Once you travel to Cloud Island in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, you’ll be able to meet both Kiki and Lala, or the Little Twin Stars. These two characters reside in the starts, but will still give quests like the characters down below. One quest that you can complete for Lala is called Icy Recovery.

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In this guide, we will take a look at how you can complete Icy Recovery in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. This quest requires you to locate Lala’s missing wand, and as a reward, you’ll unlock a brand new store. We’ll take a look at this shop as well, going over what you can purchase here.
Requirements To Start Icy Recovery
In order to start Icy Recovery, you’ll need to make it to Cloud Island (by completing the Stargazing quest) and reach friendship level one with Lala. This is the lowest friendship level; you can reach it by just giving her a gift or two.
Once you get at least one level of friendship with her, you can begin the quest by speaking directly to Lala. After a short conversation, you’ll be tasked with finding her wand, which is lost somewhere at Icy Peak.
How To Find Lala’s Wand
To find Lala’s wand, head to the mailbox at the very top of Icy Peak. It’s easier to get to the location if you start here and just jump down. Looking at the map, you can see the wand icon in the lower right-hand side of Icy Peak; this is inside a cave.
From the mailbox at the very top. Head right, past the area where Kiki and Lala freed Big Challenges. You’ll want to position yourself directly north of the wand icon on the map. Once here, jump over the rope and just freefall down. There is no fall damage, so it doesn’t matter how far you fall.
If you were in the right position, you should land directly at the cave’s entrance. If you’re not here, don’t worry! You most likely ended up on the layer above the cave; just head to the left and jump down to the cave entrance area.
Proceed inside the cave, where you will see a pond and a small dock. Walk on the dock and jump off the end, crossing over to the other side of the cave. There is a small rocky area here, with the wand perched for you to grab.
How To Complete Icy Recovery
With the wand in hand, head back to Lala! This will complete the quest, and Lala will use her newly-found wand to restore the Stardust Store.
What Is The Stardust Store?
This is a store that sells items in exchange for Stardust, which is given by Kiki and Lala in exchange for giving them a gift. The Stardust you acquire can be used to trade for Dreamy clothing, as well as a variety of Dreamy furniture items.
In total, there are 15 pieces of Dreamy furniture, and five Dreamy clothing items to purchase. Each item can be purchased more than once, but some of the larger furniture pieces cost quite a lot of Stardust.
Thankfully, you can steadily build up your Stardust collection by giving three daily gifts to Kiki and Lala.
Below, you can find all that the Stardust Store has to offer, along with its price.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure: How To Find Sakura
Sakura are beautiful pink flowers that you can find in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Here, you can learn how to get them.
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