How To Defeat The Rift Sky Scorcher In Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter

How To Defeat The Rift Sky Scorcher In Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter
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There are plenty of difficult fights to enjoy in Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter, and if you’ve already beaten the game, new challenges await. After you’ve sufficiently outfitted Arlo with the best gear available and completed the main story, a new set of Beast Hunts becomes available in The Outskirts, The Rift, and The Golden Forest.


Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter – Combat Guide

Learn how to defend yourself from the monsters roaming the land.

These hunts task Arlo with tracking down some of the most massive and intimidating enemies in Tails Of Iron 2, the Sky Scorchers. Sky Scorchers, as their name implies, rarely enjoy fighting on the ground, so it’s prudent to acquire at least one powerful electric ranged weapon and stock up on ammo before you challenge these bat-like beasts.

How To Start “Scorch The Rift”

After you complete The Fellowship of the Wing, a series of new Beast Hunts will become available at the major mission vendors where you will hunt down the scattered Sky Scorchers after the defeat of their Darkwing masters.

One such quest is Scorch the Rift, which is the final Beast Hunt quest you can embark on from Short Tongue in The Rift.

Speak with Short Tongue, who points you to the spot marked on the right side of the map between Bogmire Forge and The Ruins of Claggy Rock Castle.

Since the journey is equidistant from both locations, run to the right, and you’ll be there before you know it.

How To Defeat The Rift Sky Scorcher

When you arrive at The Whale Boneyard, a Sky Scorcher will be waiting in front of The Toadcor’s remains.

Equip electric and poison weapons to do battle with this massive bat.

Attack immediately while the Sky Scorcher is rearing up, inflicting damage before the fight properly begins.

Avoid the Sky Scorcher’s icy tail attack, taking a moment to heal if you’re hit, so the follow-up doesn’t deplete your HP.

When the Sky Scorcher disappears from the screen, be careful to avoid the red glow on the ground, which telegraphs the monster’s upcoming swoop attack, sending it crashing into the ground below.

When it hits the ground, use your Poison Elementa to inflict damage on the beast.

If you’re worried about getting hit, use the Electric Elementa to disrupt the Sky Scorcher’s attacks and leave it stunned, creating an opening for attacks.

When you deal 33 percent of the beast’s HP in damage, it will retreat toward the upper right portion of the map.

How To Beat The Rift Sky Scorcher Phase Two

Stop at the merchant along the way to stock up; you’ll want max ammo to attack the Sky Scorcher while it’s in the air.

Approach the marker where a Toadcor eye will drop in front of you, followed by the Sky Scorcher descending from the sky.

Quickly unload your ranged shots into the Sky Scorcher once it appears, which should help give you a huge advantage.

Dodge the tail attacks like the previous phase and immediately follow up with ranged shots to take down another third of the Sky Scorcher’s HP, causing it to flee a second time.

Pursue your prey to the Temple Toadspire Ruins for the final phase of this fight.

If you haven’t already, use your Whetstone to ensure your weapons hit as hard as possible.

How To Beat The Rift Sky Scorcher Phase Three

Restock at the merchant again if you need more ammo, then approach the final location up the stairs in the ruins.

However, instead of the Sky Scorcher, you’ll find a Toadcor waiting to fight. Switch to your best fire and ice weapons to exploit the Toadcor’s weaknesses.

Dodge its opening attacks and unleash your appropriate Elementa attacks to inflict heavy damage on the Toadcor.

Back away when the floor around the Toadcor glows red, indicating it’s about to unleash its poison and electric gas attacks, which are deadly if Arlo is too close.

Counterattack with ranged shots while the Toadcor uses these attacks, then get behind it and follow up with a few melee strikes.

Dodge to avoid the Toadcor’s swinging attack and ground slam combo, indicated by it attaching its tongue to the ceiling.

If you’re using ranged shots on the Toadcor, make sure to save some for the next engagement.

Finish off the Toadcor then immediately switch back to your poison and electric weapons before the Sky Scorcher arrives.

Once it does, fire upon it with your ranged weapon as many times as possible, which should leave it low on HP.

If you’re out of ammo, wait for the Sky Scorcher to lower its tail, then smack it a few times with your melee weapon like a pinata.

With some persistence and smart dodging, the Sky Scorcher will be defeated.

What Rewards Do You Get From Scorch The Rift?

Arlo completes the Scorch The Rift side quest in Tails Of Iron 2: Whiskers Of Winter.

After you’ve defeated the beast, go over to claim the Purple Sky Scorcher egg on the right side of the arena, completing the side quest.

In addition to the egg, you’ll also earn the following crafting materials:

  • One Scorcher Snout
  • One Scorcher Tail Spike
  • Two Scorcher Ears
  • Two Scorcher Fangs
  • Four Scorcher Talons
  • Five Scorcher Fur
  • 35 Gold Coins

Don’t forget to loot the Sky Scorcher remains for extra materials.


Tails Of Iron 2 Review – Tough-as-Tails Soulslike

Tails of Iron 2 is better than its predecessor in many respects, but a lot of its new ideas unfortunately fall flat.

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