Best ex Pokemon In Pokemon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light, Ranked

Best ex Pokemon In Pokemon TCG Pocket Triumphant Light, Ranked
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Pokemon ex are some of the most powerful cards in Pokemon TCG Pocket. Every pack brings exciting additions to this lineup, and Triumphant Light gives players a few more to play with. Some give certain types an incredible advantage in setting up, while others can be fierce attackers.


Pokemon Pocket: Which Is Better, Dialga ex Or Palkia ex?

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Pokemon ex are going to be some of the strongest cards in your deck, but they always run the risk of giving your opponent two points instead of one when knocked out. So, selecting the right Pokemon ex to lead the battle is an important choice. So where do the Pokemon ex in Triumphant Light fare against one another?


Probopass Ex

Would Be Decent If It Weren’t For Dialga

Probopass ex is certainly a Steel-type Pokemon. Is it better than Melmetal? With 160 HP and a slimmer cost of three Steel Energy to start smacking away at your opponent, it can make dealing Steel damage just a bit faster. This does not mean it’s one of the best Pokemon ex in Triumphant Light. In fact, every other Pokemon ex does more for their typings.

Probopass ex has the benefit that each time it attacks, your opponent deals 20 less damage to it on their next turn. This is where that beefy 160 HP starts pulling its weight. You can combo this card with Adaman for even more protection. If Dialga ex could only attach Steel Energy to other Steel-types, then perhaps this could see more play. However, there are other Colorless-type Pokemon that make better matchups unless you want a pure Steel build. At the end of the day, Melmetal can do what Probopass ex can without having to attack and with fewer points given to your opponent.


Glaceon Ex

Chip Away Your Opponent’s Health

  • Useful against Fire-types.
  • Snowy Terrain stacks with Giovanni.
  • Water Energy acceleration is abundant.

Glaceon ex is another addition to the water lineup. Can it hold up? This stage one Pokemon can counter Blue by dealing out ten damage during checkup. So if your opponent tries to nerf your attack, Glaceon ex will make sure that protection is null and void. Freezing Mind also deals 90 damage for three Energy. This isn’t fantastic, but it is not impossible to make work due to the Water-type’s abundance of Energy acceleration options.


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As a stage one Evolution, it can hit the field early and start chipping away at your opponent. If Giovanni can see play for adding an extra ten damage, then Glaceon is the next best thing since it can do it naturally. You can even stack these effects together when necessary. The biggest downside that can make or break the decision to use Glaceon ex is that it needs to be in the Active Spot to use Snowy Terrain.


Leafeon Ex

Grass Gets More Energy

  • Gets you a free Grass Energy every turn.
  • It can power up its own Move.
  • It is more consistent than Exeggutor ex.

The Eeveelutions get some Sinnoh-style love in this expansion. Leafeon ex enters the stage with 140 HP and another cheap Retreat Cost of one. Solar Beam, sadly, is not an extremely powerful attack. It uses three Energy for a measly 70 damage, which at most, might hit Weaknesses against some Fighting-types in the game. However, it is a much more consistent damage output than the other Grass-type ex combo, Exeggutor.

It’s not all doom and gloom for Leafeon fans. Its Forest Breath Ability allows you to take an extra Grass Energy from your Energy Zone and attach it to any one of your Grass-type Pokemon. This is technically a quicker way to get Energy Acceleration on Celebi ex if you don’t want to use Serperior. That’s one less Evolution to go into and more space in your deck. This is also an Ability, so you don’t need to attack just yet and end your turn. Again, the biggest downside of the Eeveelution ex in this set is that they need to be in the Active Spot to work. Luckily, Lefeon ex pulls through as a viable option.


Arceus Ex

A Very Specific Use

  • Decent attack stats.
  • Has a unique mechanic.
  • Immune to Special Conditions.

Arceus is one of the coolest legendaries from the Sinnoh region. Does its Pokemon ex card do it justice? Arceus ex is a Colorless-type that has a unique interaction with other cards in the game. This is through the use of Arceus Link Abilities, which give the Pokemon that have them buffs as long as an Arceus is on the field. So Arceus ex’s main function is to make other Pokemon stronger.


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As for itself, Ultimate Force is relying on this team-up by doing 70 base damage with 20 more for each Benched Pokemon. This adds up to 130 damage if you have your Bench loaded. It also isn’t affected by Special Conditions. As a Colorless ex card, this can be slotted into any deck for its attack power. However, its primary use is through the Arceus Link Abilities. While this may seem a bit cumbersome, the creativity of the mechanic makes Arceus ex one of the better cards in the lineup.


Garchomp Ex

No Cynthia?

  • It can hit the Bench and the Active Spot.
  • Stacks with Lucario.
  • High HP stat.
  • A cheap Retreat Cost.

Garchomp lovers rejoice; the powerful Dragon finally has an ex in the form of a Fighting-type card. With 170 HP, this Pokemon will tank a few hits while still being a pretty agile card. With only one Retreat Cost, Garchomp is swift to exit the stage when needed. It is also versatile when it comes to attack choices.

Linear Attack is a neat low-cost Move that dishes out 50 damage to any of your opponent’s Pokemon. Dragon Claw, on the other hand, does 100. You can use Linear Attack to prepare one of your opponent’s Pokemon for a Cyrus combo. You can also just use this to finish a Pokemon off directly. Dragon Claw will take two uses before it kills the strongest Pokemon in the game. However, with an extra kick against Electric-types and Darkness-types, it can hit some of the best decks in the game harder.

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