How To Find The Lost Shipment In Brighter Shores

How To Find The Lost Shipment In Brighter Shores
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‘The Lost Shipment’ is an early side quest in Brighter Shores, but don’t let that fool you – as with most Brighter Shores quests, it’s fairly involved. Several steps must be taken, a couple of professions must be suitably leveled, and your character’s eyebrows must suffer a certain indignity along the way.


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Our guide to ‘The Lost Shipment’ will tell you where you need to go, what you need to do, and how to progress through each piece of the overarching puzzle. From Captain Shirker to the Furtive Stranger, you’ll get to know a handful of memorable fellows here in Hopetown before it’s over.

How To Start ‘The Lost Shipment’

Cohen in Brannof's Dining Room in Brighter Shores.

You’ll gain ‘The Lost Shipment’ as one of your earliest quests in Brighter Shores. To begin in earnest, travel to Brannof Hall. Here’s how to get there: start at the Town Square, then go west twice. Easy enough!

Enter Brannof’s Dining Room. Speak with Cohen, who will ask you to locate the lost shipment. He’ll send you to meet Captain Shirker, but he’ll also mention a possible clue at The Hooked Hand, a tavern here in Hopeport.

It doesn’t really matter which route you take first, as you’ll need to complete both objectives. We started with Shirker, so that’s how the guide will be ordered.

Speak With Captain Shirker

Dining alongside Captain Shirker at The Delectable Dab in Brighter Shores.

Captain Shirker is aboard his ship, the Vincible. The ship is located at the farthest-southeast part of Hopeport. For simplicity’s sake, we’ll guide you there from the Town Square: go south as far as you can, then east as far as you can, then south one tile.

Shirker won’t trust you if you come equipped as a guard. Remove all your weapons and armor in order to gain the necessary dialogue options with him.

Inquire about the lost shipment with him. One thing leads to another, and you will have to invite Captain Shirker for a meal to progress the quest. He’ll run off to the Delectable Dab, so head there, yourself – it’s just west of the Town Square.

Find Captain Shirker at one of the tables. Order a chicken pie, and keep the conversation flowing with small talk a couple of times before asking him about the shipment. He will tell you about a man in a blue waistcoat.


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Obtain A Monobrow

Requesting a monobrow at the hairdresser in Brighter Shores.

Return to the Town Square. In the southwest part of the area, you’ll find our blue-coated man. He’ll mention a man known as The Illusion, and suggests you disguise yourself with a monobrow disguise.

Travel to the Hairdresser now, where you ought to be able to request a monobrow. It will set you back eight silver and 280 copper, but at least getting rid of it later will come free of charge.

If you request the monobrow while wearing a helmet, you’ll be told to remove it first. Just a neat little detail.

Head To The Hooked Hand

The Hooked Hand in Brighter Shores.

Before you continue down the monobrow-related side of this quest, go to The Hooked Hand. If you start out at Town Square again, head south until you can’t, then go west one tile, and the tavern we’re looking for is to the north here.

Wellington and Nelson are presently seated at one of the tables. Once again, remove your weapons and armor. Speak with either of them, and when the dialogue option comes up for it, tell them: “I wish I could find a seller of Carthian plumbatae.”

Neither Wellington nor Nelson are of any real help here, but a man named Harris Slant will tell you to find The Illusion. (There’s that name again.)

You need to catch a Fetid Flounder at this point. Check out our guide on how to do so!

Write The Message In The Fetid Flounder

The toolbelt and Quill and Ink item in Brighter Shores.

With the Fetid Flounder in your inventory, fetch a Quill and Ink as well as a Paper. Both can be found in either Jal Degreene’s office back near the Training Ground, or in Lord Brannof’s house.

Combine the Quill and Ink with the Paper, and write “Order 2 Carthian plumbatae.” Then, open up your inventory. Here, you must combine the Paper with the Fetid Flounder.

Bring your message to the Fishmonger who runs The Frequently Fresh Fish Stall on Eel Street. Sell your Fetid Flounder, and then hide behind the nearby bush. Watch as the Furtive Stranger purchases the Fetid Flounder.

Hiding behind the bush is always an option, by the way; it’s simply irrelevant until this point in the game.

Go To Monob Row

The locked door on Monob Row in Brighter Shores.

From Eel Street, go east to Wilhope Crossing, then east again to Wilhope Passage. To the northeast here is Monob Row. Locate the locked door; now that you have your monobrow, claim that you’re Monobrow Sam to be granted entry.

You will soon be forced to battle a level 30 Thief followed by the Furtive Stranger, who is also level 30. Defeat them, then take the plumbatae from the chest. Wrap up ‘The Lost Shipment’ for your sweet reward!


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