu with the Pokemon Go wild encounter symbol behind it.

Kubfu will be available in Pokemon Go for the first time during this event. Kubfu has one further evolution: Urshifu, requiring the use of 200 Kubfu Candy to complete this evolution, obtained from catching, transferring, and hatching Kubfu or Urshifu.

During the Powerful Potential Event, you will have the opportunity to catch Kubfu through both free and paid Special Research.

Event Bonuses

A Gift from Pokemon Go on a table next to an Egg in an Incubator and an open book.

There will be one main bonus available to all players during this event, active throughout its entirety. During this event, all Eggs that are placed in Incubators will have half of their normal hatch distance, allowing you to hatch Eggs more frequently.

Additionally, once the free Timed Research for this event is completed, this bonus will be upgraded to 25 percent hatch distance.


Pokemon Go: March Power Up Ticket, Explained

Pokemon Go has introduced a new monthly ticket with their latest season, here’s everything you need to know about it!

Event Eggs

Several different Pokemon Go Eggs and Incubators, with the Pokemon Go logo above.

During the Powerful Potential Event, Charcadet will be added to the pool of Pokemon that can hatch from 2 km, 5 km, 7 km, and 10 km Eggs. Additionally, you will have the chance of hatching a Shiny Charcadet for the first time with the start of this event.

Event Raids

Image of Hisuian Typhlosion with two Pokemon Go Raids behind them

You can expect to see a change in the Pokemon appearing in both One-Star and Three-Star Raids during this event. Below you can find each of these event Raid Pokemon and the type of Raid that they will be found in.

Raid Pokemon

Raid Tier









Alolan Raichu


Hisuian Typhlosion



Pokemon Go: Spotlight Hour Guide

Looking to make the most of each week’s Spotlight Hour? We’ve got you covered.

Event Max Battles

Image of Sobble, Scorbunny, Grookey, and Dreepy in front of Dynamaxed Venusaur, Charizard, and Blastoise.

From Saturday, March 8, 2025, at 6am local time to Sunday, March 9, 2025, at 9pm local time, Power Spots will appear more frequently in Pokemon Go, allowing you to participate in more Max Battles than usual.

During this two-day window, you can expect to find several event-themed Pokemon in both One-Star and Six-Star Max Battles, each found in our table below.

Max Battle Pokemon

Max Battle Tier

Dynamax Grookey


Dynamax Scorbunny


Dynamax Sobble


Gigantamax Venusaur


Gigantamax Charizard


Gigantamax Blastoise


Event Research

Professor Willow with Pikachu on his shoulder, with Mew and the Pokemon Go logo on the right.

Free Special Research

All players who log into Pokemon Go after 10am local time on Wednesday, March 5, 2025, will be granted access to this season’s Special Research Story. This Special Research will be continually updated through the Might and Mastery Season, allowing you to complete various in-game tasks in exchange for different rewards.

There will be Paid Special Research available to purchase for this event, titled Fuzzy Fighter, and costing $8.00 USD in the Pokemon Go in-game shop. This Special Research will provide you with different in-game tasks to complete, rewarding you with the following when completed:

  • One Dynamax Kubfu encounter
  • Season-themed Pokemon encounters
  • One Incense
  • Two Premium Battle Passes
  • One Star Piece

Timed Research

All players who log in and play during the Powerful Potential Event will be given access to free Timed Research. Completing the different tasks that are part of this Timed Research will earn you Charcadet encounters and various in-game items.

Completing this Timed Research will unlock a 25 percent Egg hatch distance bonus for the rest of this event.

Event Field Research Task Encounters

Visit and spin different PokeStop Photo Discs during this event to obtain Event Field Research Tasks. Completing these limited-time Field Research Tasks will reward you with an event-themed Pokemon encounter, giving you a chance to catch one of the following six Pokemon:

  • Hisuian Typhlosion
  • Alolan Raichu
  • Gothita
  • Sableye
  • Solosis
  • Sinistea


Pokemon Go: March Raid Guide

With each month comes a change in the Pokemon that appear in Pokemon Go Raids – here’s everything you need to know about March’s Raids.

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