Most Arrogant Dragon Age Characters

Most Arrogant Dragon Age Characters
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  • Solas remains arrogant despite character development, looking down on others.
  • Branka’s obsession and arrogance lead her to sacrifice her people.
  • Lord Seeker Lucius Corin’s selfishness and arrogance know no bounds, putting himself above all.

Dragon Age is a long-running RPG franchise that has introduced gamers to multiple interesting characters over the years. There has been an abundance of personalities, with some characters being quite friendly and others being less than polite. Be they companions, villains, or simply plain NPCs, some characters in Dragon Age can be described as being quite arrogant.


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These characters tend to think of themselves better than others and boast a baffling sense of self-importance. Out of all the figures that players have met in the series over the years, these are by far the most arrogant Dragon Age characters.



An Elf Sometimes Too Stuck In The Past

  • First Met: Dragon Age: Inquisition

Solas goes through a lot of character development through Dragon Age: Inquisition, as well as being able to see the past of the Dread Wolf in Dragon Age: The Veilguard. Even with this development making the ancient elf open his eyes, Solas can still be considered quite an arrogant character.

This can especially be seen when Solas talks about the Dalish. Although Solas knows the truth about the other eleven ‘gods,’ he doesn’t seem to understand why the current elves would worship them, and when he tries to tell them the truth, they chase him away, not understanding who he is. The arrogance continues with how he attempts to bring back the past while sacrificing the people of the present, feeling that he is the only one who can do it.



Her Obsession With The Anvil Became Her Downfall

paragon branka her lover hespith her husband oghren golem shale dragon age origins: origins
  • First Met: Dragon Age: Origins

As the only living Paragon in Orzammar, it is no surprise that Branka is quite the arrogant character in Dragon Age: Origins. She knows she is smart, and this intelligence has allowed her to be marked as one of the greats of her people. However, this power has gone to her head along with the obsession with finding the Anvil of the Void; she abandons her drunkard husband and takes the entire of the house, minus him, into the deep roads looking for it.

She sacrificed all of her people to the Darkspawn looking for the Anvil and is completely gone by the point the player finds her. She even uses the player to kill the Darkspawn in the hopes of finally getting to the Anvil, where the protagonist is then given the choice of what to do with her.


Lord Seeker Lucius Corin

Envy Cares For Nothing But Himself

Lord Seeker Lucius in Dragon Age: Inquisition
  • First Met: Dragon Age: Inquisition

Although Lucius Corin, the Lord Seeker of the Templars, may be the face players meet in Orlais, he isn’t actually the man within. Instead, players have met the Envy demon, who has taken his face in the hopes of helping the main villain of Dragon Age: Inquisition take over the world.


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Even when players first meet Lord Seeker Lucius like this, he makes a scene, allowing his men to punch the Revered Mother of the Chantry and admitting that he believes that he alone can bring the Templars to a better path, abandoning the Chantry they once served. Even meeting the real Lord Seeker, Lucius proves he is just as arrogant as the Envy demon that is pretending to be him.


Livius Erimond

He Doesn’t Even Care If He Dies

livius erimond judgement inquisitor tranquil execution imprisonment grey wardens dragon age inquisition
  • First Met: Dragon Age: Inquisition

Livius Erimond is quite the stereotypical Tevinter Magister that players have come to expect in the Dragon Age franchise. With him siding with the main villain of Dragon Age: Inquisition, it’s no surprise that Erimond is another character who is considered one of the most arrogant in the series.

When players first meet Erimond in Dragon Age, the Tevinter Mage decides to show off the control he has over the Gray Wardens in quite a simple way, making them all lift their hands. He eventually gets too greedy with this power, attempting to defeat the Inquisitor. Even after he is caught, Erimond doesn’t back down; he hopes that the player will kill him. This happening would give him the greatest glory, further showcasing how he doesn’t believe he could possibly lose.


Bhelen Aeducan

He Does Everything For Himself

  • First Met: Dragon Age: Origins

Returning to the first game that was released in the Dragon Age franchise, there are multiple arrogant characters for the player to meet, with a notable example being Bhelen. As the possible king of Orzammar, players can have a deeper connection to this character if they choose the Dwarf noble origin. Players can also be betrayed by Bhelen, which adds to his cunning nature.

However, his arrogance comes into play when he is attempting to appear progressive. When visiting Orzammar, players will have to help pick who should become king, but both options have their issues. While Bhelen may be the side of progression to push Orzammar into a new age, the way he has gotten there and the way he acts is incredibly arrogant. He believes that, since his father was king, he should be too, though how his father died is assumed to have been murder.


Meredith Stannard

Blinded By Her Hatred Of Mages

Meredith Stannard In Dragon Age 2 (1)

The Templars continue to be some of the most arrogant characters in Dragon Age, with the Knight-Commander of Kirkwall, Meredith Stannard, being a prime example of what happens when a character’s arrogance goes unchecked.


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During the events of Dragon Age 2, there is quite a tumultuous time in Kirkwall, with the tension between the Mages and the Templars rising. Meredith isn’t helping this situation, as she believes the Mages to be always hiding something, through strict choices and the effects of the Red Lyrium Idol. By the end of the game, she doesn’t even trust her own Templars, as she feels she is the only one who can truly make a change.



The Only Destiny That Matters Is His Own

  • First Met: Dragon Age 2: Legacy DLC

Although Corypheus was first met by Hawke during the Legacy DLC of Dragon Age 2, players truly got to know him as the main villain of Dragon Age: Inquisition. As an Ancient Magister who believes himself to be a god, it’s no surprise that Corypheus is one of the most arrogant characters in the Dragon Age franchise.

There are plenty of memorable quotes from Corypheus that highlight the level of arrogance he boasts. From believing he is the only hope for the world and the only one that can ‘correct the Blighted World’ to attempting to tell the people of Thedas that the Maker isn’t real, as he has looked upon the Throne, and it was apparently empty, Corypheus is evidently not a nice man.



A God Who Has Returned To Take Over The World

  • First Met: Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Out of all the characters players have met across the Dragon Age franchise, one of the most arrogant of them all is Elgar’nan. This Ancient Elf, who saw himself as a god among his people, returns to Thedas in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.

As the God of Vengeance and the Sun, it’s no surprise how arrogant of a person Elgar’nan is, as he manipulates the minds of those around him to make them love him. It is evident that Elgar’nan hasn’t learned from his imprisonment, with the arrogance of this elf continuing as he uses the blight to take over the world with no sign of backing down.


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