Where To Find Every Stash Location In Wild Island In Stalker 2

Where To Find Every Stash Location In Wild Island In Stalker 2
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Stalker 2 is a great survival game and takes itself seriously when it comes to that department. To help players survive the harsh radiation-filled Chornobyl, stashes have been left around in every corner of the game.


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Spotting them can be challenging as they are almost hidden in plain sight. If you’re an avid explorer, the game does reward you with these stashes. However, exploring such a dangerous world can be a problem for many and it would be time-consuming. To save you from both of those, we’ve created this guide.

All Stashes In Wild Island Location

An image showing a blue safe on the left side of a cliff.

There are many stashes hidden across Wild Island in Stalker 2. Here are all the locations where you can find some extra supplies.

Pontoon Depot Warehouse Stash

An image showing a old broken warehouse in Stalker 2.

There is an abandoned warehouse in the northwest region of Wild Island. Inside you’ll find a poltergeist, so fight it off before proceeding. Go deeper into the warehouse, and you’ll find a cement truck. There is a shelf opposite the cement truck. Here you will find a metal safe stash.

Pontoon Depot Broken Shed Stash

An image showing a broken shed in Stalker 2.

On the west side of Pontoon Depot Warehouse, you can find a large shed with a broken rooftop. Climb to the roof by jumping over the green metal objects next to it. On your way up, you’ll face an anomaly, throw a bolt at it, and continue moving. After reaching the roof, start moving south, and you’ll find the stash on the right side.

Mineshaft Stash

An image showing a Mineshaft in Stalker 2.

You’ll be able to find a mineshaft, north of Pontoon Depot. Enter the mineshaft, and you’ll find a mine cart at the very end. Behind this mine cart, you’ll find a stash.

Once you find the stash, you’ll be attacked by a swarm of rats, be ready for combat.

Broken Bridge Stash (North)

An image showing a broken vehicle at the end a broken bridge.

On the northwest of the Wild Island region, you’ll find a broken vehicle bridge. You’ll need to deal with a few anomalies here. Cross to the other part of the bridge by walking over the small pathway connecting them.

At the far end, you’ll find a van hanging at the edge of the road. On the left side of the van, there will be an open door and the stash can be seen kept on the seat. You’ll also find a M860 Cracker Shotgun along with the stash.

Broken Bridge Stash (South)

An image showing  a broken bridge in Stalker 2.

The other half of the broken bridge also has a stash. Go across the land masses through Wild Island and reach the end of the broken vehicle bridge. But first, you’ll have to kill the wild dogs and take the Old Key from the dead body on the left side.

After getting the key, climb down the end of the bridge and land on the ship underneath. You’ll find two blue containers and walk between them to access the opened container on your left. Inside you’ll find a blue safe, open it using the key you found earlier and you’ll get access to the stash.

South Bridge Shore Stash

An image showing a broken tree in Stalker 2.

On the west of South Bridge, you’ll find a shore. At the far end of this shore, you’ll find a stash hidden behind two tree barks. You can find a path to access the shore by going straight in the northeast direction, starting from Sand Mine on Wild Island. Alternatively, you can start walking straight north from Izumrudne in Zaton.

Polissya Collective Farm

An image showing a T-shaped house in Stalker 2.

On the northwest of the broken bridge, you’ll find the Polissya Collective Farm. You’ll find a T-shaped house, where you’ll find some enemies and some zombies to fight. Kill them and use the lever located opposite the cage to unlock the doors. Open the cage doors, and you’ll find the stash and a Mercenary Suit.

Scar Stash

An image showing a canyon during sunset in Stalker 2.

To the west of Polissya Collective Farm, you’ll find a canyon named Scar. Right in the middle of the canyon, you’ll find a safe on the northwest cliff. If you can’t find a way down, just walk to the end of the canyon, and you’ll get a path that is sloping down.

Sawmill Water Tank Stash

An image showing a building at dusk in Stalker 2.

The Saw Mill is located in the northwest region of Wild Island. There are two stashes you can find here. The first one can be found in the bricked two-story building. Head inside the building and climb the stairs to reach the first roof.

You’ll find a yellow ladder which will take you to the higher roof. After climbing, you’ll face an anomaly deal with it by throwing a bolt. Jump over the rusted water tank on the west side. Then jump to the other tank, you’ll find the stash here.

Sawmill Attic Stash

An image showing a broken down house in Stalker 2.

In the northern part of the Sawmill, you’ll find a house with an attic. Head inside the house from the broken window in the northern wall. Go past the door, and you’ll find a ladder leading to the attic. Climb the ladder and head straight, you’ll find the stash hidden behind the boxes on the left side.

Boathouse Building Stash

An image showing a bricked long house in Stalker 2.

The Boathouse is located south of Sawmill, where you’ll find a side quest. In the southern part of this location, you’ll find a long house. Step inside from the main entrance and enter the room on the right side. After entering the room, you’ll find the stash on the right side of the room.

You’ll find another stash if you go to the room on the left side of the entrance. After stepping into that room, look to the right to find a locker with a stash on top.

Boathouse Pier Stash

An image showing a broken pier in Stalker 2.

In the northern part of the Boathouse, you’ll find a pier full of anomalies. Throw bolts at them, and go along the pier pathway. On the left side, you’ll find a broken green boat. On this boat, you’ll find the stash.

West Of Shelter Tower Stash

An image showing a tower in Stalker 2.

If you go in the west direction from Shelter, you’ll find a small island with a brick tower. Climb to the top of the tower by using the ladder to find the hidden stash.

There is Bloodsucker (invisible enemy here), so clear the area before with this or other stashes in the area.

West Of Shelter Buildings Stash

An image showing an old abandoned factory in Stalker 2.

The next one can be found in the small house opposite the factory building located west of Shelter. Simply enter the house from the main door, and access the room at the far end. In the right corner of the room, you’ll find a metal-safe stash.

There’s another stash that can be found in the large factory building. Enter the building from the broken wall facing north, and take the stairs on the right side. After getting up the stairs, go left and access the catwalk. You’ll find some anomalies here, throw a bolt and access the stash at the end of the catwalk.

North Of Shelter Bunker Stash

An image showing a bunker entrance  in Stalker 2.

If you go north of Shelter, you’ll find a sunken boat and a bunker entrance with many barrels in front. This bunker has two Burer (enemies with telekinesis ability) hiding — defeat them first before entering. After doing so, enter the building, and you’ll find a stash next to a dead survivor on the right side.

Wait for the Burer shields to weaken as this will allow you to keep them faster. Additionally, use a Sniper or AR at close range to take them down effectively.

Quiet’s Camp Stash

An image showing a container crane in Stalker 2.

In the south of the Wild Island region, you’ll find Quiet’s Camp. There will be a large container crane which can be climbed by using the ladders. Climb to the top and on the southern part of the crane, you’ll find the stash on the right side.


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