How To Make Money Fast In The Sims 1

How To Make Money Fast In The Sims 1
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The Sims difficulty curve extends past just keeping your Sim alive and also includes making enough money to better your lifestyle. Careers are a good source of steady income but generally, even at maximum level, they don’t pay as much as they do in later games in the series.


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As such, many players will be looking for extra ways to make money. In The Sims, the key to extra cash is in all the money-making items you can find in the buy catalogue. From gargoyles to golden thread, here are some ways to make extra Simoleons in The Sims Ultimate Edition.


Make Preserves

Sell A Preserves Set For Up To $60

A Sim making preserves in the kitchen.

Livin’ Large added the Boggs Home Canning Center, which is available for $815 in buy mode. This allows Sims to create six preserve jars. It’s fairly quick and builds cooking skills.

Once the preserves are made, they can be sold directly from the canning station by clicking them and selecting sell preserves. Alternatively, you can add them to your inventory to gift to other Sims.


Tend To Your Bees

Sell Beeswax Or Honey For Up To $60 Each Or 2 MagiCoins

A Sim collecting Honey in the garden.

The Wax’n’Honey Maker is available for $875 and comes with the Makin’ Magic expansion. Your Sim can collect beeswax and honey from it. You’ll get beeswax and a little honey from each harvest. Every three harvests the honey jar will be filled.


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The symbols in the chat bubbles suggest these are some interesting conversations you’re having.

Both the items can be sold for $60 at maximum cooking skill. Alternatively, you can use them in charms and spells or sell them to MagiCoin Vendors in Magic Town for 2 MagiCoins.


Craft Gnomes Or Gargoyles

Earn Up to $100 Per Item

A Sim making gnomes next to a gargoyle on the floor.

If you want to get creative for a little more profit, you can pick up the KraftMatic Woodworking Table for $720, or the Craft-A-Gargoyle bench for $1,120. These allow you to craft gnomes and gargoyles respectively, which you can sell for up to $100 each.

To sell these items, do not add them to your inventory. Instead, open buy mode, then click the gnome or gargoyle and press delete or click and drag the item to the buy inventory to sell it.

While $100 isn’t as much as some other items sell for, these are very fast to make, meaning gnome or gargoyle crafting can be more lucrative than a career. So long as you max out your mechanical skill, and keep your mood up.


Churn Butter Or Spin Thread

Worth Up To $166 Per Item

A female sim churning butter outside.

Makin’ Magic added a number of new items to create which can be sold or used in spells and charms. Two of these are butter and golden thread. Butter is made with the Old-Fashioned Butter Churn, available for $447 in buy mode. The Prick-Me-Not Spinning Wheel is a little cheaper at $417 and makes golden thread.

The butter churn builds cooking skill, and your butter can be sold from the churn or kept for use in spellcasting and baking. In contrast, the spinning wheel builds mechanical skill and the golden thread can be sold or kept for charms. Both items sell for $166 and take a similar time to create.


Paint Pictures

Earn Up To $500 For Your Masterpieces

A female Sim painting by a piano.

Sims with high creativity
can make a nice steady income from painting. With level ten creativity, a painting tends to sell for $166, the same as butter and thread. Painting also continues to build creativity skill and often increases fun need as well.

Unlike in later games, it doesn’t cost to buy a canvas. However, it is very difficult to create a masterpiece, which can sell for up to $500. Don’t bank on this skill making you millions anymore.


Make Nectar

Don’t Drink Your Profits Of $500 A Bottle

A sim stomping grapes for wine.

Nectar making is quick and profitable. All you need is the Pressing Feeling nectar maker from buy mode for $599 and some ingredients from Magic Town. To get to Magic Town quickly and for free, just deploy the Hole In The Ground you were given in the mysterious package left on your doorstep.

The cheapest nectar to make is Elderberry Nectar, which requires two Elderberries for $15 each and one sugar at $8, making $38 total cost. You can buy the ingredients from the market in Magic Town.

With a maxed out cooking skill, all nectar sells for $500 a bottle. You can also buy elderberry and grape vines and grow them in your garden. It takes time but reduces your costs even more.


Answer The Phone

Money For Nothing

A Phone call giving a sim money from a bank error.

If you answer the phone you never know who may be calling. If you’ve missed work, it will be your boss giving you a warning. If it’s the second day in a row that you’ve skipped out on your job, then you’ll get fired. Even if you don’t answer. Apart from this, answering the phone is a little like the lottery, but with better odds.


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Prank calls are quite frequent, but they generally occur between midnight and 8am, with calls outside this time bringing anything from a fortune for the day to a financial reward. Amounts vary from $500 up to over $1,500, all for nothing. So make sure you get your Sims to answer that phone. It pays off.


Take Advantage Of Object Appreciation

Items Increase In Value

A large room with artwork on the walls.

Decorative objects in The Sims increase in value once you’ve purchased them. The best items for this are paintings, but they aren’t all the same. The best way to work out the most profitable items is to experiment.

We recommend the Japanese Fan. It only costs $81 and its value increases fast. Buying a few and selling them a couple of Sim days later will net you a tidy profit of a few hundred Simoleons per fan.

Buy a decorative item and note the value. Check the next Sim day and see how much it has increased. If you can work out the formula, you are much better at math than we are.



Always A Classic

The Sims 1 Rosebud cheat

The quickest and

easiest way to get money is always going to be to cheat
. but in this game we are in a pre-motherlode era. That’s right, your $50,000 is a little trickier to earn this time around. Luckily, it’s still possible, and easy.

Control, Shift and C still brings up the text box for cheats and here you don’t need to enable them. Instead, you’ll want to type in Rosebud for a cool $1,000. For those with bigger dreams, you can do Rosebud;! and every ;! which you add onto the end grants you an extra $1,000. So go get that mansion!


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