What Happened to Eunseok on Jeju Island, Explained

What Happened to Eunseok on Jeju Island, Explained
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  • S-Rank hunters like Eunseok risk their lives in major crises, like the Jeju Island disaster.
  • Eunseok, a skilled lightning mage, died trying to reclaim the island from the Ant Queen.
  • Eunseok’s death impacted the Korean government, traumatized friends, and led Byung-Gu to retire.

Being an S-Rank hunter in the universe of Solo Leveling is no joke. Yes, they receive better benefits and are well compensated, but their lives are more at stake when a major crisis occurs. Take the Jeju Island disaster, for example—it claimed the lives of so many exceptional hunters. These hunters, including the S-Rank hunter, Eunseok, selflessly put their lives on the line for the safety of the citizens of their beloved nation.

Speaking of the Jeju Island raid, the South Korean government tried to claim the island three times before the current events of the Solo Leveling Manhwa. They only stop trying after an S-rank hunter dies in the line of duty, demoralizing not just the government but also some of the participating hunters in the raid. Hoping the ants would eventually die from starvation, the Korean government abandoned further attempts—unfortunately, that never happened, leading to a more serious problem.


Solo Leveling: Who Dies and Who Survives in the Jeju Island Arc

Solo Leveling’s Jeju Island Arc claims the lives of many S-rank hunters from Japan and South Korea, but who among them dies and survives?

Get to Know Eunseok and His Abilities

Eunseok Is an S-Rank Mage Specializing in Lightning Magic

solo leveling eunseok what happened jeju island

Eunseok is an S-Rank hunter whose name is always attached to the infamous Jeju Island raid in South Korea. He is a mage-class hunter, like the Master of the Hunters Guild, Choi Jong-In, and Japan’s Draw Sword Guild member, Kei. While Choi Jong-In specializes in fire magic and Kei is an expert at ice magic, Eunseok has exceptional abilities in casting and manipulating lightning magic.

In Solo Leveling episode 1, “I’m Used to It,” Eunseok shows his prowess at casting lightning magic on multiple opponents at once. He also wields dual metal claws, which help him target opponents with precision. His lightning magic has a wide area of effect (AOE), making him an efficient and effective damage dealer to monsters like the ants, whose strength lies in numbers. While not much is known about his lightning techniques, the pilot episode of Solo Leveling reveals that he can cast lightning magic straight into the ground, allowing it to crawl until it strikes his targets.

“You brute.”—Eunseok to Baek Yoon-Ho

Similar to other S-Rank hunters, Eunseok possesses exceptional strength and speed. He is also physically capable of standing side by side with the Master of the White Tiger Guild, Baek Yoon-Ho, while fighting an ant guard. In addition to Yoon-Ho, the S-rank healer, Byung-Gu places complete trust in him, further showing how dependable and reliable he is in combat.

What Happened to Eunseok on Jeju Island?

Eunseok’s Final Moments in the Jeju Island Raid

solo leveling eunseok what happened jeju island raid

It’s no secret that Eunseok dies on Jeju Island, despite the first few moments of the raid looking more successful than South Korea’s past attempts to retake the island. It’s the third attempt to claim the island back, with all hopes resting not only on Eunseok but also on the other S-rank hunters like Choi Jong-In, Yoon-Ho, and Byung-Gu. Their combined forces manage to eliminate a significant number of ants, but their power still is not enough to bring down the Ant Queen and her formidable colony.

“You saw how Eunseok died.”—Min Byung-Gu to Baek Yoon-Ho

Eunseok tragically loses his life when a group of ant guards makes a feast out of him, as shown in Solo Leveling episode 21, “It was All Worth It.” He appears full of life and vigor when he appears in the debut episode of Solo Leveling, fighting side by side with his fellow S-Rank hunters as if nothing could go wrong. With an exceptional healer like Byung-Gu and a powerful beast-class hunter like Yoon-Ho by Eunseok’s side, his death seems almost impossible to happen. However, as the third Jeju Island raid progresses, their attempt ultimately fails—possibly due to the overwhelming number of mutated ants the raid party faces the deeper they push into the island.

Impact of Eunseok’s Death

Eunseok’s death influenced not just the Korean government but also traumatized his friends, especially Byung-Gu, who ended his hunter career following the third raid. His untimely death must have been so tragic that it convinced Byung-Gu to lead a normal life rather than return to the battlefield. Perhaps Byung-Gu also wonders how even an S-Rank healer like him could not save the life of his friend, but we’ll never know. He must have a lot of regrets that led him to retire early.

“I trust that you two will protect me.”—Min Byung-Gu to Eunseok and Baek Yoon-Ho

However, Byung-Gu eventually comes out of retirement to assist Yoon-Ho in South Korea’s fourth and final attempt to claim Jeju Island. He was ready to become a history professor, but fate had different plans for him. Byung-Gu initially dissuades Yoon-Ho from going back to the island because of what happened to Eunseok, but he later joins his friend in the hopes that no one will suffer the same fate as Eunseok when they finally bring everything to an end.

All in all, Eunseok’s death is a harsh reminder of the ruthlessness and the true power that magical beasts hold. It also serves as a testament to the dangerous world of Solo Leveling, where only the strongest and the luckiest survive, no matter how powerful and gifted the hunters are.

Solo Leveling TV Series Poster

Solo Leveling

Release Date

January 7, 2024


Shunsuke Nakashige

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Taito Ban

    Shun Mizushino (voice)

  • Cast Placeholder Image

    Genta Nakamura

    Kenta Morobishi (voice)

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