Hardest Routes In Undertale, Ranked

Hardest Routes In Undertale, Ranked
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  • Undertale has different routes, with the Neutral route being a midpoint between Pacifist and Genocide.
  • The True Pacifist route leads to the happiest conclusions and requires sparing monsters throughout.
  • The Genocide route is the hardest, requiring players to kill every monster, and is the complete opposite of the Pacifist route.

Undertale is probably one of the best games ever released, as it not only has a very entertaining gameplay and an interesting concept, but it has also spawned tons of different fan theories that many are still discussing to this day.


Undertale: 10 Most Impactful Quotes

Undertale packs a lot of emotional and deep moments, delivered through quotes that are sure to leave a lasting impact on players.

The one problem with Undertale however, is that, although it warrants many playthroughs. It can sometimes feel a little short. This isn’t as much of an issue, though, as there are many similar games that players can enjoy to get a familiar feeling. There are a few routes players can explore during their Undertale playthrough, some easier than others. Here are the hardest routes in Undertale.


Neutral Route

Only Engage Enemies When It’s Absolutely Necessary

Facing an enemy in Undertale.
  • The mid-point between the Genocide and Pacifist routes
  • Depending on what players consume or who they kill, Sans will have different dialogues for them

One of the most notable aspects of the Neutral Route in Undertale is that the final boss is Photoshop Flowey. However, this is only the case if players fight him once and don’t perform a True Reset or a Genocide Route, as otherwise, this fight will be skipped entirely. The same goes for a True Pacifist route, so if players meet the requirements for it, they will not get this ending. In the Neutral Route ending, Sans calls the protagonist’s cell phone and leaves a message regarding the Underground’s fate. In most Neutral Route endings (except for the one where players abort the Genocide Route in Hotland), players will be tasked with killing Asgore to take his soul so they can pass through the barrier. In most Neutral route epilogues, the following happens:

  • Flowey is defeated or not fought altogether.
  • Six human souls are lost.
  • Monsters remain trapped behind the barrier and the protagonist escapes the Underground.
  • Asgore is killed by Flowey, or the protagonist.

There are many requirements involved in attaining a neutral route. Some of them are rather simple, whereas others will put players’ skills to the test and force them to forego certain valuables. If players: :

  • Never used consumables, never killed Papyrus, never removed the Bandage and remained at Level 1: Sans compliments players on their skills but asks them not to brag about them.
  • Never used consumables and never killed Papyrus: Sans asks if players ever had something to eat.
  • Wore the Bandage and never killed Papyrus: Sans will ask players if they’re still wearing the bandage they started with.
  • Never saved and never killed Papyrus: Sans will suggest players save their game.
  • Have a Snowman Piece and never kill Papyrus: Sans will mention a certain snowman is very happy.
  • Didn’t meet any special requirements mentioned above and never killed Papyrus: Sans leaves a message for the protagonist.
  • Aborted the Genocide Route in Hotland: Sans hands the phone to Alphys.

The Neutral route in Undertale is, without a doubt, one of the easiest to attain, as it can be challenging, but not as much as the Pacifist or the Genocide alternatives. While Undertale is not one of the hardest or best tactical 16-bit titles, it has lots to offer players.


True Pacifist Route

Sometimes, Choosing To Avoid Conflict Is Harder Than It Seems

youre filled with determination asgore fight
  • Several requirements must be met
  • Fleeing or showing mercy can sometimes be a challenge

Many players argue that the True Pacifist Route in Undertale is the Canon True ending, as it leads to the happiest conclusions and the completion credits. This route can be attained after completing a Neutral Route and only if the protagonist does not kill any monsters throughout the story. One of the most important things to achieve this ending is to spare Flowey, who will appear after the Neutral Route phone call. If players kill Flowey instead during the encounter, the game will immediately return to the start menu.


Undertale: 8 Best Neutral Endings

Undertale’s neutral endings are not good or bad, but shades of gray, requiring the player to spare some characters and kill others to unlock them.

To earn a True Pacifist Route ending, players must follow these steps:

  1. Defeat Asgore and Flowey.
  2. Never kill any monsters or gain any EXP/LV. Using non-lethal encounter exits is mandatory and players should use MERCY options, such as fleeing, items and battle-ending ACTs. The one exception is the Dummy in the Ruins and attacking Mad Mew Mew, then sparing her, as neither contributes to gaining EXP.
  3. Have a hangout with Papyrus at his house.
  4. Pouring a cup of water on Undyne when she passes out from chasing the protagonist.
  5. Complete the cooking lesson with Papyrus.
  6. Deliver Undyne’s letter under the door of Alphyr’s Lab and complete a date with her.
  7. Finding the four keys in the True Lab to open the generator room. This will warp the protagonist to the New Home, signalling a True Pacifist route has been achieved.

Like some of the best 16-bit JRPGs out there, Undertale forces players to meet various requirements to attain a True Pacifist ending, which is what makes it very challenging, though not as much as the Genocide route. Although Undertale was not developed by a massive studio, it’s undeniable that even the best 16-bit games developed by Sega have nothing on this title and the wonderful world it shows players.


Genocide Route

Kill Everything, Everywhere. No Mercy

Undertale skeleton
  • Players must kill every monster they can find
  • Arguably, the longest route in Undertale

While there are great 16-bit games developed by Nintendo that offer tons of options to players, the family-oriented nature of those titles does not allow for a Genocide run. Luckily, Undertale and other titles like Deltarune Chapter 2 are not held back by such constraints, making the Genocide Route possible. This route is the complete opposite of the True Pacifist alternative, as it can only be attained if players kill every possible monster in the underground. Also, unlike the True Pacifist alternative, the Genocide Route ending can occur without having previously completed the game.


Undertale: Most Evil Decisions

These are the most evil decisions players can make in Undertale.

Players must end the lives of every main and mini-boss in the Ruins, Snowdin Forest, Waterfall, and Hotland, as well as its subregion “The CORE” for a true Genocide Route. This is what makes it the hardest route in the entirety of Undertale, as it will take players a long time to find every monster and encounters can become increasingly harder as they progress. The total number of kills in every area is:

  • Ruins: 20
  • Snowdin: 16
  • Waterfall: 18
  • Hotland/CORE: 40

In general, it’s not recommended to pursue this route during players’ first playthrough as it can be extremely challenging. But for those looking to put their skills to the test, it can be a great option.

Undertale Tag Page Cover Art

Dance with a slime…pet a dog…whisper your favorite secret to a knight…or ignore all of that and rain destruction upon your foes. The choices are yours—but are you determined enough to prevail?

Killing is unnecessary: negotiate out of danger using the unique battle system. Time your attacks for extra damage, then dodge enemy attacks in a style reminiscent of top-down shooters.

Original art and soundtrack brimming with personality.
Soulful, character-rich story with an emphasis on humor.


September 15, 2015


E10+ for Everyone 10+: Fantasy Violence, Mild Blood, Mild Language, Simulated Gambling, Use of Tobacco

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