The Alchemist Of Memories & The Envisioned Land

The Alchemist Of Memories & The Envisioned Land
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One of the first steps in Alchemy is getting your hands on the right recipe, and then you’ll need to worry about its specific ingredients. But in Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist of Memories & The Envisioned Land, you also have an extra step in which you need to get that recipe to work properly.


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And for this, you’ll need to infuse it with Particles, one of the many items Yumia and her crew can collect throughout their exploration missions. You’ll need more than a couple of them to get your recipes going, but fortunately, there are plenty of ways of finding those.

Where To Find Particles

Yumia in front of a Mana Geyser in Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist Of Memories & The Envisioned Land.

Particles can be found in Mana Geysers scattered all around Aladiss. They can randomly appear during exploration, and interacting with them will get you a random amount of Particles.

Mana Geysers are automatically marked with blue lines (just like Quests), and they spawn whenever you’re walking around in any open field area. Follow the lines and interact with the Geysers to claim your rewards.

Pay attention whenever Yumia or another character says something similar to “There’s something we can find around here, so look around”. These voice lines indicate that a Mana Geyser has appeared nearby.

Victor saying a voiceline indicating the presence of a Mana Geyser in Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist Of Memories & The Envisioned Land.

Geysers appear at a random chance, but have fixed spawn locations. You can use Markers to mark a place as somewhere to visit for Particles later. Each region has dozens of possible spawn locations.

The environment you pick your Particles from also determines which type of Particles you’re getting. There are four types of Particles, one for each element (Fire, Ice, Bolt, and Air). Mana Geysers next to rivers tend to give you more Ice Particles, and so on. You also get Neutral Particles, which are used to speed up the process of facilities like the Greenhouse.

Your current Region also affects which Particles you can find. Earlier regions will give you smaller Particles, while bigger ones are reserved for late-game areas. Neutral Particles are always obtained, regardless of where you found them.

Yumia aiming at a monster in Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist Of Memories & The Envisioned Land.

Alternatively, you can get Particles from defeating certain monsters, such as Elementals. Just like before, defeating Fire Elementals gives you Fire Particles. It has a very low drop rate, though.

Elemental-aligned monsters such as Red Wolfs (which are Fire-aligned) can also drop Particles, but also at a low rate.

Clearing Mana Rift Crystals can also get you some Particles through combat. They are found at a random chance (just like Mana Geysers), but are harder to come by. You also get Traits as extra rewards for clearing these. The harder the Crystal’s difficulty, the better its rewards. Harder Crystals also spawn more monsters. The nearby environment and the Region will also affect the Particles’ size and amount.

A Mana Rift Crystal in Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist Of Memories & The Envisioned Land.

Other activities can occasionally give you Particles, such as Quests and Pioneering Effort rewards. Exploring ancient ruins can also yield some of them, but these are harder to come by. Mana Geysers and Mana Crystals are the most consistent sources, by far. Any obtained Particles will be directly added to your Container once you visit a building that has one installed.

Certain Skills increase the amount of Particles you get at once, so learning them early can be greatly helpful to enhance your Recipes.

The Mana Converter menu in Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist Of Memories & The Envisioned Land.

Lastly, you can unlock the Mana Converter facility later in the game. After placing it in a Building Area, it lets you transform gathered Energy into Particles, being a permanent source for them. It takes a while to convert Particles, though, and you cannot use Neutral Particles to make them faster.

How To Use Particles

Yumia using Particles to learn Recipes in Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist Of Memories & The Envisioned Land.

Particles are mainly used to learn and improve your Recipes at the Recipe Recall Station. To use them, select any unlearned Recipe in the Station and hold down the Insert Particles button to get that Recipe. Learning a Recipe always uses Small Particles.

The type of Particle used depends on which Recipe you’re trying to learn. Ice Recipes require Ice Particles, and so on. Some Recipes have multiple types, so you’ll need to use multiple Particle types too.

The number used in each level is always fixed, even for multi-type Recipes. The amount needed is split between both types.

If you have already learned a Recipe, you can improve it by spending more Particles. Select them in the Station and spend your particles to increase their level, which adds more effects when you Synthetize that particular item. Each item has a maximum level of ten. More Particles are used as you reach higher levels, and bigger Particles will be required. You can check your current Particles at the Station by selecting the Particle List in the top right corner of the screen.

Neutral Particles are instantly consumed by facilities when choosing their Quick options (such as Quick Replicate in the Greenhouse). The amount consumed depends on the item’s quality and how many times you’re using the facility.

Particle Conversion

The Particle Conversion skill in action in Atelier Yumia: The Alchemist Of Memories & The Envisioned Land.

The Skill Tree has the Particle Conversion Skill, available for 300 Skill Points. This ability allows you to convert higher-level Particles into lower-leveled ones. The inverse, however, cannot be done with this Skill. Conversion is only available when you don’t have enough Particles for learning or improving a Recipe. You’ll be asked if you want to convert your larger Particles into smaller ones. The conversion rate is the following:

Conversion Type


Medium to Small

1 to 4

Large to Small

1 to 8

Large to Medium

1 to 4

While this function rarely sees use early in the game, it becomes quite handy during mid/end-game scenarios, where you might need some Small Particles for older Recipes, but are mostly carrying Medium and Large ones at the moment.


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