Takeda Castle is one of many Assassin’s Creed Shadows locations that houses a Legendary Chest to loot once you’ve cleared out the area’s Samurai Daisho defenders. While dispatching Daisho enemies is incredibly easy when using Yasuke’s best early skills, slashing through Takeda Castle will likely leave Yasuke wanted, which increases resistance in the region.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows – Nagahama Castle Exploration Guide
Four Samurai Daisho guard Nagahama Castle’s Legendary reward.
Instead, we’ll be guiding you through Takeda Castle as Naoe, who can use her impressive stealth skills and tools to slip in and out of heavily guarded areas without triggering an alarm. Keep to the shadows and utilize everything at your disposal to remain unseen and silently kill the five Samurai Daisho in Takeda Castle.
Where Is Takeda Castle?
Takeda Castle is in the far western section of the Tamba region, south of Takeda. The closest fast travel point is the Takeda Kakurega to the east of the castle.
How To Find & Assassinate The First Samurai Daisho
Approach Takeda Castle from the southern path and stop short of approaching the guard to survey your options.
Skirt along the rocks on the right side of the fence leading up to the entrance, and jump on top of some rocks directly below a tower to the right of the entrance.
From here, keep trying to use your grappling hook, then scale the wall when you find the right spot after jumping.
At the top of the building, you’ll have a good view of the area and can see that there’s not too much along the southwestern tip.
Instead, skirt along the southeastern perimeter of the castle until you reach the easternmost corner of this lower section.
You should shimmy along the outer edge of the walls here to avoid being seen.
From this eastern corner, go slightly northwest into the next elevated courtyard near the lower central area of the castle. In this lower central courtyard, you’ll find the first Samurai Daisho.
The first Samurai Daisho is well guarded, so it will take some careful movement to silently kill him.
- First, kill the guard closest to you watching from the wall by shimmying across the wall below him, then assassinating him once you’re safely past him and can pull yourself up.
- Next, quietly move to the guard standing on the platform overlooking directly next to the Daisho. Dispose of him.
- Third, wait for the patrolling guard to walk away, then kill the Daisho.
- Before he can realize what’s happened, assassinate the patrolling guard to secure the area, and you’ll be finished with the first Samurai Daisho.
How To Find & Assassinate The Second Samurai Daisho
From the western courtyard, go north more until you reach the narrow path leading to the northern section of the castle.
Follow the path to the northern along the western edge until you can turn right and see the castle’s northern central courtyard.
In this northern central courtyard, you’ll find the second and third Samurai Daisho in the secluded section beyond him. Cross over into the northern central courtyard and immediately get on top of a roof to avoid being seen.
First, we’ll take care of the second Samurai Daisho in the courtyard we’re in.
- Make your way to the southwestern area of the central roofed path and wait for the patrolling guard to come to this area, then assassinate him.
- From here, hide in the bushes as you approach the corner of the courtyard where the Samurai Daisho is sitting, with another guard sitting nearby.
- From the bushes, throw a Shinobi Bell to attract the guard over, then kill him.
- With that guard out of the way, you can easily sneak over to the second Samurai Daisho and defeat him.
How To Find & Assassinate The Third Samurai Daisho
From the second Daisho, head further northeast into the next courtyard where the third Samurai Daisho is waiting.
This third Samurai Daisho is completely alone and unprotected, so assassinate him and move on.
How To Find & Assassinate The Fourth Samurai Daisho
From the third Daisho’s northwestern area at the tip of the castle, head east by walking along the perimeter walls, using them to get further back into the castle.
In the far eastern section of the northern area, you’ll find the fourth Samurai Daisho sitting on the ground here.
There’s one other guard in this transition area and a third who patrols the area.
First, position yourself on the corner of the building directly above the Samurai Daisho so you can air assassinate him. Next, wait for the patrolling guard to start walking away down the stairs.
As they leave, jump down and air assassinate the fourth Samurai Daisho. Immediately, crouch walk over to the guard standing alone and take care of him next.
Lastly, scurry after the patrolling guard and double assassinate this man and the guard he stops next to as well, clearing the scene.
Don’t forget to kill the guard standing along the wall on a perch to avoid him seeing you later.
How To Find & Assassinate The Fifth Samurai Daisho
From the eastern courtyard in the northern section, head northeast into the northeastern courtyard of Takeda Castle.
In the far northeastern courtyard, you’ll see the fifth and final Samurai Daisho. Make your way to the locked shed behind the fifth Daisho and survey the scene.
If you don’t mind making a small mess, the best way to handle this scenario is by waiting until all three guards are lumped together by the explosive pots.
Once the guards are near the pots, throw a Kunai at the explosive pot to cause it to explode, killing the guards.
The second you do, jump and assassinate the Daisho, clearing out everyone in seconds.
From the fifth Samurai Daisho, head back south to the northern central courtyard in Takeda Castle, to the Tenshu (large tower).
What Rewards Do You Get From Takeda Castle?
After a few challenging encounters to clear out Takeda Castle’s five Samurai Daisho, you can focus on collecting your loot.
Side Loot
In addition to the side loot found here, there’s also a key which opens locked supply doors around the castle.
- Key: In the top left corner of the northeastern courtyard, you’ll find a small house with a man inside guarding a key.
- Door: In the top left corner of the northeastern courtyard, outside the house with the key, you’ll find a shed with a chest, some minerals, and a pile of resources to smuggle.
Additional Loot:
- In the central western courtyard, adjacent to where you killed the first Daisho, you’ll find a small house guarded by two men. Inside is a chest.
- In the southern section of the northern central courtyard where you killed the second Daisho, you’ll find two large piles of resources to smuggle and a small chest.
- In the eastern area of the northern section of the castle, there’s a small chest down the stairs from where you killed the fourth Daisho.
- In the far northeastern courtyard on your way to the fifth and final Daisho, there’s a house guarded by two enemies outside and one inside. Take them out by waiting until they separate and claim the chest.
- In the northeastern corridor, on top of where the fifth samurai Daisho is standing, is a chest.
- On the second floor of the Tenshu in the northern central courtyard, there’s a chest guarded by a Samurai.
Legendary Chest
After the fifth Daisho, go to the Tenshu in the north central courtyard and fight your way up to the fourth floor to claim the Legendary Chest, which includes:
- 3,000 exp
- An Engraving
- The Hidden Servant Hat Legendary Headgear for Naoe
Lastly, climb the Tenshu for one more reward.
Synchronization Viewpoint
Once you’ve collected the Legendary Chest from the northern courtyard’s Tenshu, head up to the top to claim the synchronization viewpoint and the fast travel location.

Assassin’s Creed Shadows – Himeji Castle Exploration Guide
Buckle up for a gauntlet of five Samurai Daisho in Himeji Castle.
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