What Could Zunesha’s Betrayal Have Been?

What Could Zunesha's Betrayal Have Been?
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  • Zunesha’s role in the Void Century remains shrouded in mystery, with theories suggesting a possible betrayal.
  • Speculation surrounds Zunesha’s crime, with fans debating whether it was a betrayal to Joyboy or the Celestial Dragons.
  • As One Piece enters its Final Saga, Zunesha’s trajectory may lead to Laugh Tale, with implications for the Final War.

Although the events of One Piece’s Void Century remain shrouded in mystery, there are a few notable details that have been revealed about it over the years. The most important of these details have to do with Joyboy; the central figure from this mysterious time period who led the world in a united effort against the forces of evil that would later go on to form the oppressive World Government.

Of all the allies that Joyboy had, Zunesha is often thought of as being one of the most important. While it’s currently unclear if this towering elephant was even a part of this crew, it’s known that, many centuries ago, he committed a grievous crime which cursed him to walk the Earth for all of this time. So, let’s go over what this could have been and why it’s so important for the ending of One Piece.


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Zunesha’s Possible Betrayal In The Void Century

Who Could Zunesha Have Betrayed?

First Appearance

One Piece, Chapter 802, “Zou”

Debut Date

October 5, 2015

Story Arc


Currently, no details are known about Zunesha’s backstory from the Void Century, only that the titanic being has been active since then and was an old comrade of Joyboy. On top of this, Momonosuke stated that the reason why Zunesha has been walking almost aimlessly for at least 800 years is because it is the punishment for a crime that he once committed, which many believe to have been some sort of betrayal.

Fans can only speculate on the details right now, since this crime is still unspecified. The prevailing theory regarding the whole situation is that, somehow, Zunesha betrayed Joyboy and, because of this, played an instrumental part in the defeat of him and his allies, leading to the current situation that the world is in. If this were to be the case, then the betrayal was almost assuredly done unwillingly on Zunesha’s part, perhaps involving some sort of trickery by Imu.

This is probable, since it is incredibly difficult to deal with something as massive and powerful as Zunesha. The likely scenario is that Imu may have taken advantage of Zunesha’s good nature and tricked him into committing an act that completely halted Joyboy’s plans. Upon finding out what he had done and the gravity of the situation, two possibilities are raised. One is that, out of anger, Joyboy, or one of his allies, imposed this penalty on Zunesha, or he imposed it on himself out of unimaginable guilt, the latter of which is more likely.

This would explain how, even after 800 years, Zunesha recognizes the Drums of Liberation and how they symbolize Joyboy. When he made his debut in the Wano arc and heard the sound of Nika’s heart, he experienced joy and nostalgia from a time when this was what he knew through Joyboy. Overall, it’s possible that Joyboy even set him down this path, since one of the Road Poneglyphs is located on his back.

I hear the Drums of Liberation! For the first time in 800 years… he is here! Joyboy… has returned!

On the other hand, some fans of the series believe that Zunesha’s betrayal may not have even been to Joyboy, but to the Celestial Dragons instead. This whacky theory essentially states that in ages past, Zunesha may have been allied with the Imu and the Celestial Dragons from all that time ago, but upon coming across Joyboy and hearing of his dream, he may have had a change of heart that would make him ally himself with the forces of good against tyranny and oppression.

This theory is even more speculative than the other one, but it should be noted that Zunesha’s crime is wholly unspecified, so it may not even be a betrayal at all. Perhaps, through helping Joyboy and his allies, Zunesha was punished by Imu and the forces of the World Government to wander endlessly for the rest of time. Unbeknownst to them, however, was that Joyboy may have anticipated this, since it’s said that Zunesha is always walking towards a single location.


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As the series has officially entered its Final Saga with the start of the Elbaf arc, things are going to ramp up in intensity soon enough. It is widely believed that the location where Zunesha is walking towards may just be Laugh Tale itself, since he may have been given the information by Joyboy in a bid to help everyone against Imu’s forces in the Final War.

If this is true, then the heroes will have one of the most important and powerful figures in history on their side, giving them a huge advantage in the end. The way the entire world of One Piece operates is largely set in motion by Joyboy 800 years ago, so Zunesha may just have been set on this path by his old friend, not only as a punishment, but also as a means to ensure victory for the heroes in the future.

One Piece can be streamed on Crunchyroll.


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