Characters Who Can Defeat Conquest

Characters Who Can Defeat Conquest
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  • Conquest is the second strongest Viltrumite but is defeated twice by Invincible due to his hubris.
  • Thragg is the final villain in Invincible and is the most powerful opponent Mark faces.
  • Characters like Battle Beast, Space Racer, and Atom Eve can defeat Conquest by exploiting his weaknesses.

Making his appearance in Season 3 of Invincible, Conquest is one of the strongest opponents Mark faces in the series, and by far the biggest threat to Earth. He’s sadistic and evil, even by the standards of Viltrumites, and he’s also incredibly powerful, claimed to be the “second strongest Viltrumte” by most of the community.

But despite his insurmountable strength, seemingly surpassed only by Thragg, he has flaws — particularly, his hubris. These flaws make him defeatable, even by opponents that are noticeably weaker than him. There are a few characters in the series that are capable of defeating him, specifically because of these flaws.


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Grand Regent Thragg

Conquest is Second in Strength Only to the Viltrumite Leader

Grand Regent Thragg appears in the Viltrumite War in the Invincible Comics
  • First Appearance: Invincible #73
  • Year: 2010
  • Creator: Robert Kirkman
  • Most Notable Moment: Fighting Invincible to a standstill on the surface of the sun.

Thragg is pretty much the main villain of the series, and the final one. Needless to say, he’d also be the most powerful opponent Invincible has to face, by far. Robert Kirkman, the creator of the Invincible series, has gone out of his way to depict a balanced power scale, with most characters being able to defeat one another irrespective of their strength.

With that being said, Thragg is in a league of his own, matched only by a few of the strongest Non-Viltrumite characters and Invincible towards the end of the series. Conquest is shown to fear Thragg in the comics, and with good reason. He’s far stronger than him.


Battle Beast

The Ferocious Feline Warrior is in the Same League as Thragg

Battle Beast roars and charges towards Viltrumites during the Viltrumite War.
  • First Appearance: Invincible #19
  • Year: 2003
  • Creator: Robert Kirkman
  • Most Notable Moment: Fighting Thragg to a standstill for several days

Many Invincible comic readers were taken by surprise by this, but Battle Beast turned out to be nearly as strong as Thragg. Much like Conquest, he lives and dies by his will to find a good battle. Throughout the series, Battle Beast is clear on his sole purpose: to find and battle someone who can actually defeat him.

And sure enough, he gets this battle in the comics, revealing just how strong Battle Beast is. He nearly defeats Thragg in a mano-e-mano-style deathmatch, revealing he’s one of the strongest characters in the series, and fairly capable of defeating Conquest.



Despite Being Weaker Than Conquest, Invincible Defeats Him Twice

  • First Appearance: Invincible #1
  • Year: 2003
  • Created By: Robert Kirkman
  • Most Notable Moment: Becoming the Grand Emperor of the Viltrumites

Invincible, the titular character, may not be the strongest initially, but he does gain strength over the course of the series. Regardless of this, his confrontations with Conquest both take place at a time when he’s not strong enough to defeat him on pure strength alone. Yet, he does exactly that both times.


Invincible: Mark Grayson’s Most Important Kills in the Comics

Mark Grayson may have started his hero career with a pure heart as the titular Invincible, but the constant battle has seen him kill a few times.

One thing that keeps Conquest from winning fights is his sadism and his overconfidence. He likes to treat his opponents like toys and play around with them for too long. He realizes the hard way that this is not a good idea with Invincible, who manages to defeat him twice in the comics through sheer determination and power of will. By the end of the series, he’s leagues beyond Conquest in terms of strength.


Allen the Alien

Gains Significant Power-Ups Throughout the Series

Allen the Alien during his fight with Anissa in Season 2 of Invincible
  • First Appearance: Invincible #5
  • Year: 2003
  • Created By: Robert Kirkman
  • Most Notable Moment: Becoming the leader of the Coalition of Planets

Allen is a Unopan warrior whose planet was conquered by the Viltrumites. The Unopans genetically enhanced Allen in the hopes he would be able to fight the Viltrumites on an even footing. In doing so, they gave him the ability to get stronger every time he endures a near-death experience, a trait similar to the Zenkai boosts Saiyans get in the Dragon Ball anime series.

Throughout the course of the comics, Allen goes on to receive multiple power-ups by living through near-death experiences, which eventually make him one of the strongest characters. Towards the end of the series, he’s in the same league as Mark, Thragg, and Battle Beast, so it’s quite clear he can defeat Conquest.



Nolan is One of the Most Respected Viltrumite Warriors

Omni-Man leaving Earth after nearly killing his son Mark in Invincible
  • First Appearance: Invincible #1
  • Year: 2003
  • Created By: Robert Kirkman
  • Most Notable Moment: Finding Out He’s the Heir to Argall and Leading the Viltrumites

Omni-Man is the first Viltrumite the series introduces, and he’s a heck of a start. Aside from Invincible, Thragg, and Conquest, Omni-Man is the only Viltrumite whose feats are clearly demonstrable, making him one of the strongest in the series. Be it single-handedly genociding the Thraxans, laying a beatdown on Invincible, or defeating the original Guardians of the Globe on his own, Omni-Man is a formidable warrior.

It’s evident he’s not as strong as Conquest; in fact, it seems Omni-Man fears Conquest when he first sees him. But at that point, he is still stronger than Invincible, as stated by Conquest himself, and Invincible defeats him. It’s Omni-Man’s incredible experiences as a fighter, as well as his tactical nature, that make him capable of outwitting and defeating the sadistic Viltrumite soldier.


Space Racer

Given Conquest’s Overconfidence, Space Racer Can Be Lethal

space racer attacks
  • First Appearance: Invincible #35
  • Year: 2006
  • Created By: Robert Kirkman
  • Most Notable Moment: Fighting Omni-Man to a Standstill

Another interesting character in the series that can defeat Conquest by leveraging a tactical advantage is Space Racer. While his origins are unknown, he is revealed to be an assassin that wanders around the universe on his hoverbike and eventually joins the coalition of planets to fight the Viltrumites.


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There are countless more story arcs from the Invincible comics still to come in the animated series, and here are the most important of them all.

What makes him special is his weapon, the Infinity Ray, which is said to be capable of blasting a hole through anything, including entire planets. He even fights Omni-Man to a standstill. Unlike Omni-Man, though, Conquest is a brute-strength warrior who is known to get overconfident. Space Racer can use this to his advantage and get a clean shot off on Conquest with his weapon, killing him in the process.


Atom Eve

With Her Restraints Lifted, Atom Eve Has Unlimited Potential

Atom Eve showing her unlimited potential against Conquest in Invincible
  • First Appearance: Invincible #2
  • Year: 2003
  • Created By: Robert Kirkman
  • Most Notable Moment: Resurrecting herself and Mark while making him strong enough to defeat Thragg.

On her own, Atom Eve is an interesting character whose powers can’t be scaled based on raw strength alone. She has the ability to manipulate matter at an atomic level, in addition to superhuman strength, speed, and flight. Normally, she can only manipulate non-biological matter.

This is mainly because when she got her powers, the scientist who was experimenting on her placed artificial limits on her brain which can only be lifted when she undergoes significant mental or physical trauma. When she unlocks this state, she becomes the most powerful character in the series, gaining the ability to manipulate matter even at a biological level. In Season 3 of Invincible, she fires a single beam at Conquest in this state, which peels off all the flesh on his torso.


Invincible: 8 Characters Who Can Defeat Omni Man

The following Invincible characters are capable of defeating Omni Man.

Invincible Season 3 Poster


Release Date

March 26, 2021


Amazon Prime Video


Robert Kirkman, Simon Racioppa


Robert Kirkman



  • instar53510542.jpg

    Steven Yeun

    Mark Grayson / Invincible (voice)

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    Sandra Oh

    Debbie Grayson (voice)

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    J. K. Simmons

    Nolan Grayson / Omni-Man (voice)

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