Most Brutal Deaths In Novocaine

Most Brutal Deaths In Novocaine
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  • Novocaine delivers intense action with brutal injuries and horrific kills, surpassing Love Hurts and Heart Eyes.
  • The plot unfolds as bank robbers, a heroic detective, and a lead character named Nathan face intense sequences.
  • Ben’s gruesome death involving a gun from a deep fryer and Simon’s unique demise with a bone through his throat stand out.

There have been some brutal action movies this year like Love Hurts along with graphic horror movies like Heart Eyes. Novocaine joins the roster in action so intense at times, that viewers may be forced to look away. Love Hurts and Heart Eyes have some pretty gnarly kills in them, but Novocaine has some horrific injuries.


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That’s because the central star, Nathan Caine, has a disease that doesn’t allow him to feel pain. He is put through the wringer in Novocaine with too many maim and wounds to list.

WARNING! Spoilers ahead!



Don’t Be A Hero

Bank Robber Santas in Novocaine

Nigel is the bank manager at the place where Nathan works. He seems to be a good enough boss but things come to a head when bank robbers storm around Christmas. They’re all dressed up as Santas and demand Nigel give them the bank code. Even though a gun is in his face, Nigel refuses to give them the code.

In a bank robbery, no one should ever try being a hero as that can get more people killed. Nigel finds out the hard way when he accidentally sees one of the robbers’ faces, thus forcing their hand to shoot him. It’s just a gunshot, but the impact is brutal as the blood gets all over Sherry and they zoom in on the corpse. When Sherry is threatened next, Nathan caves and opens the vault.


Detective Duffy

Too Good For This World

Detective Langston and Detective Duffy in Novocaine

Detective Duffy and Detective Langston are the two lead detectives in this bank robbery case. Even though Duffy is a bit more laid back, he does his best to back up his partner throughout the movie. He has quite the hero moment when he saves Sherry and Nathan from Simon, thinking he killed him. Unfortunately, his shot did not kill Simon and he instead took his revenge on Duffy with a shot to the neck.


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It’s a bit strange that no one checked the body after Duffy shot Simon otherwise this wouldn’t have happened. There was time too as an ambulance had arrived already to treat Nathan. While it’s not as graphic as Nigel’s wound, it is shocking and sad after Duffy had played the hero. His death at least motivated Langston to skirt the law and help Roscoe and Sherry out to save Nathan after Simon escaped.



From Fryer With Love

Ben in Novocaine

Ben is one of the bank robbers and gets cornered in an alleyway after Nathan pursues him in a stolen cop car. A chase ensues in this alleyway followed by a fight in a kitchen. Nathan is completely winging it, having not been in a fight before. He still thinks he can innocently get information out of Ben to save Sherry but he is gravely mistaken.

Ben is not some down-on-his-luck kind of criminal. He’s a hardened soldier turned bank robber and he does not care about what he has to do to survive. After a scuffle, Nathan finds an opportunity and grabs a gun out of the deep fryer, scarring his hand like he was turning into Freddy Krueger from the A Nightmare on Elm Street series. Nathan only meant to threaten Ben again but a shot fires off and Ben dies while covered in flour. This is followed by Nathan puking on him which is the disgusting cherry on top.



That’s Some Headlock

Andre and Nathan in Novocaine

Andre does not get it as bad as Nathan during their fight in Ben’s house even though he’s the one that dies. To rewind, Ben is Andre’s brother, and Nathan initially goes there to find out where Sherry is. Unfortunately, it’s booby-trapped like a newer version of Home Alone making Nathan suffer multiple wounds before Andre gets there in pursuit of Ben.


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Andre ties Nathan up and begins to torture him first starting by twisting his arrow wound in his leg followed by pulling out Nathan’s fingernails. Thanks to Roscoe’s intervention, Nathan can defend himself. The fight ends when Nathan squeezes Andre in-between his knees. Nathan then shoves the arrow further into his leg, through Andre’s head, and into his other leg. It’s the first non-gun-related death in the movie and it’s certainly a grim one.



Bad To The Bone

Simon in Novocaine

As the leader of the Santa criminals, it’s only fitting that Simon has the most bizarre death. Unlike the previous two bank robbers, Simon is a little on edge and enjoys killing. He’s also more skilled, turning every attempt Nathan makes at hurting him into a joke. He even breaks Nathan’s arm, with the bone popping up, before pursuing his sister Sherry.

When he’s about to kill Sherry, Nathan shows up again to save the day. How does Nathan finally kill Simon? By stabbing him in the throat with the bone from his broken arm. It’s a move straight from Wolverine’s playbook back when he still had bone claws. It’s certainly a unique way to kill someone in an action movie and this time Nathan didn’t puke.



Release Date

March 14, 2025


110 Minutes


Dan Berk, Robert Olsen

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