As one of the most popular characters in the game, there are tons of Midas Fortnite skins! Enough for players to switch between them and take quite a while to get bored. Midas has been a supervillain, a cartoon, a cat, and more. But he’s one of the Fortnite characters with the most lore and depth behind them.
Midas is undoubtably one of the breakout Fortnite characters. As the villain of older Fortnite seasons, he was key to the game’s progression and may have been the most notable character to come out of Chapter 2. Along with a comeback in Chapter 5, and 6. How many Midas Fortnite skins are there and how different are each version of the character?
All Midas Fortnite Skins

Source: Epic
The original Midas skin! One that came in quite a few varieties thanks to being a Battle Pass skin. Original, Ghost, Shadow, and the normal challenges including a gold version. Midas was a major character in this season, being part of the event that closed it off. The character has had an even longer impact on Fortnite lore. Even if he was killed in the trailer for Chapter 2 Season 3.
Ascendant Midas

Source: Epic
This is the new Midas model that was introduced with Chapter 5. In the logic of Fortnite’s world though, it’s the same person. This Midas could be found in the Underworld, where the dead go. However, he managed to escape the island. It’s a bit of a softer design for him with quite a bit more detail as is now common with skins.
Golden Gear Midas

Source: Epic
One thing you’ll notice with Midas Fortnite skins is Epic loves using him for packs. When they have a pack and space to throw more skins in, it’s often Midas. This one is in the anime cell-shading style though which makes him look pretty different.
Icebound Midas

Source: Epic
Icebound Midas is a little different. This is a skin which is very close to the original form of the character. Only, with an ice effect. One of the style of skins that came to the game with the Black Ice Legends. Not Epic’s most original set, but it’s a cool effect to put on the skin.

Source: Epic
One of the Fortnite Remix skins released when the game went back to an alternative Chapter 2, was Meowdas. A crossover between Midas, and Meowscles. Two characters from the Chapter 2 Season 2 crew. It’s basically Meowscles, but with Midas’ clothes, theme, and features. He was even in the game as an NPC during this mini season.
Midas Rex

Source: Epic
Midas Rex is one of the weirder Midas Fortnite skins.
Like a few others, this one seems to exist purely to buff out a pack of skins. It came with Batman’s Joker and Poison ivy. For some reason, Midas thrown in with two DC Fortnite skins. A fun supervillain design, but not as recognizable as most of the others.
Outlaw Midas

Source: Epic
The next of the Midas Fortnite skins is quite recent, Outlaw Midas. To fit with the crime theme of Chapter 6 Season 2 we’ve got a new version of Midas. Along with a Mythic of his iconic Drum Gun with a thermal scope attached. It’s nice to see we’re still getting new versions of him.
Midsummer Midas

Source: Epic
Midsummer Midas is one of the most fun versions of the character! This is Midas on his week off. Stopping his big plans and just chilling out for a bit. It’s a skin that came with a summer event.
Shadow Midas

Source: Epic
Shadow Midas was one of the first follow ups to the original Midas skin. After being eaten by a shark, he came back as a kind of ghost for the very next Fortnitemares! Shadow Midas isn’t the biggest departure from the base skin, but with all the fanfare of the Halloween event he was a welcome addition.
Marigold – Almost Midas Fortnite Skins

Source: Epic
Last, we have one that’s not quite one of the Midas Fortnite skins, but basically close enough. Marigold. It’s a female version of Midas, from the design to the Golden Touch. Fortnite’s done these gender swapped versions quite a bit over the years, but the Midas one is always quite popular.
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