Casterfell Dam is an important location in Atomfall, though it might not look like it at first glance. Early on, it’s a good place to ransack for resources, but if you’re thorough you’ll find a well-defended bunker underneath it.
The Dam Data Store is protected by a dangerous robot and locked down by top-level clearance, and it protects important secrets about the Wyndscale Plant and the discoveries that were made there. Getting to that data, though, requires some very specific events to take place. Here’s what you need to do in order to access it.
How To Reach The Dam Data Store
The Casterfell Dam takes up the northwest corner of the map in Casterfell Woods. The Data Store is in a low section on the right side (facing the dam), and there are two main ways to approach it.
- Going across the dam site proper is the longer, but safer route. The area is patrolled by druids, but you can avoid them or fight them as needed. Approach from the south, then make your way northeast for this route.
- If you approach from the east, you’ll find a gated area with several Ferals. You can squeeze through the bars of the gate, but the Ferals are much more dangerous and aggressive than druids. Once you get past them, you’ll need to move through a small cave filled with toxic gas, which is deadly if you don’t use an Antidote before entering.
The Ferals and toxic gas mean that you should only use the second route in extreme emergencies, even though it’s much shorter.
What You Need To Access The Data Store’s Secrets
The Dam Data Store has plenty of supplies to take, even if you don’t have the key to the control room, and disabling the flamethrower robot inside on your first visit can save you trouble later on.
When you’re ready to go for the top-secret data, you’ll need the following:
- Doctor Garrow’s keycard.
- A Signal Redirector.
- Joyce Tanner must be alive and helping you.
- An Explosive Lure and Antidote are not required, but strongly recommended.
Doctor Garrow carries her keycard with her at all times. To get it, you’ll need to first rescue her from Skethermoor Prison, which will also get you the Signal Redirector. She’ll flee to the Central Processing room in the Interchange. Meet her there and either kill her, or tell Doctor Holder where she is and he’ll do it himself the next time you return to the Interchange. Take the keycard from her body.
Obviously, this locks you out from continuing Doctor Garrow’s storyline.
Joyce Tanner appears in Data Store C after it’s powered up at the Interchange; help her activate the radio towers around the Quarantine Zone to get her on your side.
How To Get The Top-Secret Data Tape
Once you have Garrow’s Dam Data Store Keycard, return to the Dam Bunker and climb the stairs at the rear left. Use the keycard to enter the locked room, then use the Signal Redirector on the junction box inside. Watch your step as you leave, as this will have activated the turret at the bottom of the stairs.
Carefully make your way to the other side of the turret’s pillar; equip an Explosive Lure to a quick slot, use an Antidote, then use the Signal Redirector on the second junction box to disable the turret. This will activate the vent on the far wall, allowing a constant swarm of rats to come in.
The rats’ nest is inside the vent, so you can’t destroy it. The only way to stop the rats is to switch the next box, by the doors on the right side of the room, as quickly a possible. Throw an Explosive Lure at the swarm to distract them, then run to the junction box. Finish off any remaining rats with melee attacks.
Loot the rooms that the box opened, then climb onto the pile of crates in the center of the room. This will put you within reach of the final junction box, on the ceiling. Switching it on will open the door to the control room, up the stairs on your left if you’re facing the entrance.
Go into the control room and use the center console to turn the main power back on. Joyce will come in on the speakers and give you the command to transfer the bunker’s data to a tape. She’ll also insist that you bring it to her, or she’ll stop helping you.
Return to the main room and use the terminal next to the pile of crates that you climbed (it looks like an arcade booth). Use the command GEN MOVE to transfer the data and get the Top-Secret Tape. Whether you bring it to Joyce or keep it for yourself, though, is up to you.
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