Best Skills In Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist

Best Skills In Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist
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In Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist, you play the role of Lilac, an Attuner, who has the ability to soothe homunculi and utilize their skills in battle. As you progress in the game, you’ll encounter many homunculi who will be willing to aid you on your journey.


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There are a total of ten homunculi whose skills you’ll be able to use in battle. Each homunculus comes with three skills, and an Attuner Art that you can use after filling the SP gauge. The following are some of the best skills that you can use on your journey across the Land of Fumes.


Muninn: Seeker

The image shows Muninn shooting a projectile in Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist.

Muninn’s Seeker skill is exceptionally useful because you don’t have to press any buttons to attack. Once you’ve deployed Muninn, the owl will travel alongside you, shooting projectiles at any enemy in range.

These projectiles are homing and will follow the enemies. The Seeker skill can also come in handy when fighting against certain bosses, such as Velgrynd. This skill saves you from worrying about carefully aiming your attacks.


Shackled Beast: Benumbed Howl

The image shows the Shackled Beast using the Benumbed Howl in Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist.

Shackled Beast’s skills focus on counter-attacking the enemy. These skills serve as a parry, and can also deal a ton of damage to the enemy. The Benumbed Howl skill manages to stand out from the rest of his kit because of the large AOE, the significant damage, and the Freeze status effect on the enemies after a successful parry.


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If you’ve equipped a Carapace that deals damage by parrying, the Shackled Beast’s skills lose some of their utility. But, in certain situations, such as when fighting against a lot of ranged enemies, you can use the Benumbed Howl skill alongside the Carapace’s parry for consistent damage.


Lorna: Light Show

The image shows Lorna's Light Show skill in Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist.

Lorna’s Light Show ability allows you to deal damage to enemies that are anywhere on the screen. The incredible AOE of this skill and the fact that Lorna will keep attacking enemies as long as you stay near her makes it an incredible tool in your arsenal.

The Light Show skill can make it very easy to fight against enemies that you don’t want to go near. It deals a decent chunk of damage over time and can allow you to melt your enemies as you use your other abilities.


Luiseach: Whirlwind

The image shows Luiseach using the Whirlwind skill in Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist.

The Whirlwind is a pressure ability that allows you to deal considerable damage to your enemies as long as you keep holding the skill button. It covers a fair range, inflicts the Shock status effect, and goes through walls, allowing you to safely defeat enemies even if they’re on the other side of the ledge.

The Whirlwind ability can be a great pair with Yolvan’s Barrage skill, as both of these pressure skills can quickly bring down any enemy’s health without you having to get too close to the enemy.

Whirlwind will stay active as long as you keep moving or jumping, but attacking using your primary abilities will disable it, and you’ll have to use this skill again.


No. 7: Hail Dance

The image shows No. 7's Hail Dance skill in Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist.

No. 7’s Hail Dance skill is more helpful in exploration than in combat. This skill allows you to momentarily float in midair and can be used to reach places that are unreachable with jumping. While the exploration benefit is reason enough to keep this skill in your loadout, it is also incredibly good in combat.


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The Hail Dance ability allows you to jump into the air while attacking the surrounding enemies with projectiles that inflict the Freeze status effect. The damage and AOE of this attack are also great, but this ability comes with a short cooldown, and you can’t use it repeatedly.


Reibolg: Magic Tracer

The image shows the charged Magic Tracer skill in Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist.

As a Primary Attacker, similar to Nola, each of Reibolg’s skills is exceptional and is worth investing in if you prefer ranged battles. However, the Magic Tracer skill manages to stand out as you can shoot out bullets rapidly with it compared to his other skills, making it easy to maintain movement while occasionally shooting a bullet at the enemy.

You can hold the skill button to charge the attack, shooting multiple bullets at once in the targeted direction, which can deal a ton of damage. The only issue with Reibolg is that you encounter him quite late into the story where only a handful of bosses remain to be defeated.


Yolvan: Barrage

The image shows Yolvan using his Barrage ability in Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist.

You can encounter Yolvan quite early on in the game, and his Barrage skill might appear underwhelming at first due to the short range, but as you make progress, you’ll find it exceptionally useful.

Yolvan will only automatically aim towards the enemy in the direction you’re facing. If an enemy is behind you, Yolvan will not attack them until you move around.

The Barrage skill allows Yolvan to aim automatically, and the ability stays active during movement, similar to Luiseach’s Whirlwind ability. This skill might not deal a ton of damage, but it quickly brings down the enemy’s break gauge, making it an incredible choice against all types of enemies.


Nola: Soul Harvester

The image shows Nola using her Soul Harvester ability in Ender Magnolia: Bloom In The Mist.

Nola is your Primary Attacker, and as the famed Grim Reaper of Milius, Nola truly shines her best when she’s wielding a scythe. Nola’s Spirit Piercer ability focuses on speed, while the Vanquisher ability focuses on raw power. The Soul Harvester skill provides a great balance of both.

Till the end of the game, Nola will be your main damage dealer, and her Soul Harvester ability makes her ideal for the job as it has good range, speed, and damage. Furthermore, the Soul Harvester combos are also a great sight to see as Nola vanquishes your enemies.

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