A frog needs to eat in order to grow up big and strong in Mudborne, so you’d better be ready to provide the critters that taste like what your new frog friends are trying to sample! Each batch of tadpoles you’re breeding will crave a specific flavour as they grow.

What’s Your Favorite Non-Cozy Cozy Game?
Mine is Baldur’s Gate 3, without a doubt. A blanket, tea, and BG3. I’m all set for the night! What’s your favorite non-cozy cozy game?
To provide this for them, you’ll need to become something of a connoisseur of the different flavors around the pond, sampling bugs yourself so you can deduce what they taste like and feed them to the correct tadpoles. Your own frog will even get a nice little speed boost, too.
Each Bug Tastes Like One Of Seven Flavours
You’ve no doubt seen the variety of little critters buzzing about the assorted Atlas maps in Mudborne, but just because you know where and when a bug spawns doesn’t mean you’re ready to start using them for their intended purpose! In Mudborne, all critters have a predominant flavour to them, and this is critical because different tadpoles ask for different critters when you put them into the feeder to grow into full-on frogs.
Catching bugs with your net doesn’t tell you about a bug’s flavour profile, though – that’s something you’ll need to learn for yourself. You’re also a frog, after all! There’s no better way to learn your way around the pond’s menu than by eating bugs yourself to figure out their flavour. After you’ve eaten a bug of any kind, your frog will tell you that it fits into one of seven flavour profiles, aligning with the human palette: bitter, salty, spicy, slimy, sour, sweet, and umami.
Critically, tadpoles won’t grow into frogs unless they’re given the right critters to eat as they develop, so while you can always store some bugs in the feeder and its overflow storage spots, you’ll want to check each time you add new tadpoles that you have the right flavors in the tank. Swap out some bugs from storage or add more from your inventory, and you’ll have a progressive stock to keep your tadpoles fed.
Additionally, your frog moves faster when they’re full, so you get an added bonus for having a snack of your own as you study for the tadpoles’ sake!
Bitter Bugs
Salty Bugs
Slimy Bugs
Spicy Bugs
Sour Bugs
Sweet Bugs
Umami Bugs
By keeping a stock of different bugs on hand as you continue to explore each map in Mudborne and breed new frogs using its resources, be sure to take note of the flavor profiles each tadpole wants so you can keep the breeding process flowing as smooth and quickly as possible. After discovering a bug’s flavour, you can hover over a critter with your magnifying glass for a reminder of their flavour before you go off and catch them.

What Does Cozy Gaming Mean To You?
To me, a cozy game is less about what you’re doing and more about how it makes you feel. It doesn’t have to be all cute animals or farming fields (though those don’t hurt); if I can sink into it like a warm blanket, it’s cozy.
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