What Could a Flying Minecraft Mount Play Like?

What Could a Flying Minecraft Mount Play Like?
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The blocky worlds and dimensions of Minecraft are filled with creatures of all kinds of shapes, sizes, and functions. Common animal mobs such as Chickens, Cows, and Sheep are designed to ensure players have relatively consistent access to food and supplementary materials like wool and leather. Hostile mobs such as Skeletons, Spiders, and Zombies are designed to keep players on their toes at night and in caves to give players more of a combative challenge. However, some mobs are intended to help players traverse landscapes, such as Horses, Pigs, and Striders. With Minecraft slowly introducing more complex flying mobs, as well as the hard to acquire elytra, Mojang should consider implementing a tamable flying mob.


Minecraft Modder Creates Custom Mob That Makes Mining Easier

A Minecraft modder creates a unique custom mob that resembles something from an Ancient City, and it makes mining a bit easier once it’s tamed.

Minecraft’s Flying Mobs Explained

Over the course of Minecraft’s 15-year-long history, many various flying mobs have been introduced. Initially, the first flying mob was the Chicken, though this mob couldn’t fly in the air on demand. Rather, it could only flap its wings to slow its descent from a long fall. In 2010, the underworld-like dimension, the Nether, was introduced and with it came the first actual flying mob: Ghasts. These jellyfish-like, explosive fireball shooting mobs don’t fly like most Overworld mobs with wings but instead float throughout the Nether’s many biomes. Ghasts wouldn’t stay floating in the hellish Nether landscapes alone for long, however, as Mojang introduced another floating mob in the form of the Nether fortress native Blazes in 2011.

Before Blazes were fully implemented, however, Mojang introduced Minecraft’s first official boss mob in the form of the flying Ender Dragon. This acid spewing dragon could only be found in the then newly introduced dimension, the End. While flying mobs quickly populated Minecraft’s alternate dimensions, flying creatures would soon begin inhabiting the Overworld as its first truly flying mob, the Bat, was added in 2012. However, the Bat was more designed for decor than utility as it only spawns in caves, doesn’t attack players, and doesn’t drop any items upon death. With the Overworld, Nether, and End’s flying mobs as a basis, Mojang exponentially added more flying mobs over the next decade, each with their own unique abilities including:

  • Allays
  • Bees
  • Parrots
  • Phantoms
  • Vexes
  • Wither Bosses

Potential Tamable Flying Mobs in Minecraft

Aside from Creative Mode and mods, giving players the ability to fly themselves has been a relatively new concept for Minecraft. In 2016, Mojang introduced the elytra, equippable wings players can use to glide in the air. By granting players the ability to fly, Mojang made the elytra a hard to find object with the wings only found in End cities surrounded by dangerous, levitation inflicting Shulkers. Given how rare elytra are and how fast players can fly across landscapes, Mojang should similarly make a tamable flying mount difficult to acquire, to ensure flying isn’t too easy of an ability to acquire early on.

One way Mojang could introduce such a difficult to find mob is by making it an ancient one similar to the Sniffer. The Sniffer is a prehistoric, passive mob hatched from an egg that can only be found by brushing suspicious sand from warm ocean ruins. Due to this mechanic, Sniffers are rare sights in most Minecraft worlds. Mojang could copy this method of acquisition by creating a giant ancient bird mob whose eggs could only be found by brushing suspicious gravel found in trail ruins or a new ruin introduced in another difficult to find location such as ice spikes or badlands. This could ensure players won’t gain the ability to fly too early in the game and would make finding this mob more of a fun challenge.

How to Tame A Hypothetical Flying Mob

Once this giant ancient bird egg is acquired, it could take a few in-game days to hatch into a medium-sized, passive chick which won’t grow into adulthood until two days pass. This would allow players time to prepare this mob’s special food required to tame it: Sniffer eggs. By making Sniffer eggs the only way to tame this mob, it would help make sure flying is no easy feat and suggest that this bird was the ancient predator of Sniffers. Once tamed, players could mount this giant bird with a saddle and fly it similar to elytra in Minecraft. However, a bar could appear similar to a Horse’s jumping charging bar, indicating how long the bird can stay in the air before having to land and rest.

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