How To Find All Kanegasaki Castle Daisho In Assassin’s Creed Shadows

How To Find All Kanegasaki Castle Daisho In Assassin's Creed Shadows
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Another castle in Assassin’s Creed Shadows means another set of Samurai Daisho to hunt down and defeat to gain access to Kanegasaki Castle’s Legendary Chest. If you’ve completed some of the other castles in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, you’re familiar with the formula: defeat some Daisho, claim the Legendary Chest, and maybe a synchronization point.


Assassin’s Creed Shadows – Yamazaki Castle Exploration Guide

Five Samurai Daisho guard Yamazaki Castle’s treasure.

Bursting through a castle’s front entrance as Yasuke is straightforward and involves fighting your way through the entire area, likely becoming wanted in the process. However, we’ll be guiding you through the area as Naoe so you can focus on silently killing the four Samurai Daisho and remaining true to the Shinobi style.

Where Is Kanegasaki Castle?

You’ll find Kanegasaki Castle in the northern section of Wakasa, along the coast to the northeast of the Sotomo Gate.

The nearest fast travel point besides the one in the castle is the Tsuruga Kakurega to the south.

How To Find & Assassinate The First Samurai Daisho

Approach the castle from the south side and take note of the scaffolding further up the northwestern side of the hill – this is your entrance.

Scale the scaffolding and immediately deal with the guard at the top to avoid being detected.

Rush up into the guard tower and deal with that foe too, then scan the area for a better view of the castle.

You’ll spot the first Samurai Daisho directly below you from the guard tower in the southeastern courtyard.

Unfortunately, this courtyard is packed with guards, so you’ll need to be quick to take out the Samurai Daisho. To get the silent kill on the first Samurai Daisho, navigate around to the opposite side of the courtyard to be directly above the Samurai Daisho.

Distract the nearby guards with a Shinobi Bell, assassinate the Daisho, then flee to the rooftops.

How To Find & Assassinate The Second Samurai Daisho

After the first Samurai Daisho is defeated, use the tree to cross into the northern section of the castle, where more enemies and loot await.

Assassinate the first guard near the bushes here, then the second across the courtyard.

After clearing this courtyard, proceed northwest into the next area by scaling the scaffolding and then the tower, killing the guard at the top to take in your surroundings.

You’ll see the second Samurai Daisho standing along a ledge overlooking the southwestern portion of the castle.

This Daisho is surrounded by six guards: two sparring behind him, two practicing their bow and arrow in front of him, one patrolling between, and one overlooking all of this.

Kill the enemies in this order (ignore the ones in front) to silently assassinate the second Daisho with ease:

  1. First, kill the guard overlooking the scene, closest to the tower.
  2. Next, climb on top of the structure in the middle.
  3. Wait for the patrolling guard to move toward the back from the front.
  4. When the patrolling guard is underneath the structure, kill the second Samurai Daisho.

With the second Samurai Daisho dead, stay away from the edge to avoid the practicing archers seeing you.

If the archers see the body and investigate, just wait for each one of them to come investigate, picking them off one at a time.

How To Find & Assassinate The Third Samurai Daisho

From here, backtrack across the structure in the middle, ignoring the enemies behind and in front of the second Daisho, including the patrolling guard.

You’ll find the third Samurai Daisho in this same courtyard, slightly more north, at the start of a bridge to the high northernmost area of the castle.

There’s a guard in the tower across from the third Samurai Daisho, but luckily, he’s looking the opposite way, while two guards in the opposite corner near the Daisho are busy talking. All the while, the middle guard is still patrolling.

This puzzle solution is simpler than it looks but requires careful timing.

  1. Take up a position on the roof of the house near where the two guards are talking in the corner.
  2. From here, wait for the patrolling guard to walk back toward the archers.
  3. While the guard is away, jump assassinate the third Samurai Daisho, and run across the bridge into the next area.

How To Find & Assassinate The Fourth Samurai Daisho

After the third Daisho, cross the bridge immediately after, then scale the scaffolding to the northeast.

Take care to quietly assassinate each guard as you come across them until you reach a northeastern courtyard where you’ll need to assassinate the first guard crouched near you, then survey the scene.

The fourth and final Samurai Daisho is directly in front of you at the northern border of this courtyard.

Lucky for you, the only guards nearby are across from the Daisho and facing the other direction, while two more are inside the adjacent house.

Take your time and quietly jump assassinate the fourth Samurai Daisho while he’s standing along the alley between the house and the courtyard wall.

What Rewards Do You Get From Kanegasaki Castle?

Naoe claims the Kanegasaki Castle Chest Rewards in Assassin's Creed Shadows.

With all four of the Samurai Daisho defeated, there are other rewards to turn your attention towards.

Side Loot

There are a few notable pieces of side loot to acquire while you’re roaming Kanegasaki Castle.

  • Additional Loot:
    • In the southeastern portion of the lower castle area, you’ll find a chest in the guard tower where you first entered.
    • On the eastern side of the castle, near the first Samurai Daisho, you’ll find an open door with a pile of resources you can smuggle inside a small stable. Then, in a house directly across from the stable, you’ll find a chest with a cosmetic item in it.
    • In the first courtyard, once you cross into the northern area of the castle, you’ll find a chest next to where you killed the second guard.
    • In the northeastern courtyard, in the house next to where you killed the fourth Samurai Daisho, is a small chest guarded by a wounded samurai.
    • In the northernmost courtyard with the viewpoint, you’ll find a small shed with a resource bundle you can smuggle.
    • In the central courtyard in the same building as the legendary chest, you’ll find a small chest.
    • In the northern area of the central courtyard, you’ll find a small shed with an open door and some resources you can smuggle out.

Legendary Chest

Naoe claims the Kanegasaki Castle Rewards including the Master Archer Headband in Assassin's Creed Shadows.

With the four Samurai Daisho defeated, trek southeast down the mountain toward the central courtyard where you’ll find the Legendary Chest in the house next to where you killed the fourth Daisho, guarded by the two talking enemies.

The chest contains:

  • 3,000 Exp
  • An Engraving
  • The Master Archer Headband for Yasuke

From here, there’s one last reward waiting for you.

Synchronization Viewpoint

Naoe at the Kanegasaki Castle Viewpoint in Assassin's Creed Shadows.

At the northern tip of the castle, on the western side, you’ll find a large guard tower you can scale with a synchronization viewpoint at the top, and your new fast travel into Kanegasaki Castle.


Assassin’s Creed Shadows – Nagahama Castle Exploration Guide

Four Samurai Daisho guard Nagahama Castle’s Legendary reward.

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