Strongest Lieutenants In Fire Force

Strongest Lieutenants In Fire Force
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  • Fire Force features eight Special Fire Force Companies with strong captains and lieutenants.
  • Lieutenants like Pan Ko Paat, Takehisa Hinawa, and Karim Flam showcase unique pyrokinetic abilities.
  • Characters like Rekka, Konro, and Huo Yan Li possess formidable powers within their respective companies.

In the world of Fire Force, there are eight Special Fire Force Companies. The captains of those companies are considered to be the strongest prokinetics in the world and humanity’s best hope against the infernals.


Fire Force: Every Main Character, Ranked In Terms Of Strength

All members of the Fire Force squad are strong in their own way, but some have powers that rise above the rest.

Every Captain has their second-in-command, the lieutenant. They are usually the second most powerful person in the company, and bigger companies may have more than one lieutenant. Furthermore, just like how some captains are stronger than others, the same thing can be said about the lieutenants of the eight Special Fire Force Companies. Here are the strongest lieutenants in Fire Force, ranked based on their combat ability.


Pan Ko Paat

The Ultimate Support Fire

Fire Force Lieutenant Pan
  • Status: Active
  • Affiliation: Special Fire Force Company 4
  • Pyrokinetic Type: Third Generation

Before he became a lieutenant for the Special Fire Force Company 4, Pan Ko Paat was an instructor for the Special Fire Force Training Academy. He likes to use a whistle to control his rowdy students. He also likes the whistle so much to the point of using it in regular conversation, which makes it nearly impossible to understand what he is saying.

That whistle, however, is more than a simple tool to play around with. Pan has the ability to buff his allies’ firepower while reducing the fire damage that they suffer. He activates and controls this ability through his iconic whistle. As the ultimate support, Pan’s existence on the battlefield can be the difference between the life and the death of his allies.


Takehisa Hinawa

The Ultimate Marksman

Fire Force Lieutenant Takehisa
  • Status: Active
  • Affiliation: Special Fire Force Company 8
  • Pyrokinetic Type: Second Generation

Lieutenant Takehisa Hinawa is undoubtedly the greatest marksman not only in his company but in the entirety of the Special Fire Force. From a small handgun to a sniper rifle, there’s no weapon that he can use, and there’s no target that can run from his bullets.


Fire Force: Every Member Of Company 8, Ranked In Terms Of Power

Company Eight hosts a bunch of talented characters. Here’s a power scaling of these Fire Force characters from weakest to strongest.

As a second-generation pyrokinetic, Hinawa can control and manipulate existing fire, but he cannot generate fire himself, like the third-generation pyrokinetic. Since he is a marksman, he uses his pyrokinetic ability to control the fire of his bullets. Thanks to this, he can freely accelerate or decelerate them. He can even change the trajectory of them in midair.


Karim Flam

The Only Iceman Among Fire Users

Fire Force Lieutenant Karim
  • Status: Active
  • Affiliation: Special Fire Force Company 1
  • Pyrokinetic Type: Second Generation

Karim Flam is one of the lieutenants for the Special Fire Force Company 1. In any other company, he would be at the top of his rank, but since Company 1 is the gathering of special talents, he can only be third strongest among his fellow lieutenants from Company 1, coming in at fourth overall.

Karim has an extremely unique pyrokinetic ability. Like his fellow second-generations, he has the ability to control and manipulate flames. But rather than unleashing the fire directly at the opponent, he uses his ability to drastically change the temperature of those flames and turn them into ice instead. This means that Karim is the only firefighter who can freeze his enemies.


Rekka Hoshimiya

A Fiery Man With Devastating Power

Fire Force Lieutenant Rekka
  • Status: Deceased
  • Affiliation: Special Fire Force Company 1
  • Pyrokinetic Type: Third Generation

Rekka Hoshimiya is the strongest lieutenant in the Special Fire Force Company 1. There’s even a rumor suggesting that he is the next in line to be the captain when Company 1’s greatest Captain, Leonard Burns, eventually retires. Unfortunately, Rekka eventually turns out to be a traitor; he has been working for the White Clads all along.


Fire Force: 8 Most Powerful Pyrokinetic Techniques, Ranked

The Fire Force series showcases a few cool pyrokinetic techniques, but the following stand out as the strongest.

Rekka is a pretty straightforward person, and his power reflects that side of him. As a third-generation pyrokinetic, he can generate flames through his arms. These flames increase his physical strength exponentially, with a single punch from him easily leaving a big crater in the ground. When he goes on a rampage for the last time, it takes Shinra and Karim together to stop him.


Konro Sagamiya

A Man Who Could’ve Been The Strongest

Fire Force Lieutenant Konro
  • Status: Active
  • Affiliation: Special Fire Force Company 7
  • Pyrokinetic Type: Third Generation

While Captain Burns from Company 1 is often considered the strongest, the one who comes in second is the Captain of Company 7, a young man named Benimaru Shinmon. The one who taught and guided Benimaru is none other than his lieutenant, Konro Sagamiya.

In his youth, Konro was the strongest pyrokinetic in Company 7. The flames in his shoulders not only increase his strength and speed, but they can also burn everything in his path. He was even on track to become the next captain. Unfortunately, a particularly powerful infernal appeared and wreaked havoc on his hometown. To prevent further death and destruction, Konro unleashes every fire within him. He managed to defeat the infernal, but as a result, he can barely use his pyrokinetic ability after.


Huo Yan Li

A Man Who Could Single-Handedly Burn Countless Infernals

Fire Force Lieutenant Huo
  • Status: Active
  • Affiliation: Special Fire Force Company 1
  • Pyrokinetic Type: Third Generation

In Special Fire Force Company 1, Huo Yan Li is often overshadowed by Rekka, mainly because Huo is a laid-back person who doesn’t really like to stand out. In terms of raw firepower, however, there’s not much difference between the two. Similar to Rekka, Huo’s pyro technique also revolves around enveloping his arms with intense heat. However, rather than unleashing explosive punches like Rekka, Huo focuses the heat on the tip of his fingers, which allows him to easily pierce every infernal who dares to step in his path.

Unfortunately, during their conflict with Rekka, a member of the White Clad severs Huo’s arm. From then on, he could only fight with one arm, but rather than letting it affect his combat ability, he sharpens his pyro technique to the point of being able to pierce multiple enemies at the same time with minimal movements. That’s why, after Leonard Burns left, Huo Yan Li became the new captain of the Special Fire Force Company 1.

fire force

Fire Force

Release Date

July 6, 2019

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