How to Perform a Violent Gale in Rise of the Ronin

How to Perform a Violent Gale in Rise of the Ronin
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Rise of the Ronin is an action RPG that takes gamers back to the 19th century, facing foes on all sides of a war-torn Japan as a rogue Ronin looking for their Twin Blade.

Players initially choose a fighting style to be proficient in, but they can fight with any weapon. Getting better with weapons unlocks new powerful combos, but some can be tricky to master. The Violent Gale is a move that allows players to switch between fighting styles mid-attack. Those having trouble landing it can use this guide to learn how to perform a Violent Gale successfully in Rise of the Ronin.


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How to Perform a Violent Gale in Rise of the Ronin

Rise of the Ronin Violent Gale

The combat in Rise of the Ronin is fast-paced and gruesome. Players get to choose a Blade Origin that influences their starting skills and weapon proficiencies. Each weapon also has several combo variations and movesets based on Combat Styles and weapon level. Combos are powerful moves that deal more damage and have special animations.

Combat Styles are unlocked as players defeat certain bosses or work with major NPCs. Players can check their weapon levels from the Combat Style menu to see their unlocked moves and styles. All primary weapons can have up to three Combat Styles equipped, and you can switch between Combat Styles mid-attack with a Violent Gale.

Rise of the Ronin: How To Unlock All Combat Styles

Violent Gales are all about timing. Players will need to input the commands to do the move right after they start their attack. Press the following keys to do a Violent Gale:

  • F / E + F (PC)
  • R1 + R (Console)

As you click the right analog stick, move it down, left, or right to choose the consecutive Combat Style your character will perform.

Rise of the Ronin Combat Styles Violent Gale

On a successful hit, players will do a multi-attack combo as they shift from one Combat Style to another. Additionally, Violent Gales fill players’ Blood Gauge, which allows their attacks to have different effects on enemies.

Changing combat stances and moves is a solid technique against Formidable Foes and in Boss fights. Formidable Foes and Bosses have unique attacks and defenses that certain Combat Styles can break through.

See below for a table outlining Combat Styles:

Combat Style

Proficient Weapons

Kyoshin Meichi-ryu

Shinto Munen-ryu

US Training


Tennen Rishin-ryu

  • Greatsword
  • Katana
  • Paired Swords
  • Odachi

Kiheitai Style

Hokushin Itto-ryu


Shinto Munen-ryu

Yagyu Shingake-ryu



Ninten Ichi-ryu

Rise of the Ronin Tag Page Cover Art

Action RPG





March 22, 2024


Mature 17+ // Blood and Gore, Language, Violence


Sony Interactive Entertainment

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