Battle Tips For Tales Of Graces F Remastered

Battle Tips For Tales Of Graces F Remastered
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Ask ten Tales of Graces fans what their favorite thing is about the game, and we’d be willing to bet that at least eight of them would say its combat. Despite the game’s age, many still cite the battle system as the best of the bunch. Some would go so far as to label it some of the best RPG fighting ever made.


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Regardless of how you end up feeling about all that, Tales of Graces f Remastered maintains it all, and more smoothly than ever. But before you jump into it, here are a few things that might help you along in the early hours.

Prioritize Story Titles

Tales of Graces f Remastered Title explanation screen

The bulk of Tales of Graces f’s character growth is linked to the myriad titles that they’ll receive throughout your journey. If that sounds limiting, trust us, it isn’t; every party member has well past 100 in all.

Many titles are unlocked via special tasks. Side quests, number of enemies defeated, numbers of times you’ve used a particular Arte; that sort of thing. Other titles are automatically acquired when you reach certain events in the main story.

Do keep an eye on every title’s learnable abilities, because some do provide new Artes. But many new Artes are instead linked to story events. As such, and given the importance of wielding more attacks and healing sources, prioritize checking these out.

Heed The Warning Not To Master Titles Too Soon

Tales of Graces f Remastered image of earning titles

Fairly swiftly into the story, you’ll be notified that it’s generally best to change between titles whenever you have learned all their abilities, rather than when you’ve gone the extra step to master them.

We agree wholeheartedly. While mastering a title does boost its benefits, the process involves considerably more SP before you’ve reached that bonus level. Since grinding for that SP will take quite some time, you’re neglecting potential abilities and stat boosts when you fixate.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t eventually master your titles. Sure, why not? You’ll grow a bit stronger when you do. But switch them up beforehand, returning later in the game... if you find the time!

You Can Change Assigned Artes Mid-Battle

Tales of Graces f Remastered image of Richard attacking a monster

It probably took us a bit too long – or maybe far too long – to realize this one. Maybe it’d be readily apparent to you from the get-go, but maybe it won’t be!

When you’re controlling a character in the midst of combat, you may find yourself feeling limited by the number of assignable Artes. There are more enemy weaknesses to monitor than there are B-Arte slots, so you can never cover all your bases.

Except, well, you can. When you pull up the Artes display during a battle, you’ll see the same list of B-Artes that you would when you check the game’s menu. In fact, it’s identical, right down to the option to swap your Artes with everything else you’ve learned.

A bit cumbersome? Perhaps. But it’s well worth the mere handful of seconds that it’ll take if you find yourself struggling against a foe.

Find The Inputs That Are Right For You

Tales of Graces f Remastered Asbel preparing to strike in Seaside Cavern

We did mention this in our Beginner Tips guide, but we’re going into more detail here, with more rationale for why you should tweak things to suit your fancy. Tales of Graces f’s default controls will work for some, but others may find it constricting, and there’s an easy way to remedy that.

The button remapping options are robust. Anything can be changed from one button to the next, and certain routine actions may not work well for your hands. In my case, that included needing to swap the block button on a PS5 controller from square to R1.

In doing so, I gave my thumb more leverage to stick to the circle and cross buttons, which I kept as A-Artes and B-Artes, respectively. Meanwhile, square took the place of Mystic Artes, a special technique that you’ll use far less frequently than Artes and blocking.

This simple swap enabled me to be more adept at blocking regularly without staggering the time it took me to attack. My controlled character took far fewer hits as a result. This may not be for you, but if things aren’t clicking, remap them.

Check Every Foe’s Info As Often As Necessary

Tales of Graces f Remastered Enemy Book

You don’t need to manually scan enemies to reveal their data in Tales of Graces f Remastered. Instead, simply pressing the target info button will tell you their weaknesses. In many cases, it will also let you know their max HP.

This is a pretty big difference from many RPGs – and many Tales games, at that. Weakness exploitation is pretty important in Tales of Graces f Remastered. Since you can swap Artes mid-battle (as we’ve previously mentioned), there’s no reason not to keep tabs on this.

You can also check enemies’ information outside of battle via the Enemy Book. You’ll get a brief description of them, but an additional button press will pull up their battle-related intel.


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