How to Start Chapter 5 in Xenoblade Chronicles X (Oblivia Entrance)

How to Start Chapter 5 in Xenoblade Chronicles X (Oblivia Entrance)
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The main missions of Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition are not straightforward and require additional objectives before unlocking. Players must sometimes recruit members, reach a certain character level, and explore designated regions. These details appear marked on the map. Every required objective is clearly indicated to guide progress within the game.

However, that’s not always the case. One of the prerequisites to start Chapter 5 of Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition is installing a Data Probe at the Oblivia Entrance, a location that some players may not have visited yet by the time this chapter becomes available. So, here’s how to find this area and progress through the game’s main storyline without unnecessary detours.


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How To Find The Oblivia Entrance In Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition

Map showing Oblivia Entrance and FN Site 301 in Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition.

If players have explored the map beyond Primordia or completed certain side missions such as The Repair Job, which directs characters through Oblivia, the chance of having passed by the entrance is relatively high. The location where the Data Probe must be installed lies near the natural bridge that separates the two continents and is essential for Chapter 5 of Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition.

Specifically, players should search for FN Site 301. Activating this point on the Oblivia map fulfills one of the prerequisites to begin Chapter 5. Even though this step is not mandatory for mission continuation, it offers an opportunity to install a Mining Probe in the area. This spot contains ores that may prove useful later, especially for those planning to use the craft system to enhance equipment, so players can take advantage of the opportunity and start farming this resource early on.


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Other Requirements To Start Chapter 5

Placing the Data Probe in the correct location is not the only requirement to begin Chapter 5 of Xenoblade Chronicles 5 Definitive Edition. In addition to that objective, completion of an Affinity Mission called Renewed Will is necessary. This mission further develops the relationships between secondary characters, notably those of Elma and Irina, which enriches the narrative and builds deeper connections among the characters from the game.

Although the mission does not require a minimum level, it is advisable for the entire group to reach level 19. At this level, the team can manage battles if familiar with the game mechanics, as enemy aggro may arise during combat encounters. For players seeking a smoother experience, raising the level by two or three points makes many confrontations easier to handle, since one of the biggest issues isn’t necessarily the strength of each individual enemy, but rather how they can group together and make the fight more challenging, as the damage dealt by all of them at once is considerably high.

Even though it is not mandatory, the Affinity Mission ‘Meeting Yelv’ can also take players to Oblivia, while also unlocking a new character.

Additionally, Chapter 5 holds considerable importance for fans of Xenoblade Chronicles X Definitive Edition’s Sci-Fi lore. It’s one of the most intriguing chapters regarding the revelations about Mira, its inhabitants, and why the humans who arrived on the planet are desperately searching for the Lifehold. As a bonus, completing this mission unlocks one of the game’s strongest abilities: Overdrive, a feature that can drastically shift the tide in future battles.

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