Completing quests in Hello Kitty Island Adventure is essential, especially if you want to unlock new features or get your hands on new items. In order to obtain the Island Champion Trophy, you’ll need to complete five quests, ultimately ending with The Final Challenge.

In this guide, we are going to take a look at how to complete The Final Challenge in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. This will cover how to locate the Golden Challenge, which can be a bit confusing to find. We’ll also go over what you can do with the rewarded trophy that you get from completing The Final Challenge.
Requirements To Start The Final Challenge
The requirements to start The Final Challenge simply involve completing the four previous quests, which you can find listed below.
- Island Champions
- Magma Master
- Secret Haunts
- Chococat’s Tremendous Trivia
One day after Chococat’s Tremendous Trivia, you can begin The Final Challenge. To do this, speak with Tophat at the beach, who will tell you to meet everyone at Gemstone Town. You can quickly teleport to the mailbox here and speak with him again.
How To Find A Golden Challenge
After speaking with Tophat in Gemstone Town, you’ll learn about the final step, which is to find Golden Challenge. There is only one of these, and it will be hidden in boulders found around Gemstone Mountain. To get it, you’ll need to break the boulder.
Rather than heading to a specific location, the Golden Challenge is located in a random boulder. This means that you will need to run around Gemstone Mountain to find a boulder.
If you break a boulder without the Golden Challenge, a random item may be there. For example, the first boulder that we broke didn’t have a Golden Challenge; instead, it contained a Chocolate Coin.
We suggest starting by searching the area around Gemstone Town. There are several boulders in the area that may contain the Golden Challenge. We found the statue in a boulder to the left of the small pond south of the Gemstone Town mailbox.
Overall, just walk through the Gemstone Town paths until you come across a boulder. If the boulder doesn’t have the Golden Challenge, keep searching for a bit longer and you are bound to find it.
How To Complete The Final Challenge
After obtaining the Golden Challenge, head back to the center of Gemstone Town and talk with Big Challenges to end the search. From here, you’ll be directed back to the Seaside Resort beach (where Tophat and Big Challenges typically stand).
Head here and talk to Tophat for a final time. Upon doing so, a little cutscene will begin, and Tophat will hand out all the rewards. Even though you literally didn’t win a single challenge, you still participated in all of them; this will make you the final winner!
As a reward, you’ll get the Island Champion Trophy.
What To Do With The Island Champion Trophy
Your new trophy is an item that can be placed in cabins as a decoration. The Island Champion Trophy has the Quest and Sports tags. The Golden Challenges statues that you collected will also be placeable. This includes the seven from Magma Master and the single statue that you found during The Final Challenge.

Hello Kitty Island Adventure: How To Find Sakura
Sakura are beautiful pink flowers that you can find in Hello Kitty Island Adventure. Here, you can learn how to get them.
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