World Settings You Should Change In Palworld

World Settings You Should Change In Palworld
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Palworld has a massive open world filled with over a hundred creatures for you to tame, train, and put to work while you expand your base. While more features are being added with every patch, the world can feel a little unbalanced and even empty in certain areas.


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When you create a server, you also get the option to change many different settings, including multipliers for almost every activity and mechanic available. While most are just right, others can be changed to make your experience exponentially better while still allowing it to feel challenging and engaging.

Updated on March 24, 2025, by Mohamed El Ouardighi: Palworld has been constantly updated with new content to keep the game alive, and the most recent one—Feybreak—was probably the biggest yet. That’s why we’ve gone over our old Palworld lists and updated them accordingly.


Night Time Speed

Palworld Surfent Terra sleeping in the desert

The day and night cycle in Palworld is important in that, at different times, you will encounter different types of Pals and even be able to sneak up on sleeping ones. On solo servers, you can sleep in your bed to change the time from night to day at any point.

Certain Pals, like Tombat

and Depresso

, will continue working at night.

This means that you can decrease the Night Time Speed setting to give you more time to catch night Pals without having to rush to find as many as possible. When you are ready, just hop in your bed and start the next day, letting your Pals get back to work.


Max Structures Per Base

Avatar inside the base in Palworld

Your base is your haven in Palworld, so you’ll need to make sure you have everything you need in it, keeping it constantly functioning and producing materials while also providing plenty of comfort for your Pals so they don’t get overworked.

However, the base structure limit might hold you back from building the base of your dreams, especially if you’re someone who enjoys being creative and putting time and effort into your base. In that case, you’ll definitely want to remove the limit on the maximum structures per base. This will give you the freedom to customize each of your bases as you wish, allowing for more creative expression.


EXP Rate

Palworld tech tree with multiple unlearned recipes

If you are playing in a large clan or with multiple friends on the same server, it’s smart to diversify what recipes you plan on learning to save your Technology Points. Otherwise, you will never quite have enough to get everything you want.

The simplest way to correct this is by changing the EXP Rate setting so that you gain levels faster. This is most important on solo servers as it will still take many hours to reach even the mid-levels while spending points on every recipe.


Pal Appearance Rate

Palworld screenshot of sheep in a field

With how massive the world map is and how few world features there are in early access, it can feel sort of empty while soaring through the sky on your Beakon. The Pal Appearance Rate setting can fill the world with more Pals, as long as your PC can handle the extra load.


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This can also fix other issues, such as never finding the right Pal when getting the ten captures experience bonus, or when you spend hours hunting for a single Venom Gland

. However, with this setting, it’s recommended not to max it out and instead increase it to two.


Pal Hunger Depletion Rate

character cooking mushroom stew in the pot in palworld

Over time, Pals will become hungry, especially if you spend time riding them or using them in combat, and with Feeding Bags they will peck away at your food stash over time. However, with how easy it is to obtain food and how much even a berry refills the bar, it’s just a very minor inconvenience.

To help give this mechanic some weight and give you a reason to build and maintain multiple crop plots, increase this setting. This also gives you a reason to spend those Ancient Technology Points on better Feed Bags, which are often underutilized.


Gatherable Items Multiplier

Mining in Palworld with a Repair bench overlaid

A great deal of the gameplay loop of Palworld involves using axes and pickaxes to harvest wood, stone, ore, sulfur, and much more. Although you can build workstations for wood and stone, this will mean you must spend a great deal of time swinging away at various colored rocks.

For most, this kind of grinding becomes tedious and almost a time waster, and you would rather spend this time catching Pals or fighting NPC camps. By increasing the multiplier, you can still engage in this mechanic without having to spend half your time doing so.


Dropped Items Multiplier

player firing poison crossbow at fuack in Palworld

By capturing or knocking out Pals, they will drop items into your inventory depending on the specific Pal. Almost every Pal will drop a useful item and some are used very frequently, especially at early levels.

With the current setting, and especially on solo servers, knocking out or catching enough Pals to get Venom Gland

s, Pal Metal, or Ancient Civilization Parts

means spending hours just to lose them to the first set of arrows or armor you craft.


Structure Deterioration Rate

placing a wood foundation with a structure deterioration warning in Palworld

When building objects are placed outside your base’s zone, they will start to lose health until eventually destroyed. On larger multiplayer servers, this prevents seeing random stairs and repair benches littering the world, but on solo servers, this can be a pain.


Palworld: All Glider Pals, Ranked

The best Pals are the ones that prevent fall damage.

By changing the setting to zero, you won’t have to worry about any of your objects placed outside the zone disappearing, especially if it is only partially over the line. This can also give you more room to expand your base, as long as you don’t need your working Pals on objects placed outside.


Maximum Number Of Dropped Items In The World

Player standing next to a Ranch and there is a Lamball inside with a bunch of wool Palworld

This setting affects all items that you can see lying on the ground, either from randomly spawning items like Pal Sphere

s to ones dropped by you and Pals on your Farm. The most noticeable effect of changing this setting is seeing more random items on the ground as you travel.

One issue increasing this setting fixes is if you have multiple farms where Pals are gathering and dropping items, you will see fewer items in the wild. This can add to the empty feeling of Palworld if the setting remains as low as it does by default.


Pal Capture Rate

Palworld Mammorest With Seven Percent Capture Rate

Each time new Pals are released, you might be a completionist who wants to make sure you capture every single Pal out there. This can be difficult, as different Pals have varying capture rates, and of course, it depends on the Sphere you’re using.

If you don’t want to go through all the hassle and you’re just a casual player, feel free to bump up the Pal Capture Rate and increase the multiplier to make it easier to capture any Pal you come across. That said, don’t expect to capture every Pal on the first try—especially the Alpha Pal—but it will definitely make it easier for you.


Death Penalty

  • Setting: Drop all items except equipment

One of the more punishing aspects of Palworld is that dying causes everything equipped on your character to drop on the ground. This includes all the gear you are wearing, including accessories and, most importantly, armor.

This becomes a problem if you die in an extremely cold or hot environment as you won’t have the gear to survive it without making an additional set and wasting materials just to acquire it back. Changing this setting to dropping only items can still make the world feel challenging without being too unfair.


Time To Incubate Massive Egg

Hatching a Dark Egg in an Incubator in Palworld

Despite the misleading name, this setting affects all types of eggs and how long they take to incubate. While set very low as standard, this can be increased to make eggs take dozens of hours to fully incubate.

While this mechanic is essential for slowing the progress of massive clans on competitive, multiplayer servers, everywhere else is just twiddling your thumbs waiting for a Kelpsea

. While you should lower this setting, setting it at zero will completely remove the timer, but also removes the heating and cooling mechanic that makes incubating worth the effort.


Palworld has been described as Pokemon with guns and well, it’s hard to argue with that. The game is very similar in nature to the Pokemon formula, tasking you with catching and working with monsters called Pals. There are key differences, though. Palworld is rooted in multiplayer, oh, and, unlike Pokemon, its Pals have guns.


January 19, 2024


Pocket Pair, Inc.


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