Nearly every gun that you find lying around (or scrounge from fallen enemies) in Atomfall is a rusty piece of junk that’s barely holding onto functionality. You can certainly make do with these scavenged weapons, but as you investigate the game’s mystery further it helps to have weapons that are more reliable. That’s where upgrading your gear comes in.

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Learning to enhance your guns in Atompunk takes a big investment of resources, so you won’t be able to do it right away, but it’s definitely something worth working towards. Here’s everything you need to know about getting Pristine weaponry.
How To Unlock The Gunsmith Skill
To upgrade guns, you need to first learn the Gunsmith Skill. It’s not available at the start of the game; instead, you need to find and read the Crafting Manual. The easiest way to get one is to buy it from Morris, the shopkeeper in Wyndham Village.
Once you’ve read the Crafting Manual, the three Skills in that category will be available to learn, including Gunsmith. Now, you just need to find enough Training Stimulants to actually unlock it. Gunsmith is very expensive, costing a whopping 7 Stims. Your best bet is to save them as you find them in Bunkers, hidden rooms, and the Interchange until you have enough.
How To Get Morris To Give You The Manual For Free
When you arrive and Wyndham Village, go to the Brewery at 30.5E, 80.5N. In the cellar is a note connecting Morris to Maisie’s murder at the church. Show it to him, then agree to keep quiet in exchange for a favor. He’ll give you the Crafting Manual without having to barter for it.
How To Upgrade Guns
When you’ve learned Gunsmith, you’ll automatically gain the crafting recipe to upgrade any firearm that you pick up. In general, upgrading a gun requires two copies at the same tier to strip for parts, plus gun oil and scrap to use as crafting materials. Once you have the parts, all you have to do is craft the new weapon as you would any other item, from the Crafting screen.
The three tiers of weapons, from lowest to highest, are Rusty, Stock, and Pristine.
Upgrading a weapon to a higher tier increases its accuracy and damage, making it much deadlier in a fight and reducing the chance that you’ll waste precious ammo. Since you need two Stock versions of a weapon to upgrade to Pristine, you’ll ultimately need to find four Rusty copies and plenty of oil and scrap for a full upgrade.
You can very rarely find Stock variants of weapons while exploring; when you do, be sure to make room in your inventory for them, as they’re some of the most valuable finds in the game.

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