Once you have worked your way through The First Berserker: Khazan‘s Phraugh Village in the First Act Of Revenge mission, you’ll be confronted by the fearsome Volbaino. This human-deer hybrid wields a hammer and a spike -both of which he uses rather enthusiastically. He’ll spin around the arena, link together lengthy combos, throw his implements of war at you, and even set fire to the ground itself.

The First Berserker: Khazan – First Act Of Revenge Walkthrough
This missions will take you through The First Berserker: Khazan’s Phraugh Village. We’ll show you where all the good stuff is hidden.
Moreover, the arena you fight him in plays more of a role in this battle than most. You’ll need to scamper between the different tiers of this room if you hope to survive. Oh, and he sets his spike on fire, meaning even a deft use of Brink Guards may not be enough to save you. But worry not, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know to put this creature down once and for all.
Preparation For The Volbaino Boss Battle
Firstly, you should have obtained the Necklace of Sealed Fire during your run through Phraugh. It is located in a house during the section where you need to prevent a patrolling Dragonkin Sentry from warning their allies. If you missed it, it isn’t too far away from the Central Storehouse Entrance Blade Nexus. You should have picked up a few Fire Cleansing Potions. Make sure these are equipped.
As for what armor you should wear, it is really a matter of preference. Just choose the armor with the skills you appreciate the most. I personally like wearing the Ashen Wolf set for this one, as it gives you an extra Nether charge if you have five pieces on.
You can use any of the three weapons, of course, but I think the Dual Wield has some pretty nice advantages, especially if you equip the Whirlwind ability. It will very conveniently help you avoid certain attacks. However, no matter which weapon you use, you should equip a skill that causes Brink Guards to deal damage, as you’ll be performing a number of them.
Dealing With The Volbaino’s Fire Buff
Volbaino will frequently clash his weapons together, which will place the fire element on the spike. He’ll do this super early in the fight too. The fire buff will eventually wear off, but you can bet that he’ll reapply it soon after. The most dangerous aspect of this buff is that it punches straight through your guard. And yes, that includes your Brink Guard.
Outside the already-mentioned Necklace of Sealed Fire and cleansing potions – which you should absolutely come into battle with – you will want to try to dodge his spike swings when he has applied the fire buff. Volbaino has a number of attack patterns that will see him alternate between his two weapons. You can still block the hammer, you’ll just need to dodge the spike.
There is a notable exception, though: when he starts rapidly slamming down his weapons, one after another, you should try to get your distance. If you can’t, just attempt to Brink Guard these strikes. Trying to squeeze dodges in there will likely get you hit as the strikes come in so quickly. The fire resistance you gain from the necklace should be enough to limit the effect of the fire.
Worst case scenario, if you do get set on fire, you’ll have those Fire Cleansing Potions to dispel the effect immediately.
How To Beat Volbaino
During the first phase of the fight, your best is to Brink Guard his attacks. Nearly all the attacks have an even cadence, which makes them easy to time and guard. Your best opportunity to dish out damage is when he performs a horizontal swing, and then follows that up with two vertical swings (alternating which hand he uses), and then performs a jump attack. The Volbaino uses this attack quite frequently, so it will be a valuable opportunity to dish out the damage.
If the spike is on fire, you will need to dodge its strikes to not take fire damage, but the jumping attack can be Brink Guarded without fear of being burned.
Additionally, the Volbaino will slam his spike into the ground. When he does this, he will then strike it like an anvil, causing a shockwave. After that, he’ll be vulnerable. So, when he slams it into the ground, dash away and then rush back in after he’s caused the shockwave.
If you are using the Dual Wield weapon type, and have the Whirlwind ability equipped, you can use that to avoid the shockwave of him striking the spike. If you are off the ground, you’ll be safe.
When Volbaino performs a low-to-the-ground 360-degree spin, then you know he’s going to follow it up with six quick vertical attacks. After those six attacks, he’ll perform a Brink Attack that will see him lunge forward. Just dodge away after those six attacks, and he will whiff that Brink Attack. Volbaino should now be pretty vulnerable, so deliver the most damaging attack you have at your disposal.
Additionally, Volbaino does have another brink attack. When he charges at you, he will almost always take an unblockable swipe at you with his spike. Fix your eyes on that spike, and when it starts coming down, dodge. The timing can be a little tricky on this one, but you’ll eventually get a feel for it.
Volbaino’s Second Phase
After you whittleVolbaino’s health to around the halfway point,Volbaino will scamper up the wall and then perform a giant jump and slam him hammer down on your head. AsVolbaino is climbing the wall, you’ll be able to hit him with javelins. He’ll pose when he is on the wall as well, so just keep peppering him with those javelins until you see him lift off. Dodge the moment before impact, and you’ll escape any damage and have an opportunity to dish some out.
From here on out, whenVolbaino slams his spike into the ground, he’ll start yanking it out. This will take him a few tugs, so he is vulnerable to attacks. However, once he does, it will cause a massive pool of fire to form. If you step into that area, you’ll receive fire damage. Youcan safely throw javelins at him, of course. However, this is the perfect opportunity to climb the ladder and get to the second floor.
When Volbaino licks his spike, you need to get to the second floor as quickly as possible, as he’s going to set the entire floor on fire. However, if you have already climbed the ladder, as we suggested you do when Volbaino is tugging at the spike, then this is much less of an issue, as you will be on the second floor when he does this, and it is a LOT easier to run off the edge to get away than it is to run to a narrow ladder and start climbing in time.
You can actually climb that ladder at any moment when Volbaino is stunned. You’ll need to do it at some point anyway, so you may as well do it if the opportunity presents itself, even if it is quite early in the fight.
Volbaino will also start throwing his spike up before batting it at you with his hammer. Once it is planted in the ground, he will throw his hammer at it, causing a shockwave. Make sure that you aren’t standing in between Volbaino and the planted spike, and that you are a fair distance away from the spike (so you don’t get hit by the shockwave).
Throughout his second phase, Volbaino will still use those same combos from the first phase that leave him vulnerable. Just stay vigilant, utilize Brink Guards, dodge his spike when it is on fire, and dish out damage when he is vulnerable. It will be a matter of time before you are feasting on deer meat.

The First Berserker: Khazan – Strange Stench Walkthrough
Here’s how to navigate the Skoffa Cava and complete the Strange Stench mission in The First Berserker: Khazan!
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