The map in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, just like the real-world Japan, it is filled with mountains for you to climb. Get to the top of some peaks and you’ll get great views of the towns in the valleys. The highest point on the map gives you the best view of all.

Best Games Like Assassin’s Creed
If you’ve played through every Assassin’s Creed game and are looking for something new, then any of these games would be perfect.
You’ll also want to find the highest point on the map in Assassin’s Creed Shadows to unlock a trophy or achievement. It is a classic inclusion in Assassin’s Creed trophy and achievement lists, and the highest peak in Shadows isn’t the easiest to find.
Highest Point On The Map Location
The highest point on the map isn’t somewhere you’ll be able to go to in the early hours of the game. You’re looking for Mount Hakkyo in the southern part of the map, in the Yamato region.
The recommended level for the Yamato region is 30, so try and be at least close to that before you start the climb up to the viewpoint at the peak.
From the bottom of the mountain, turn on the pathfinder function by pressing left on the d-pad. Then, follow the small path up to the top of the mountain. Head to the viewpoint and you’ll be there. Naoe will say something about being “on top of the world” just before you reach the top of the rock.
Since Naoe is more agile and can climb better than Yasuke, use her to make the journey up Mount Hakkyo.
Happy Place Trophy/Achievement
When you reach the highest point on the map in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, you’ll unlock the Happy Place trophy or achievement. It will pop just before you reach the viewpoint post and are awarded the XP.
There’s not much else at the top of the mountain in Hakkyo, so there’s no reason to go up there other than to see the view and unlock the trophy/achievement. It’s unlikely to be somewhere you’ll stumble upon accidentally.

Assassin’s Creed Time Periods, Ranked
The Assassin’s Creed series has visited many different time periods across the vast scope of history, and here is a look at them all.
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