City Saviors Walkthrough (Kill or Spare Suids)

City Saviors Walkthrough (Kill or Spare Suids)
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City Saviors is a Normal Mission in Xenoblade Chronicles X that players can initiate after completing Chapter 3 and reaching a 15% Survey Rate in Primordia. While this mission is not particularly difficult to complete, it does feature a choice that players may want to know more about. This guide is here to detail the consequences associated with that choice, and it will help players determine their desired approach to Xenoblade Chronicles X‘s City Saviors mission.

Carl is found in NLA’s Administrative District, just north of the Mission Control console.


Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition: FN Site 118 Location

Players who are struggling to reach FN Site 118 in Xenoblade Chronicles X can find the exact location of that site detailed in this guide.

Xenoblade Chronicles X: City Saviors Walkthrough

Head to the Cave in Primordia’s West Gate Plain

xenoblade chronicles x city saviors walkthrough

After accepting the City Saviors mission, players must make their way to the entrance to the cave near NLA’s west gate. While the location of this cave will be shown on the in-game map, and players can use the Follow Ball to easily find it, it has been marked on the preceding map for the sake of full clarity. Once players arrive at the cave, they will have two options that they can pursue.

Kill Suids Route

xenoblade chronicles x city saviors walkthrough

The first option that players have is killing the five little suids that can be found within the cave. Upon dispatching those small indigens, a Level 16 Big Suid will appear, and players must defeat it. Players can then return to Carl in NLA, who will suggest that the Xenoblade Chronicles X‘s protagonist‘s actions were a bit extreme, to complete the City Saviors mission and claim the associated rewards: 130 Experience, 7,000 Rewards, a Forerunner’s Uniform, and some Segment recon.

Spare Suids Route

xenoblade chronicles x city saviors walkthrough

Alternatively, players can leave the little suids and use Xenoblade Chronicles X‘s fast travel feature to immediately return to Carl, complete the mission, and receive the aforementioned rewards. However, this is not where things end, as players who leave the suids alive gain access to a Normal Mission that players who kill them do not. Specifically, that mission is called “A Painful Lesson,” and players who pursued the passive route can accept it after completing Chapter 7.

While this guide will not fully detail the Painful Lesson mission, in an attempt to minimize spoilers, it is important to note that it centers around Carl’s death. Notably, this character does not die if the player opts to kill the suids during City Saviors. It is also important to mention that while A Painful Lesson does award some EXP and Credits, it does not grant any Segment recon.

Xenoblade Chronicles X: Should You Kill or Spare Suids in City Saviors?

When deciding whether to kill the suids during City Saviors, players need to consider what is most important to them. More specifically, if the player considers keeping Carl alive a top priority, they should go ahead and kill the suids and miss out on the Painful Lesson mission. However, if the player’s primary interest is to experience every mission in Xenoblade Chronicles X, then sparing the suids may be preferable.

Again, the Painful Lesson mission does not grant any Segment recon in Xenoblade Chronicles X. As such, players can still reach 100% map completion even if they lose access to that mission by killing the suids during City Saviors.

Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition Tag Page Cover Art



March 20, 2025


Teen // Animated Blood, Language, Suggestive Themes, Use of Alcohol, Violence



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