How To Complete Koriyama Castle In Assassin’s Creed Shadows

How To Complete Koriyama Castle In Assassin's Creed Shadows
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If you’re on a mission to conquer every fort, fortress, and castle in Japan in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, then we’ve got you covered, this time with Koriyama Castle, one of the larger locations. While barging into every castle as Yasuke might be a more straightforward approach, it still demands time and effort to cut down every enemy in your path.


Assassin’s Creed Shadows Isn’t The Game You Think It Is

Naoe and Yasuke’s open world adventure isn’t the game I expected it to be.

If you prefer to stick to the path of the Shinobi as Naoe, then we’ve got you covered with our walkthrough on how to kill every Samurai Daisho while maintaining stealth in Koriyama Castle. Prepare for precise movement and decision-making, as you enter Koriyama Castle.

Where Is Koriyama Castle?

You’ll find Koriyama Castle in northwest Yamato in the center of Koriyama.

The best fast travel point, other than the one at the castle, is the one to the east – Kofukuji Pagoda.

Alternatively, you can use the Koriyama Kakurega, just to the southeast of the castle.

How To Find & Assassinate The First Samurai Daisho

Koriyama Castle has a handful of access points to choose from; approach it from the southern wall, directly west of the Kakurega, to scale the side and enter unseen by a small compound of buildings.

Ignore the western side of the castle for now and turn your attention to a courtyard to the east, where you’ll spot the first Samurai Daisho patrolling.

This first Samurai Daisho is in a relatively secluded spot, so killing him silently will be fairly easy if you’re quick.

There is a single guard near where the Daisho patrols, so you’ll need to take out the guard and Daisho simultaneously by equipping a tanto, or rapidly move from one to the next.

Sometimes the Daisho will change his path to wake a sleeping guard; just wait to assassinate him in the bushes if so, and be ready to finish him off if you don’t one-shot him with your hidden blade as he’s a large enemy.

It’s recommended to attack the bowman first, then immediately go after the Daisho to clean up.

How To Find & Assassinate The Second Samurai Daisho

Samurai Daisho Two and Samurai Daisho Three are in the large tower in the northwestern section of the castle.

The best way to get there is by jumping into the moat separating the main castle tower from the rest of the area, then running and scaling the wall using your grappling hook.

From here, turn your attention to the Samurai Daisho in the courtyard out front.

The best thing to do is get his attention and lure him around the corner where you can quietly kill the second Samurai Daisho outside the main tower.

How To Find & Assassinate The Third Samurai Daisho

The third Samurai Daisho is in the tower in the northwest, right next to that last Daisho – head inside and use your Eagle Vision to see the threats.

Continue fighting your way up the floors in the tower by silently taking enemies out until you reach the third Daisho on the third floor.

The third Daisho is in a room with another man – open the door and drop a smoke bomb, then you can enter the room and dispatch the third Daisho and his accomplice.

Alternatively, you can make a noise to lure out the Daisho, ambush him, and then wait for his accomplice to meet the same fate.

How To Find & Assassinate The Fourth Samurai Daisho

The fourth and final Samurai Daisho is in a building on the southern side of the castle, in the southeastern corner of that section.

A guard is patrolling outside, so you’ll have to deal with him first. Jump down behind him as he patrols along the wooden path and take him out.

Avoid the person cleaning on the northeastern side of the courtyard and quietly slip inside.

Deal with the last Samurai Daisho, and voilà, all four of the major enemies in Koriyama Castle will be defeated.

What Rewards Do You Get From Koriyama Castle?

Naoe approaches the Koriyama Castle Legendary Chest in Assassin's Creed Shadows.

With the four Samurai Daisho down, you can turn your attention to collecting the plethora of chests and other side loot you’ll find in Koriyama Castle.

Side Loot

Your Koriyama Castle side loot includes a key that unlocks a door in the castle, along with plenty of other chests and resources scattered throughout.

  • First Key: The first key to this castle is in the northernmost section, in the Retainer’s Quarters.

Defeat the guard patrolling by assassinating him in a bush and the other by slowly approaching from the side. Sneak into the house and quietly finish off the guard holding the key to claim it.

  • Second Key: There’s a second key bearer in a building in the southwestern corner of the castle near the water.
  • First Door: The door to the first key you just claimed is in the same northern area – the Retainer’s Quarters, in the northwest area of the courtyard.

Inside you’ll find a rare chest, resources, and a large resource pile to smuggle.

  • Second Door: You’ll find a second locked door in the southwestern corner next to where you found the second key bearer.

It contains a small pile of wood, a bundle of resources to smuggle, and a red chest.

  • Additional Loot:
    • In the area to the northeast where you killed the first Daisho, there’s a red chest on a pile of supplies in the center of the walking path.
    • In the northeastern area where you killed the first Daisho, there is a guarded house with some minerals behind it and a small chest of crafting materials inside.
    • There’s a red chest in the same building in the southwestern corner where you find the second key bearer.
    • In the same house with the key in the Retainers’ Quarters, there’s a rare chest in the back room.
    • There are five bundles of resources you can smuggle from the bottom of the main castle tower in the northwest.
    • On the fourth floor of the main tower in the northwest, you’ll find a rare chest, next to the two men discussing banners.
    • There’s a chest inside the building in the southern courtyard where you killed the fourth Samurai Daisho.

Legendary Chest

The Koriyama Castle Reward, the Legendary Onna-musha Headband in Assassin's Creed Shadows.

With all four Daisho defeated, you’ll find a Legendary Chest just below the top floor of the main tower in the northwestern section. Inside you’ll find:

  • 3,000 exp
  • An Engraving
  • Legendary Onna-musha Headband Legendary Headgear for Naoe

From this chest, there’s still one last reward to claim at the top of the main tower of Koriyama Castle.

Synchronization Viewpoint

The Koriyama Castle Viewpoint in Assassin's Creed Shadows.

Once you have finished defeating the third Samurai Daisho in the main northwestern tower, go to the top and claim the synchronization point to get a better layout of the map.

With that final task completed, you’ve cleared Koriyama Castle, earning its treasure trove of valuable loot.


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