How To Play As Reiichi In Strinova

How To Play As Reiichi In Strinova
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See a white-haired handsome fellow in Strinova? That would be Reiichi, a Controller Agent who knows how to take out his targets will full precision. Moreover, he also gives support to his teammates by blocking off enemy visuals with his light screen.


Strinova: Agent Tier List

For a competitive FPS game like Strinova, it’s important to know which superstrings are the best to use to push your rank.

Equipped with a DMR, Reiichi makes for a great marksman in Strinova. Players with good aim tracking can bring enemies to their knees with two to three shots if the loadout is correct. Thus, we’ll teach you how to bring out Reiichi’s full potential with this guide.

What Abilities Does Reiichi Have?

Reiichi in Strinova's Agent select menu.

Skill Name

Skill Type

What It Does


Active Skill

Reiichi creates a crystal wall that covers the vision of all players. Players can still shoot through the wall, but won’t be able to see beyond it.

Sanctified Shield

Ultimate Skill

Reiichi’s Active Skill is instantly refilled and enhanced. In addition to the vision block, the wall also deflects all enemy bullets.

Dawn’s Insight

Passive Skill

The Agent scans his surroundings when ADSing, allowing him to detect enemies.

Loadout Option To Have With Reiichi

Image showing Dawn DMG in Reiichi's loadout in Strinova.

Reiichi has a powerful DMR called Dawn which deals a lot of damage. Along with this, he also has access to a Frag Grenade, Healing Grenade, and SMG with his default loadout. The latter-mentioned items can be altered in a loadout.

The primary weapon cannot be changed for Reiichi, however, it can be upgraded to improve effectiveness Here are the best upgrades players should take when playing as Reiichi in Strinova:

Upgrade Slot

Which Upgrade To Pick



+Magazine Capacity

Increases Reiichi’s DMR magazine bullet capacity.


+Recoil Handling

Recoil is greatly reduced when firing continuously.


Light Regen Armor

Regenerative armor that recharges over time when not in combat.


+ADS Speed

Increased ADS speed quick scoping enemies.

Dawn’s Insight

Cooldown -1s

Reduces Dawn’s Insight refresh time by one second.


Cooldown -10s

Decreases Active Skill cooldown by 10 seconds.

Critical Hit

+Headshot Damage

Higher damage output when hitting only headshots.


Stringified Movement SPD +10

When in Stringified mode, the movement speed of Reiichi is increased.

Keep the default loadout of Reiichi as it fits well. To compensate for the rate of fire on his primary weapon, the Stinger SMG is a fine choice. Additionally, he can make use of his Frag Grenade and throw them on targets detected using his Dawn’s Insight ability.

Tips For Being A Pro Reiichi Player

Reiichi in Training range of Strinova.

Reiichi’s biggest advantage is his ability to block enemy vision. You block off certain angles for enemies and protect yourself behind the crystal wall. The Ultimate Skill would even provide more protection for you and your friends, due to its invulnerability.

Try to keep distance from enemies, if you wish to use Reiichi’s primary weapon properly. In case, you end up in a close combat situation, use the SMG instead of your primary. The time to kill would be much less compared to his DMR.

All the enemy positions given away by your abilities are only visible to you. Try to give callouts or mark them for your teammates for better coordination.


Strinova: 6 Best Characters For Defense

Defense can be quite scary while playing Strinova, but you can easily hold all the sites as long as you take the right agents.

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