How to Get
Encyclopedia Achievements
Box of Frogs
Discover half the frogs in the encyclopedia.
You’ll need to consistently be breeding new tadpoles to log new kinds of frogs into your Encyclopedia. The entries for frogs you haven’t discovered yet offer clues on what traits you need to breed into them.
Discover all the frogs in the encyclopedia.
This is only for the basic 24 for species of frogs; logging their variants has their own achievement.
Spice of Life
Discover half of the variants in the encyclopedia.
After discovering the basic version of a frog, you can proceed to change their traits even more and create two variants per species, for 48 total variants. Log any 28 to earn this achievement.
Discover all the variants in the encyclopedia.
This requires having learned the truth about Mudborne.
Stuffed to the Gills
Discover half the mushrooms in the encyclopedia.
Mushrooms grow in all kinds of variable conditions, which are hinted at in your Encyclopedia on their entries before you’ve logged them. You’ll need to pay attention to the world, time of day, and weather conditions to find unique kinds of mushrooms.
Discover all the mushrooms in the encyclopedia.
There are 24 kinds of mushrooms throughout Mudborne, but some of them are restricted to specific, mid-game maps that you unlock by following the story. By unlocking them all, you’ll be able to create every variant of magic mud to use in breeding projects!
Bug Hunter
Discover half the critters in the encyclopedia.
This achievement tracks bugs you’ve caught. To discern their flavour profile, you’ll need to find the bug again and eat them yourself.
Discover all the critters in the encyclopedia.
You’ll need to flip between the waking and dream worlds to find each of them, exploring each map to log every critter. The more advanced your tadpoles, the more distinct flavours they’ll ask fro.
Flower Child
Discover every type of flower.
There are flowers in the waking and dream worlds, as well as the Gateway Nexus.
One Frog’s Trash
Find a shiny thing.
These can be found in chests around the Gateway Nexus.
Another Frog’s Treasure
Find all the shiny things.
Environmental Achievements
Critter Connoisseur
Taste a critter of each of the seven flavours.
The seven flavours of bugs in Mudborne are Bitter, Salty, Savoury, Spicy, Slimy, Sweet, and Umami. You’ll need to personally sample one bug of each flavour.
Hop, Skip, and a Jump
Discover a sunken treasure chest.
The first one you see will likely be on the Kindergarten map.
Cleaning Duty
Clean up some algae from the ponds.
You’ll notice as you explore the Spawning Pool that there’s plenty of algae blocking your path forward. You’ll need to remove it to progress into these new areas.
Combining Forces
Make your first hybrid mushroom.
What is My Purpose?
Make a mushroom species that has no effect.
The mushroom you create cannot change a single thing about a frog’s trait when used in magic mud.
Pulling the Plug
Drain a flooded room.
Follow the Compendium guide through the Down the Drain chapter to do this as part of the story.
Free Him
Thaw out a frog trapped in ice.
Bring a frog with a high Umbrage stat to heat up the area and place it into a Heater near the frozen frog.
Fast Food
Eat 50 bugs in rapid succession.
This is best done when you find large swarms of bugs. They do respawn pretty quickly after you finish the last bug in the group, but for safety, you may want to find two bug spawn locations close together to make this achievement pop. A number appears above your head to let you know your current combo.
1 Up
Modify every trait of a frogspawn using a single magic mud.
You’ll need to very carefully balance your mushroom powders to earn this Mudborne achievement, which can’t be done until you’ve gained access to better cauldrons later in the story.
Big Fan
Discover every frog plushie.
Doing My Part
Replant a lot of trees.
When you chop down trees, you’ll receive plenty of acorns to use to replant what you’ve destroyed. This also allows for a degree of landscaping freedom, since you can replant the trees where you see fit.
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