The Best Cards From Battle Partners In Pokemon TCG

The Best Cards From Battle Partners In Pokemon TCG
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  • Battle Partners set has 132 cards focusing on trainers and Pokemon, including powerful ex’s and functional trainer cards.
  • Key cards like Pangoro, Weezing, and Ludicolo offer annoyance, synergy, and HP boosts for strategic deck building.
  • Other standout cards like N’s Sigilyph, Brock’s Exploration, and Mamoswine ex provide game-changing abilities and devastating attacks.

The Pokemon TCG Battle Partners set features a total of 132 cards. The theme focuses on trainers and their Pokemon, with some iconic trainers and their well-known Pokemon included. Additionally, the set boasts powerful ex’s, Pokemon with effective abilities, and functional trainer cards.


Pokemon TCG: 10 Best Pokemon Abilities From Battle Partners

Want to know the best abilities in Battle Partners? Find out here!

By adding synergistic cards related to specific trainers, you can create a great combination for your deck. Wondering which ones are the best? In this list, we’ve highlighted the most functional, powerful, and top cards from the Battle Partners set. We’ve handpicked the top 12 out of 132 cards for you. Ready? Let’s jump in!



Pangoro from Battle Partners in Pokemon TCG.

Torment (30)

Power Tackle (160)

Choose 1 of your opponent’s Active Pokemon’s attacks. During your opponent’s next turn, that Pokemon can’t use that attack.

During your next turn, this Pokemon can’t attack.

Pandas are sweet, calm, and lazy creatures, but Pangoro is the complete opposite. Especially if your opponent encounters this card, they’ll say a lot more. Pangoro’s Torment attack might not deal much damage, but it’s super annoying as it stops your opponent from using their chosen attack.

If your opponent only has one attack, they’re completely helpless. Once you’ve whittled down their HP, finish the job with Power Tackle. However, keep in mind that using it means Pangoro can’t attack next turn, so plan ahead. Otherwise, Pangoro might start looking less fierce in your opponent’s eyes…



Weezing from Battle Partners in Pokemon TCG.

Full of Gas (30)

Crazy Bomb (50)

Your opponent’s Active Pokemon is now Confused.

If this Pokemon used Full of Gas during your last turn, this attack does 120 more damage.

Weezing, one of Team Rocket’s most iconic Pokemon, can truly deliver iconic moments. Its attacks are surprisingly synergistic and deadly. Full of Gas may not hit hard, but it confuses the opponent—a special condition that’s truly annoying. But that’s not all that makes Weezing irritating.


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Weezing gets its time in the spotlight.

If you used Full of Gas last turn, its Crazy Bomb attack hits for 170 damage, shaking even the toughest ex Pokemon. Even if Weezing doesn’t poison the opponent, it’ll definitely make their life difficult. Adding this card to your deck won’t leave you regretting it—unless, of course, you’re the one facing Weezing!



Ludicolo from Battle Partners in Pokemon TCG.

Ability: Vital Samba

Hydro Splash (130)

Your Pokemon in play get +40 HP. The effect of Vital Samba doesn’t stack.

Ludicolo may not have the most powerful ability in Battle Partners, but it’s definitely effective. Thanks to its ability, your entire team gets a 40 HP boost, making your Pokemon more tanky. Having a Ludicolo on your bench is like wearing a seatbelt – it could save you in tough situations.

The scenario where you don’t take a hit from a deadly ex attack might give you the breather you need to turn things around. Plus, Ludicolo has a 130 damage attack. Not mind-blowing, but definitely useful in a pinch. Just don’t let it get discarded, or you’ll lose that sweet HP bonus too!


N’s Sigilyph

N's Sigilyph from Battle Partners in Pokemon TCG.

Psychic Sphere (20)

Victory Symbol

If you use this attack when you have only 1 Prize card remaining, you win this game.

N’s Sigilyph might not be the flashiest or most iconic Pokemon of N’s team, but its Victory Symbol attack is a game-changer. It doesn’t deal damage, but if you have only one Prize Card left, using this attack immediately wins you the game. Of course, playing it too early might give your opponent a chance to counter, but it also adds psychological pressure.


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Timing is everything—your Sigilyph needs enough energy to pull it off, and you’ve got to get it into the active spot. While it doesn’t focus on taking out the active Pokemon, it can still steal victory out of nowhere. A true underdog with a devastating finishing move!


Brock’s Exploration

Brock's Exploration from Battle Partners in Pokemon TCG.


Search your deck for up to 2 Basic Pokemon or an Evolution Pokemon, reveal them, and put them into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.

Relying solely on Pokemon cards to win isn’t always the best strategy—support your deck with effective Trainer cards. Brock’s Exploration is one such gem. While it’s not full of surprises, it’s incredibly efficient. With this card, you can grab either two Basic Pokemon or one Evolution Pokemon from your deck.

It’s especially useful for pulling out those ex Pokemon or finding a critical Evolution at the right moment. Instead of hoping to draw those cards, Brock makes your life a lot easier. He’s not flashy, but he gets the job done—like a reliable friend who always has your back!


Hop’s Zacian ex

Hop's Zacian ex from Battle Partners in Pokemon TCG.

Insta-Strike (30)

Brave Slash (240)

This attack also does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokemon.)

During your next turn, this Pokemon can’t use Brave Slash.

Hop’s Zacian is a dangerous weapon, especially if you’ve added other Hop cards to your deck. For example, adding Hop’s Snorlax makes all of Hop’s Pokemon deal 30 more damage. Hop’s Choice Band gives you another 30 damage boost. With the Postwick Stadium card, all of Hop’s Pokémon gain yet another 30 attack.

These cards reward you for building a Hop-themed deck with high synergy. Zacian ex isn’t weak on its own either—it’s a Basic Pokemon, so you can bring it out quickly. Insta-Strike is a cheap attack that also hits a bench Pokémon, making it great early game. Brave Slash hits for 240, but Zacian can’t use it next turn, so timing is key!


Salamence ex

Salamence ex from Battle Partners in Pokemon TCG.

Wide Blast

Dragon Impact (300)

This attack does 50 damage to each of your opponent’s Benched Pokemon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

Discard 2 Energy from this Pokemon.

Salamence ex is one of the most impressive Dragon Pokemon, and in this set, it’s not just impressive, it’s powerful! All you need is to bring out a cute Bagon, evolve it into Shelgon, and boom! You’ve got a destructive weapon. Salamence’s first attack deals 50 damage to all of your opponent’s benched Pokémon.

If they’ve got a full bench, you can quickly rack up prize cards. Its Dragon Impact attack is expensive but deadly, dealing 300 damage, making it the highest-damaging ex attack in this set. But, beware—using it means discarding two energies, so make sure you time it right!



Lycanroc from Battle Partners in Pokemon TCG.

Ability: Spike-Clad

Clamping Fangs (40+)

When you play this Pokemon from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokemon during your turn, you may attach up to 2 Spiky Energy cards from your discard pile to this Pokemon.

This attack does 40 more damage for each damage counter on your opponent’s Active Pokemon.

Lycanroc is one dangerous Pokemon! Its ability, Spike-Clad, lets you attach two Spiky Energies to it, which deal 20 damage to the opponent when Lycanroc takes damage—40 if you attach two. But that’s not the real kicker. Lycanroc’s Clamping Fangs attack starts with 40 damage, but it adds an extra 40 for each damage counter on the opponent’s Pokemon.


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So, if they’ve taken 40 damage from the Spiky Energy, you’ll hit them with a total of 200 damage. While Lycanroc isn’t the tankiest, it packs a serious punch, and with its devastating power, it’s definitely a weapon to reckon with.


N’s Zoroark ex

N's Zoroark ex from Battle Partners in Pokemon TCG.

Ability: Trade

Night Joker

You must discard a card from your hand in order to use this Ability. Once during your turn, you may draw 2 cards.

Choose 1 of your Benched N’s Pokemon’s attacks and use it as this attack.

How about adding the master of illusions, Zoroark, to your deck? But this isn’t just any Zoroark—it’s N’s iconic partner! Zoroark’s most impressive feature is its ability, which lets you discard one card every turn to draw two. This helps you quickly find useful Pokemon, trainer cards, or N’s other Pokemon.

Zoroark’s Night Joker attack allows you to use an attack from another N Pokemon on the bench. By using N’s powerful Pokemon attacks, you can keep your opponent guessing. Or, if you have one Prize card left, you can use N’s Sigilyph’s Victory Symbol attack to win the game directly. A perfect illusionist finisher!

Metagross from Battle Partners in Pokemon TCG.

Wrack Down (60)

Conjoined Beams (130+)

If Beldum and Metang are on your Bench, this attack does 150 more damage.

Metagross always makes its way into the strongest Pokemon lists, and it earns its place here too. Despite being a Stage Two Pokemon, it has an attack strong enough to challenge ex cards. Conjoined Beams normally hits for 130 damage, but with the right setup, it can take out most opponents in one shot.

If you have Beldum and Metang on your bench, the attack hits for an extra 150, making it a devastating move. Of course, hitting 130 without the setup is already impressive, but if you build your deck with this in mind, Metagross will exceed your expectations. Think of it as a Pokemon with potential, just waiting for you to unlock its full power!


Mamoswine ex

Mamoswine ex from Battle Partners in Pokemon TCG

Ability: Mammoth Hauler

Rumbling March

Once during your turn, you may search your deck for a Pokemon, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.

This attack does 40 more damage for each Stage 2 Pokemon on your Bench.

Mamoswine ex is undoubtedly one of the strongest cards in the Battle Partners set, and there are two main reasons why. First, its ability lets you search your deck for any Pokemon card and put it into your hand, and the best part? Mamoswine doesn’t need to be in the active spot to use it! Once it hits the field, you can start pulling out your powerhouses.

With its high HP, Mamoswine is a tough tank, but that’s not all. It also delivers a solid punch, dealing 180 damage, plus an extra 40 for every Stage Two Pokemon on your bench. With the right setup, this massive mammoth could hit for 380, making it a nightmare for your opponent!



Banette from Battle Partners in Pokemon TCG

Cursed Words

Spooky Shot (70)

Your opponent shuffles 3 cards from their hand into their deck.

Banette earns its spot on this list not because of its cursed doll or cool looks, but because it has a really annoying attack. If you get Banette out early, you can make things very difficult for your opponent. Cursed Words is highly effective, forcing your opponent to shuffle three cards from their hand into their deck.

If you keep doing this until they have no cards left, you’ve essentially closed off all their options. The opponent will hope for a lucky draw each turn, but they’re stuck. Meanwhile, you can keep strengthening your bench Pokemon and secure your victory. Cursed Words is truly an effective attack – and one that will leave your opponent wishing they’d never heard it.

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