Just like in real life, radiation can be found in areas of Core Keeper, and while it isn’t nearly as deadly as its real-life counterpoint, you still don’t want to be exposed to it. Getting too close to the crystals that generate them will quickly end your character’s life if you aren’t careful, or soften you up enough to get taken out by something else.

Core Keeper: Every Boss In Order
There are a lot of bosses in Core Keeper, with many being optional. Here, you can check out our recommended order to defeat each one.
And with giant centipedes that can crawl through walls to get to you at any time, you want to keep your health high while you’re in the Shimmering Frontier, especially if you draw near the outer edges. If you want to stay safe and non-irradiated, you’ll need some specialized gear.
How To Deal With Radiation
Radiation is a unique type of damage that exclusively comes from being within eight tiles of a Radiation Crystal, which are frequently found within the Shimmering Frontier biome.
Radiation does 80 damage every few seconds regardless of your armor and health, and it can damage you through walls as long as you’re within range of it, so even in the late game, it can quickly chew through your health while you’re mining Solarite Ore.
You can also tell if you’re in a Radiation Crystal’s range if the amount of bright green particles around it drastically increases, and they begin flashing.
It is possible to run up and mine the Radiation Crystal, removing it as a damage source and dropping it as a material, but this requires at least 810 Mining Damage, no type of explosive works on them, and if there are multiple nearby, you can take damage from them all.
The best way to counterattack this damage is by wearing the Hazmat Armor Set. It provides not only 72-85 Armor and good Physical Melee Damage bonuses at 50 to 58 percent at base level without reinforcing or upgrading it, but a full set of three pieces makes you immune to Radiation Damage.
With it equipped, you can safely harvest the Shimmering Frontier’s many useful resources, such as Solarite Ore, Lunacorn, Sunrice, and Gleamwood, all of which make late-game equipment or food dishes.
How To Get The Hazmat Armor Set
To get this armor set, you’ll need to purchase it from the Brave Merchant, but they need to be unlocked in a specific way like other NPCs.
First, you need to find a Shimmering Frontier, which can be found along the outer edges of the three mid-game biomes – the Desert of Beginnings, Azeos’ Wilderness, and Sunken Sea – then look for an Alien Tech Lab scene within it.
Inside it, you’ll get a miniature dungeon with some Orbital Turret enemies and Alien Tech breakables, and at the end of it, there will be a Challenge Arena that you’ll need to complete. Stand in the center to activate it, and several waves of enemies will spawn as the progress circle fills up as long as you stay within the center.
The Alien Tech Lab can spawn inside a Shimmering Frontier itself, but they can also be at the edges between two biomes, and be accessible without much Radiation damage.
Upon completion, you’ll receive a reward chest that contains a few Upgrade Gems based on the mid-game biome you’re closest to, the chance for some Alien Tech lab-exclusive items like the Cosmic Set and Obliteration Ray, and a guaranteed Nuclear Battery Idol if it’s your first time completing a Challenge Arena. If it’s not the first, you still have a chance to get one, but it’s no longer guaranteed.
Bring this back to your base and make a valid room for the Brave Merchant, and they’ll immediately move in. The Hazmat Armor Set will immediately be available for purchase, but it’s going to cost a lot of Ancient Coins to get it.
A full set costs 10,950 Ancient Coins, but it’s worth it for the total Radiation Damage protection, and it has great stats that can bridge the gap between Galaxite and Solarite armor, and can even be better than Solarite if you want more damage as a melee character.

Core Keeper: Where To Find Cattle
There are several livestock creatures that you can find in Core Keeper, referred to as cattle. Here, you can learn how to find them all.
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