How To Catch A Grand Escunite In Monster Hunter Wilds

How To Catch A Grand Escunite In Monster Hunter Wilds
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To fish is to be one with the water. To catch a fish, you have to think like one. What do they like to eat, how do they act, are they frightened easily? Fishing can be relaxing, but it takes great patience and skill to be good at it. And with so many fishing minigames, it only makes sense for Monster Hunter Wilds to have one of its own.


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For her final request, Kanya asks for one last fish, one that is more a general form of aquatic life than what one would strictly call a fish. This little creature is one of the rarer ones, and will require a good degree of traveling around and some luck to get them to appear. So let’s satisfy Kanya’s obsessions.

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As the last quest in the long line of fishing quests given by Kanya, you will have needed to complete all the prior quests from Kanya too. These include ‘Seeking The Goldenfish’, ‘Fishing For Flavour’, and ‘The Catch Of A Lifetime‘. With these done, you can return to Kanya once more in the Scarlet Forest Base Camp to pick up Razzle Dazzle.

This time, we’re looking for a Grand Escunite. Not the regular one, but the significantly rarer Grand version. You won’t have to fight them to catch them, but finding them and getting them on the hook in the first place is the hard part.

Best Areas To Find A Grand Escunite

Area 17 of the scarlet forest shown on the map in monster hunter wilds.

Like many of Kanya’s fishing quests, the Scarlet Forest is the best place to go searching for the Grand Escunite. Unlike most of the other fish we’ve caught so far, Escunite’s tend to prefer the damp and dark of caves. This makes the cave near the Wudwud Hideout in Area 12 one of the best places to search for them. This is hidden behind the waterfall here.

While fish tend to be less common during the Downpour and harder to see during the Fallow, these weather conditions do not affect the bodies of water in caves.

Escunites and their Grand versions are almost identical except for their colouration. Regular Escunites have a green-yellow shell and tentacles, while the Grand ones have a more pearlescent sheen. Otherwise, they have the same design and approximate size. The Grand Escunite tends to stand out more in the water, so they should be easy to spot.

There is one exception to where you can find them though. While most are in caves, you can also find them in the large ocean by Area 17, though this is mainly only when a Feeding Circle is active.

Best Bait To Use For A Grand Escunite

the hunter fishing in a feeding circle in monster hunter wilds.

Specifically for this quest, Kanya offers you one more type of bait – Tentacle Jigs. This is a type of bait designed specifically to attract aquatic life with tentacles, which almost exclusively describes Escunites. So it goes without saying that this is the best bait to use.

You can catch a Grand Escunite with the Common Wood Minnow, though it is much harder to get their attention.

Like many of the rarer fish, Grand Escunites prefer you to slowly reel the line in when it’s near them, as they are quite easily startled. Once they bite though, you can pull them in straight away without a struggle. And that’s all it takes, so go ahead and bring it back to Kanya for your final reward. Your angling journey is complete.


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